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Found 7 results

  1. Hi We bought a house, last May in Norfolk. We don't live in it. It was bought with our inheritance to retire to one day. In the meantime we rent one 140 miles away that we live in as we can't afford to retire yet. Our house in Norfolk was bought with the intention of renting it out until we can move in about 4 years time. We had some work to do in the house to make it fit for tenants, and we (wrongly as it happens) thought we would be liable for capital gains tax if we rented it in the first 6 months, so knew it wouldn't be tenanted straight away. We have finally got a tenant, with the contracts ready and signed to move in at Easter. When it came to insuring it, it was hard work. Because we didn't live there, but it wasn't a holiday home, and it didn't have a tenant in yet. We went through 'Your Insurance' online and filled in the forms to be given an appropriate policy. They placed our policy with Churchills, who sent us out the paperwork, which we checked through and that was that. The one point that stood out was that the house must NOT be left vacant for more than 14 days. It wasn't an issue though, because of the work and decorating that needed doing we've been there pretty much every other weekend working. Fast forward to the beginning of March and the ball valve in the water tank in the loft snapped. It wasn't the cold weather, it was simply the valve gave up the ghost. My neighbour called me within 2 hours of this happening and I was able to have the water turned off and the rest of the tank drained. Sadly though we lost all the upstairs ceilings, the carpets and the electrics were a mess. We called Your Insurance who had an answer phone message at the time, due to the high level of calls they were receiving because of the cold weather. It instructed people to start interim work and send email copies of bills to them. For us it was simply getting the remains of the wet stuff out to stop any more damage occuring, which we did immediately. A few days later and we finally get though to Your Insurance. Within 3 hours they told us our insurance was invalid because we'd 'told them we had a tenant in place'. Apparently we did this via a phone call. As such, because there was no tenant then our insurance was invalid. Boom. They wouldn't actually go to Churchill with it as they said it wasn't valid. I actually commented on Churchills page about the Brokers they had selling their policies and we were given a number to call them directly, which we did. They went off to investigate, including the phone call and promised to come back to us within 4 days. 4 days later they called, and told us there was no record of this phone call, but we had clicked the wrong button on a drop down menu. They apologise for the mistake and say it may have been date inputted wrongly! Therefore we were still an invalid claim. We have checked and rechecked our policy and there is literally nothing about it being tenanted or us telling them we had a tenant in there. They have now told us they base their policies on 'assumptions' and sent us a list of these 'assumptions'. Again, we've breached none! They claim though that this 'compromises the integrity of the contract of Insurance' and this is sufficient to 'void' the policy. So now it's not 'invalid' it's just 'void' like it never happened! They seem to move the goalposts every time we prove them wrong. I have a £200 electric bill for the last quarter, I have receipts from shops in the immediate vicinity, I have so much evidence that this house was not abandoned, but they don't want to see it. More worrying they have told us have 'voided the policy for both properties from inception' which is odd. We only have one property! The one we live in is rented, however our contents insurance is through them as well on this one. We've always made sure we have insurance and in 20 years we've made 2 claims. 1 in 2005, for a broken front door on the buildings, and 1 this year when our garage was broken into and my partners fishing gear was stolen. Both relatively small claims. It feels now that they're trying to discredit us in anyway possible and I don't quite now when or how to approach the ombudsman or if its worth it?
