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Found 6 results

  1. Here goes... My son works for a national construction company as a trainee site agent. ( 2+ years). He was sent to a site as basically the site agent... Since august he has been asking for a laptop charger and a work mobile phone ( he's had these on every other site) Within the last month he has emailed his manager and told him he will no longer be using his phone minutes or his data and personal email for work... He was called in for an " informal" meeting about his conduct today ( letter he had said as our discussion on wednesday ( it was tuesday)!! At this informal meeting was his manager and the pa to the director she was taking the minutes.. During this meeting she chimed in gave her opinion and said she agreed with the manager!! Is she allowed to do this? Would a grievence be appropriate against her and the manager? there have been no problems with my sons conduct until he said he was no longer going to use his phone/'data/email. He has emails going back to at least august asking for a charger and phone so he can do his job. At the meeting today he was told the charger was at another site so he needed to go there for it and the p.a would chase up a working sim!! Whilst they decided what to do with him! sorry little bit annoyed.. any advice appreciated.
  2. Hiya all, Personally I think that the fine I've received is absolutely unjustifiable on the grounds that it was completely unclear, even clear in the opposite way, that this spot was restricted- and every colleague/friend/family member I've consulted has agreed. However I'd like to sense check that before I waste any more time dealing with the glacial process of formally appealing it now that the informal one has failed. I was parked at the end of a cul de sac, which had no signage about parking. There were double yellow lines alone the sides of the street, but they appear to me to visibly not cover the end of the street (indeed everyone else has come to this idea, as the end of this street is regularly full of cars parked at the end). As the PCN and the rejection of my informal appeal only mentioned double yellow lines, It can't be anything else. Hopefully everyone can see my attachments; the first two less grainy photos are some of the ones I took to demonstrate the situation, which I sent along with my informal appeal. Long dead end street, no obvious double yellow lines at the end, no signage banning parking The third grainy photo is to me the most damning photo they sent as evidence. Interestingly the white paint splodge of no clear meaning right next to my car that you can see in my photos looks as if it could be a double yellow line due to the angle of his photo. I'm sure that this was absolutely a coincidence and I have absolute faith in the traffic wardens honesty and integrity. Only a cynical person would suggest that he's deliberately misrepresented the situation. So what do people think? I'm currently waiting until the notice to owner arrives and plan to make a formal appeal, but if people think I was actually in the wrong then I'd rather not waste everyones time. additionaly I'd be grateful if anyone could answer the following: Can I make a formal appeal directly even though I'm not the registered owner of the vehicle? The "Notice to owner" apparently has to go to the owner, is there a limit on what representation I can make by myself?
  3. My colleague has been given a letter inviting him to a meeting to investigate 1) Inappropriate conduct and 2) Breaching of company confidentiality. He has asked what inappropriate conduct and what breach of company confidentiality he is supposed to have committed but they are refusing to tell him and he cannot think what it could be. He wants to go into the meeting forearmed with the information so he can defend his position. Can the company withhold this information before the meeting? It means he goes into the meeting very much on the back foot. Would be grateful for any help on this. Thank you.
  4. I have just noticed that the Bank of Ireland charge more for an informal overdraft request in Northern Ireland than they do in the rest of the U.K. When queried with BOI staff they have informed me that Northern Ireland is a separate jurisdiction from the U.K. Now I have checked and as far as international boundaries are aware Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom in short the BOI are discriminating against customers who reside in a different part of the UK. Letter sent today awaiting response, any assistance appreciated as always.
  5. Hi, I am new to this site and was wondering if I could draw on your collective wisdom with my query! I have had a HSBC account for a while and get charges of £50 when I go am overdrawn (i.e. as money goes out and comes in I may be a little overdrawn at time to time!) for this - I have recieved numerous charges and was wondering if it is possible to claim back these charges - which prob amount to several hundreds of pounds. 99% of the time the account has a healthy positive balance. Any templates on offer or any advise will be much appreciated!
  6. Hi, Could someone please clarify for me when an informal chat about a potential disciplinary issue, ceases to be informal. I have had an 'informal chat' today with my stores' Assistant Manager - something I knew was going to happen today, as she was off Sunday and I was off yesterday - over an issue that I am supposed to have done Friday night, which I was made aware of Saturday morning (although I believe I did not do anything wrong). Also present was another member of staff (someone I don't particularly want being party to this issue) who was there to take notes. I was refused representation as my AM told me this was an informal meeting and I was not entitled to representation. She also told me that a copy of these notes were to be sent to Head Office. I am extremely concerned that this is not correct procedure and that I am being treated incorrectly. Any help or advice with this will be greatly appreciated as I have been worried sick all weekend, and this has done nothing to alleviate that, especially as my AM now tells me that I will be having a disciplinary. Please help.
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