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Found 6 results

  1. Through their error they took money out of my credit card account and sent it to someone else's credit card. They have admitted it was their error after three months. They refuse to give me the money back! They haven't received it from the credit card company they erroneously sent it to so they won't pay me back. Do I have rights?
  2. Today my wife received a package from Drydens with a copy of an application to remove a stay and proceed in court. It was stayed on the 28th Dec 2013 after they never came back to court following sending our defence. Brief outline wife got cancer credit card unhelpful when couldn't pay so didn't pay. Sygma bank wouldn't supply information asked for and issued default. drydens also wouldn't supply info but eventually supplied copy of agreement which we noticed although signed by my wife it was unsigned by the bank. I am defending the case under POA as my wife is still having treatment and is suffering from depression. We were defending on the agreement unsigned by the bank and not being supplied with evidence of the debt. Today I noticed the copy of the default notice drydens enclosed is different to the actual default notice we received. They are even dated 2 days apart. Also does a default notice have to tell you the outstanding balance?. I have attached both notices.
  3. I had a credit card from sygma on which I owe £2335. they obtained a ccj on 1 April and interim charging order on 17th May. I am in the process of declaring bankruptcy and have now received a notice of a full charging application to be heard in court on 14th July. I have been receiving financial advice re: bankruptcy, and have been advised to pay this before the bankruptcy. I have the £700 for the bankruptcy. Should I write now and offer £700 and the rest instalments? Also should I ask them to accept my offer in writing and put that when it is paid they will fully remove the charge from the land registry and clear the debt from my file? Is there anything else I should specify? Thank you.
  4. My first post here, so please bear with me... I have been out of work now for just over a year, when I had taken out my debts, I was in a well-paid job and could comfortably afford the repayments. My circumstances changed when I had to give up work and I was no longer able to afford my minimum payments - debts totalled 17k over 4 CCs and 1 loan. Contacted StepChange who helped me put together my I&E forms to send out and all but one accepted my token offer of £1 payment - Sygma (or Creation Finance). They have been a nightmare from day one - I've been harassed on the phone by them and had to send a letter asking them to remove my number under the DPA. Then they were wanting to know the details of what car my husband owned - when I explained to them that it was my sole debt and that I had taken out the CC before we even met, let alone got married, they weren't interested and accused me of being deliberately evasive. I used to call them up, but they were like attack dogs on the phone and one guy in particular called me a liar and said that my husband could probably cover my debts, but I was being deliberately unhelpful to them (his words were, 'some people genuinely need our help and some people just want to get out of paying their way ). He got really nasty, I had a good cry after I'd come off the phone and I'm not an overly emotional person. Fast forward to now, they are asking to see 3 months of wage slips (I don't work), 3 months of bank statements and any claims of benefits I receive. I told them that I have no wage slips, and any benefits we receive go into my husband's account as a joint claim (we only get child benefit and a small amount of CTC). As for the bank statements, I asked StepChange and they effectively told me to inform them to go whistle. Sygma replied today, saying that they need 3 months' worth of my bank statements, as well as 3 months' worth of my husband's bank statements, because that is where our benefit payments go. If I don't then they will continue to apply interest, default charges etc. to my account which will result in the balance increasing to unmanageable amounts and will be passed on to a DCA or followed up with court proceedings. If you've got this far, well done. Question is, what do I do next? There's about £25 in my bank account, but my husband has said that they'll see his bank statements over his dead body. I wouldn't mind if he was on a footballer's wage, but we're downsizing to a new house next month as we're just about breaking even each month where we are at the moment, so it's not like we have loads of spare cash between us. Any advice?
  5. Hi I have/had a credit card with Creation/sygma bank. This was done in the MK One store where I used to live as a student. Obviously being a student, and absolutely skint, I thought "ooh free money" - How stupid!! Things with the card got out of hand, and Im not even sure how much I used it, owed in total: anthing!! other than I never paid it, and a few ears later after being chased by Lowell Portfolio, I owed £736.33 After a few letters back and forth, and a lot of help from you guys, I eventually got them to stop contacting me, as Id asked for a copy of the original credit agreement, which the were unable to obtain. So in effect, the debt was written off. I haven't heard from them since.http://http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?275340-Lowell-Portfolio-1&highlight=nishi Im wondering whether there is any point chasing the PPI on this account, or whether, due to the debt being wiped, that its best just to leave sleeping dong lie as it were...
  6. Hi Everyone, User name says it all really! Will try to be brief, if that's possible. Separated from Husband earlier on this year, ended up being treated for depression, at this point in time, was juggling all my debts to try and stay afloat After a while, I just gave up, and stopped paying everyone, didnt answer phone or open mail Started to open mail a couple of weeks back, and found a claim form for a Credit Card. It scared me, so I hid it away, and ignored it. Decided today, that I need to do something about it, but, form is due in today!! I owe the money, I'm not disputing that, but I don't have the funds to pay it all in one go. Spoke to the court, who said they will get Judgement by default, so I take it, there isn't much I can do now? Thank You for reading Stupid
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