  2. Hello everyone. Apologies If Posted in wrong place Builder by trade. Long story short. My van was broken into Tuesday night and they totally wiped us out took everything. We phoned the police etc did everything right. Knocked on neighbours doors for cctv. I had a bike in the back which I’d literally purchased that day left in there until I could hide it for Christmas. I knew I had insurance for personal possessions upto 200 rang my insurance company provided proof of receipt crime number etc. They then told me I was insured for tools in transit well I was made up as I didn’t realise and my stess levels decreased a little. Went through everything no problem. Then I recieve a phone call from the fraud department informing us that our van is a Cat C didn’t know. And there’s a MS90 on driving licence and they voided our insurance and claim. Which is understandable I guess. we rang DVLA and these points went on in January for failure to provide information but it was provided even got a letter to say there is a back log and heard nothing since until a pink letter arrived from court which does not mention anything about points or a fine it’s a further step notice. I rang the court immediately and made appointment to do statutory declaration unfortunately I suffered ill health and advised the court I was told where to send email and head it urgent saying I couldn’t attend as I suffer from anxiety and high blood pressure. heard nothing since I just presumed I would receive a new court date. Not the case apparently the case was heard and I received a hefty 812.00 fine and 6 points as to which I was totally unaware of until yesterday I’ve explained all this to insurance. I was totally unaware they just voided my insurance unless I can prove this. I’ve spoke to DVLA they told me they don’t send letters and I spoke to the court now awaiting another appointment. first question. If points were put on my licence how was it done. I was never asked for it how was the insurance unaware if points went on in January and I didn’t insure until march. DVLA said this should of flagged up how do I prove I was totally unaware as I was I’m currently unable to work due to no tools and unable to insure my vehicle not only due a voided policy but the fact I can’t work. I’ve paid my insurance. Contents and tools insurance and they’ve just voided only explanation I didn’t disclose information. How can I disclose information I didn’t have. Any help appreciated currently seriously stressed out
  3. Hi all I hope you all had a good xmas and wish you all a happy new year. I had my claim for motor insurance voided because the insurers said I hadn't told them I had a driving conviction (sp30), I know for a fact that on my initial online application and in subsequent phone calls, I did declare my speeding conviction. I need to be able to get copies of all and any audio or recorded conversation between myself and the insurers, what us the best process to achieve this, and are there fees to pay? Many thanks Moonlandings
  4. Hi all! First time posting so apologies for any mistakes or customs i dont adhere to. My Samsung S7 worked like a dream up until about two months ago when it started freezing. Now at the time i put it down to a faulty app (Spotify being the only one i had recently installed back then i assumed it was that) i deleted the app done a cache wipe the usual recommended steps. as the weeks went by it started happening more and more frequently until last monday when my phone would not turn on at all it just kept getting stuck on the SAMSUNG logo screen. it would get to there .heat up really bad shut off and repeat until the battery died. On the rare 5 minute occasion i did get the phone on it would shut off with a purple line across the screen. F Since i only got my phone last April it was still under warranty i arranged with samsung for the repair , they came collected etc got the phone back today and on the repair sheet it said out of warranty repair not completed ( i have attached an image of the sheet they gave me). I rang samsung and the lady i spoke to said that the reason the phone is out of warranty is because of the scratch on the front and back of phone (see attached images) and that it if i paid £210 they would repair and restore my warranty. My issue is that the scratch on the front and crack on the back glass would not have been what has made the phone break infact i got those scratches and cracks last summer months before any issues surfaced. Any advice on how to procede with this? I feel like they have just took any easy way out of repairing it because they dont expect me to contest it with them. Thanks in advance for any help you all can give me!
