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Found 3 results

  1. hi all i took a contract out in sep 2016, couldnt use it, called to send back but they said i'd had it over 2 weeks so no. i never paid anything and forgot about it as they didnt take my compliant serious. they in november 2017 i they put a default on my file. just wondering if i have any recourse to get it took off or anything? Thanks in advance
  2. Has anyone else encountered this? Wonga take their repayment in several smaller amounts on one day. Add them up to find they have taken an extra penny ?
  3. Hi I would appreciate some advice. I recently signed up to CPP and this includes access to my credit file. I checked my credit file and noticed a default for money owed to Virgin Media. I found this very strange as I've not been a Virgin customer for many years. So I called Virgin and they told me I owed them 1 penny since 2007 and this is why it was on my credit file. They were very "sorry" and said they will credit my account with 1 penny but they cannot remove the default notice. Is there anything I can do about this?
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