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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, I'm planning to send a SAR to HSBC on behalf of a friend who holds a credit card, a current account, a savings account and a loan account with them. My friend lives in Jersey, where all dealings with HSBC have been conducted. Can anyone please confirm if a single SAR is sufficient to cover all of the above accounts and the correct address to which it should be forwarded, given the location being Jersey and I am unsure whether or not banks fall under the same legal jurisdiction and share the same administration offices as do those in the UK, or are classed as separate entities? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi everyone, Please can anyone advise how I might make contact with this firm (which I think has been "taken over") and claim for mis-sold PPI, as I took out a £14,000 loan from them a good few years back and was told I had to pay for PPI or the loan would not be granted (they said they wanted to be sure they would be repaid, whatever happened to me and/or my circumstances). Also, I was self-employed so probably couldn't have claimed, anyway. But I have no paperwork, anymore. Thank you. Jib
  3. Hi Only bought my car last week and am travelling to Jersey on Wednesday. Just a bit worried about not having the V5, which I won't receive in time. Anyone ever been asked to produce the document? Would the purchase receipt for the car suffice? Also, do I need GB sticker? Thanks
  4. Hi I was wondering if someone can help please. I have been trying to claim PPI refunds for my loans that I have with the Associates (Capital) Jersey Ltd. They date back as far as December 1999. I have 2 original agreements, and the rest are R62 forms on Associates Capital letter head. The R62 forms were requirements for tax returns in Jersey. They quote the associates account number and the amount of interest paid for that year. I have been sending letters for the past 2 years and have had no luck whatsoever. I believe The Associates were taken over in 2001 by Citi Financial Europe PLC, and therefore would have taken over their loan book at this date. I even have a letter from CitiFinancial (Jersey) Ltd which quotes the associates account number. This was dated February 2004 Citi Financial say they can't find my details. On several occasions I have sent them passports, bank statements etc proving my name and address. I have also requested information from them about my accounts by providing all of my addresses I lived at in Jersey. I have rung the only number that seems to be provided and end up talking to a call centre in the Philippines who say they can't put me through to anyone and to write a letter. I have written several and I am just not getting a conclusive outcome. I have also tried emailing the crt email address, and even though the email doesn't bounce back I never get a response I have also tried the Financial ombudsmen and they say they can't help as the loan originated in Jersey even though it was taken over by Citi Financial it is out of their jurisdiction.. I now live in New Zealand so it is now proving a lot harder to communicate. I am thinking about sending a courier to the CEO of Citi Financial because apparently registered delivery you can't trace. It will cost me about GBP30 so I hope this works Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated many thanks Sharon
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