  5. Hello everyone. Recently (9 Jun) i bought myself car insurance from Sky insurance, who insured me with Markerstudy group. On Wednesday(15 Jun) I received letter saying my insurance has been voided due to "details used to take out this policy match against multiple policies which have already been cancelled or voided by us due to suspicious activity". I thought its some sort of mistake since I am a learner driver and it was my first car insurance. Today(17 Jun) after couple phone calls I managed to obtain information that the policy was voided because my mother who was named driver on the policy had previously had her policy cancelled which i didn't disclosed when adding her as a named driver. This was surprising for me as I took all her details from her current insurance confirmation which states that she never had any insurance voided or cancelled. after finding and going through all the past insurance paperwork, I found out that in July 2014, IGO4 had cancelled her insurance because she failed to provide them with scans of her driving licence, which had to be done through some form on their website. My mum claims that she uploaded images twice( after buying the insurance, and after receiving letter about missing documents) through the website they provided, apparently it was some system error on their part and they said that this was their error and this cancellation will be removed from the databases. But since it was a phone conversation I don't have any proofs of that. my mum has policy for her car, where it states she never had any cancellations, she is named driver on my dads car, where it also states she has no cancellations, and I got my insurance cancelled because I didn't disclose information about this cancellation. This voided insurance has bumped up the prices for my insurance from about £500 to £3,500 according to gocompare, and since it is my very first car insurance, I need help as I don't even know who i should call now to try to explain this. Thanks
  6. I have had my recent car insurance voided from inception by Direct Line and I am not happy with this as I have been given incorrect information by my previous insurers which has contributed to this happening. Here is a background to what has happened. I purchased car insurance from Octagon insurance on 12/11/2012 and at that time had 5 years NCB not protected. During this policy I had a fault accident on 31/10/2013 which I notified them of and had no further communication on the matter. I requested proof of my no claims some time after the policy had ended as my car was off the road at the time and I wanted to re insure the car. The document they sent me stated I had 6 years NCB not protected so it looked like no claim had been made as my NCB was not reduced. On the 4/6/14 I purchased insurance through the broker Sure Thing, the insurer was Highway. I had a fault accident on the 23/6/14 which I notified them of and had no further communication regarding this. I had my renewal come through from Sure Thing for the 4/6/15 and my NCB not protected had now increased to 7 years so I decided to renew. The following 12 months were incident free and I received my renewal for 4/6/16 and it stated I now had 8 years NCB, my renewal price from Sure Thing had increased so I decided to get some quotes online. After going on a few comparison sites and the Direct Line site I decided to purchase a policy from Direct Line starting on 4/6/16. On the application I put in the 8 years NCB and the at fault accidents/no claims made. As my NCB was not affected surely this means there could not of been any claims was what I thought. On the 12/08/2016 I received a letter from Direct Line asking me to contact them due to discrepancies in the information I have provided to what they have obtained. So I phoned the policy validation number and the man basically said there were claims for both incidents. He then accused me of knowing about this as I had done some quotes on comparison sites with a claim made which they had track of. I did do various quotes but this was purely out of curiosity to see what the price would have been if claims had of been made. I can see how this looks and they have now used this against me. On the 22/08/16 I had a text message from Direct Line saying that my car insurance with them is now declared void from inception. So Octagon and Sure thing have provided me with incorrect information and Direct Line have now voided my insurance as they think it was done deliberately. I still have the paperwork from Octagon and Sure Thing to show my NCB increasing from 6 years to 8 years with it not being reduced which is what would of usually happened if a claim was made and successful. As it stands I now have a void policy and I am unsure what the status of my NCB paperwork is now. If I had been given the correct information from my previous insurers then this would not have happened. This seems very unfair and unreasonable to me and I need some help and advice on where to go from here.
  7. Hi Guys I was involved in an accident a couple of months back, where a lady driver reversed into my parked car. We exchanged details etc, but a few weeks later I got a letter from my Insurance company suggesting that the 3rd party driver is claiming the accident was my fault and that she is also pursuing a PI claim (Typical opportunist)! The investigations are ongoing and I have defended my case, providing my insurance company with pictures of her vehicle etc. and so far it is my word against hers... However, yesterday I received a letter from my insurance company saying that my insurance is in doubt and could be voided, due to them recently finding , via DVLA, out that my car's registered keeper and the main insurance policy holder are two different people. i.e. Registered keeper lives in Oxford, and Main Insurance policyholder (Me) lives in London. They are correct. The registered keeper is my Cousin brother in Oxford. BUT, does having registered keeper and policyholder as 2 different people void my insurance??? That is my Question! and why did they search now?? My suspicion is that they are trying to worm their way out of 'paying out' on the claim on the above recent accident!!!! and this would be a real concern, as not only will they void my insurance and I will not get my insurance money back, but also in the event that the ongoing accident claim settles n Her favour (e.g. if she produces fake witnesses etc) then does this mean that I wasn't insured at time of accident and therefore could become a police/court matter??? Please Help, I am really worried! Advice required!!!!! John
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