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Found 6 results

  1. The relief and grief of a child being diagnosed with autism I missed this last night, did anyone see it ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-35820081 Why I wonder are there so many diagnoses of Autism or is this something that has largely gone unnoticed until more recently ? One family has 3 children, all diagnosed with this !
  2. 10,098 in arrears on a 35k mortgage. It's my parents mortgage, they've had a warrant for possession. They offered Santander 18 days ago a proposal, they look 14 days before they acknowledged it and I went higher. Eventually they turned it down because of constant promises to pay missed payments etc. They've left us with 5 days to find a solicitor 2 of which are the weekend. My dad has been off sick for q considerable amount of time, meaning they only had my mothers state pension coming in. He was tired and signed off tests revealed immune thrombocytopenia. He's still on medication but can go back to work. Myself and my partner have moved in and will be paying £370 towards the mortgage. We have offered £2500 down payment, £750 a month on the arrears and the contractual payment each month. I can prove we can afford this, not only that we should be able to clear the arr are in October from money in their Greek bank account. I've explained this in the application. However the stress has recently caused me to miscarry and I'm terrified. They've already had one cancelled by Eversheds and I'm worried the judge will jus flick it out straight away. My dad has appointments with the haematology department on Tuesday and can't attend my Mother has anxiety disorders and can't either. If I contact the court do you think I could attend as a litigation friend? Also I would like some realistic thoughts on the outcome of this, if it's highly likely he's going to throw my case out 2 days before the actual eviction date id like to know now. I did say on the end of the application if not possible to suspend please allow time to find alternative. We have two children under two living here.
  3. Hello all, A bit late in the day on this one, but I bought two vehicles on the 4th December last year (one to keep and the other to be repaired and sold on) from the same seller. Both vehicles were moved to a private road (both were not on the road due to engine faults, so could not be driven) with one outside my mechanics garage on that road awaiting repair and the other in a private parking space. Both vehicles came without V5's, so I sent off at the same time a cheque for both with the forms V62 & V890 to SORN them in the post (only way you can do it without the V5's apparently). Both vehicles were then spotted as untaxed and lifted on the 10th December 6 days later. To get them released out of the impound I didn't argue or appeal as that would have just racked up more storage fees each day and in between the owner lcoated the aforementioned V5's amongst his paperwork and posted them onto me, too late then of course!! So, I am in court for having an unsorned vehicle on a public highway this Tuesday morning. I appealed the initial fine stating that the two relevant forms were sent off and this was rejected. Surely there must be a reasonable time to get a SORN in to them. Also, they have never provided proof that they received my documents either or acknowledged them. Is it best to just plead guilty with mitigating circumstances?
  4. hi everyone im new to this site so apologies now if i make a mistake i will try and keep it short. basically we took our mortgage out 15 years ago all has been fine until last oct just before then my husbands work of 21 years suddenly closed he found a new job but half the salary and we had to buy an old banger for him to commute ( used to have company car ) i also stopped work due to severe artheritis we fell behind with payments and also are in trouble with payday loans. i have written to accord many times with offer of payment but they never reply we had a letter asking for(yet!) another income an expenditure an offer of payment before june15 an they would only go for sus repo i did this sent recorded delivery but we couldnt attend court and they were granted repossession had a letter today we are being evicted tues please help? sorry for rambling !!have five years left to run if that helps
  5. A major study by consumer group Which? found that Tuesdays are the cheapest day of the week to fly out of Britain, and travelling midweek can save people a significant sum of money. For outbound flights Tuesday was, on average, the cheapest day to fly with the three biggest airlines in the UK. Flights with EasyJet from London Gatwick to Alicante on a Friday were, on average, 35 per cent or £28 more expensive than a Tuesday. Which? found flying on a Sunday was, on average, the most expensive day to return home. Return flights with EasyJet from London Gatwick to Alicante on Sundays were, on average, 45 per cent or £56 more expensive than Thursdays. The study also revealed that as well as cheaper days, there were cheaper times of the day to fly, though this varied across different airlines. BA's cheapest outbound flights were before 7.30am in the morning. However, outbound flights with EasyJet between 5.45am and 11am in the mornings were their most expensive. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/aviation/9501573/Flying-Its-cheapest-to-catch-a-plane-on-a-Tuesday.html#
  6. Hello all. I hope someone can give me a bit of advice as I am trying to help someone who has got themselves in a right pickle. I'll give the background firstand then the current situation if that's ok. Please bear with me if I ramble on but tryingto give as much details as possible up front. An ex of mine from many year's ago has a repossession date for this comingTuesday at 10.15am. I have remained extremely close and we are more like siblings than friends, indeed I am Godfather to her children aged 6 and 3. She has a first mortgage with Birmingham Midshire for £182,500 which is up to date. She also has a secured loan from GE money which was originally for £35,000 but now stands at around £55,000. When she took out this loan she was still with the father of her two children and there were two incomes in to the household. However shortly after discovering she was pregnant in early 2009 the father walked out. She effectively went in to breakdown and stopped making payments on any bills and stopped working or even claiming benefits she was entitled to. Both companies applied seperately for repossession in August 2009. She cleared the arrears with BM but GE just cancelled their repossession. Foolishly she did not make any payments on this account but continued payments to BM. Head in sand syndrome because she says theywere asking her to repay more than she could afford. Currently she has not made a repayment since April 2009 and has arrears of £15,500 plus fees of £7,500. She finally came to me in desparation and explained the situation last week. I got her permission to speak directly with GE and have done so last week to try and resolve the issue. The property would only make £190,000 as a distressed sale so with fees and BM's first charge there is nothing left in the property for GE should they repossess but they do not seem to care. I have offered to maintain the payments and even pay off the arrears over 4 years but they still refused. I even tested them further and offerred a lump sum of half of the arrears which I could pay on Dec 1st from my annual bonus plus £500 per month against a payment of £329. Again they refused saying that the entire arrears plus fees had to be cleared. What little I do know was that you can't repossess for fees only arrears and pointed that out and they backed down. I also pointed out on her statement that they have taken £650 of payments against fees already which I didn't think they could and questioned. They told me I was mistaken even though I had it in writing in front of me. I have a well paid job and ( not bragging so please don't hold it against me) take home over £4,000 per month. Realistically I could go as high as £1,000 per month to clear her arrears I suppose. back to the breakdown part. SHe struggled through and after much persuasion from family and friends she finally went to her GP about her state of mind in April 2012. She was immediately referred for ongoing cognitive therapy treatment and prescribed anti depressants which she is still receiving. I made GE aware of this and they wanted proof. I got her permission and sent through the documents by fax which GE mysteriously said did not arrive! that is the situation and I have an N244 in front of me that I am going to go to court with first thing in the morning to await a hearing. What line should I take on this? Would it be worthwhile pretending that we are in a relationship so my income could be taken into consideration or would my current offerto give her the money suffice? If a repossession does take place I am really worried that this may push her over the edge of what is already a strained existance for her and her children. All help greatly appreciated and sorry for such short notice. Finally if I am in the wrong place and anyone knows where would be better to ask please let me know. Many thanks Ian
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