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Found 2 results

  1. Where are these silly rumours coming from. He can't do anything on his own, he would be the leader of a party and anything done would be by consent of parliament. The things being said make his role seem dictatorial, he will be the sole ruler.
  2. british gas (now there is a misnomer if i have ever heard one..they are actually a french owned company) profits have risen by 23% in the last quarter, yet they are now saying that gas prices will have to rise again for the winter period! is it not now time for uk govt. to consider the renationalisation of all the utilities companies in the uk today. it is pretty obvious that we are now being bled dry by these companies, as prices rise year on year, all in the interest of shareholders and multinational companies. i do fear for our security of supply, and whether people can continue to absorb these hikes in prices that are year on year being put on us the paying customer. it is not like we actually have a choice, most of the big companies are very close to each other in price, and actually changing supplier can sometimes be more hassle than it is worth. we need in this country energy suppliers who are not totally reliant on making huge profits but are run by the people for the people
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