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Found 6 results

  1. This is also in our Media holiday and travel forum. From the BBC. Jeremy Clarkson will have to take a break from work for "quite some time" after contracting pneumonia, the TV presenter has said in a statement. The Grand Tour presenter was admitted to hospital on Friday after falling ill while on a family holiday in Majorca. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-40846356
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health Without getting into political arguments, I would be interested to know how people feel about the target time being applicable only to the more serious of health issues ? It is my belief that more and more people are using A&E as an out of hour GP service - or when they cannot get a GP appointment in good time - but where the issues are not 'emergencies'
  3. Where are these silly rumours coming from. He can't do anything on his own, he would be the leader of a party and anything done would be by consent of parliament. The things being said make his role seem dictatorial, he will be the sole ruler.
  4. My instinct is telling me that Jeremy Corbyn will not last a year as Labour leader. He just does not have the support of enough Labour MP's and quite often states views which even his shadow cabinet does not agree with. At some point Jeremy will come to a conclusion that it is not possible for him to continue as leader, because some of his views are too different to his colleagues and he cannot change his long held views. I totally support Jeremys instincts that you should avoid war or violent reaction to criminals if at all possible, using the proper lawful processes to deal with situations, but sometimes this is just dreamland. You have to deal with the real world and not lead a party based on the fantasy world you would ideally want.
  5. I received this email today. Having much to thank the NHS for over the years, I would encourage caggers to sign the open letter and hold Jeremy Hunt to account - Have a look at this: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/Hunt-letter Jeremy Hunt has been announced as the new Health Secretary, replacing Andrew Lansley. This means he is now the minister responsible for the NHS, so it is really crucial that he understands just how important our NHS is. If enough of us sign the open letter telling him that we'll stand strong to protect our NHS, then he will realise that we mean business. Let's make it clear that we'll challenge him every step of the way if we need to. Please sign the open letter now: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/Hunt-letter Thank you all for your support. Remember - it is YOUR NHS.
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