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Found 7 results

  1. I took a free trial of 30 days from CheckMyFile.Com on the 29th July 15 & Cancelled on 28th August 15 the 30th Day. on the 1st Sept they charged my account £8.99 making it go overdrawn, i noticed the next day & called them I explained that i cancelled on the 28th and my account is now overdrawn for which i will be charged i demanded a refund & the charges that i will incur, they agreed to refund the £8.99 but not the bank charges. They claim that i cancelled outside the 30 day period and refuse the accept liability for the charges. My question is are they right & as anyone else suffered a similar experience
  2. Afternoon All, This is just a general question really if anyone can maybe help it would be appreciated. I have just logged on to CheckMyFile as I have been using their online facility for the past few months to keep an eye on my Credit File as a couple of DCA's have started writing to me (I have so far ignored as they do not appear). Anyway I noticed that an account which was showing a couple of weeks ago was not showing today and it should be so I am a little surprised. I was wondering if anyone else uses CheckMyFile and if so if anyone has experienced this type of thing before(Or any other problems / issues for that matter)? I will leave it for a few days and then check again but I'm just curious for now. Thanks.
  3. Hmm Strange one. I joined Checkmyfile to run alongside Noddle because they offer extra info from Equifax etc. I keep up on the subscription etc and have no issues with the service until now. I was billed on the 7th April for £7.99 and i rang CS to cancel it as i was now going to stick with Noddle. They cancelled it etc and Offered a refund. Later that day a second payment was taken for £7.99 without my consent and the subscription reactivated with no input from myself etc Spoke to Natwest and they have confirmed it was under CPA Rules... I dont hold Natwest accountable as they were just following through and would have no idea of me cancelling the Subs... Its clearly a system error on their end but i received this message... I have emailed but i dont hold out hope... What else should i do?
  4. Hi Guys Just checked my Credit Report, which I have rarely done in the last few years, and whilst everything seems ok, I appear to have 50+ "searches", some dating to October 2011, others as recent as last month. I recognise some of them from when I've opened various savings accounts / balance transfers etc. Checkmyfile helpfully combines everything from Experian, Equifax and CallCredit, so the 50 odd is between 3 agencies. I have lots of "enquiry" and "audit" and around 10 "credit search" records. It's rather vague though, some say "Comparison site", "professional services", "Miscellaneous", "Bank", "Energy Supplier". When you try and find out who it was, it says, "Not Reported". Does this sound normal? How long does this stuff say on my reports? 2 years seems a long time!
  5. Hi, Please move my post if I am in the wrong section. I left my last property and I had a big Electric/Gas bill outstanding for about £500. When I moved to new place, i agreed a payment plan with EDF but didn't follow it properly cos I thought i had set the STO but it wasnt correct. so after 2 months in January 2013 - they moved my debt to one of the Debt collection agency, which contacted me and I agreed a payment plan with them for over 10 months. I have checked my report on CHECKMYFILE but there is nothing regarding EDF on it as yet My questions are: 1) Even though it's passed onto debt agency and I've agreed a payment plan, can they still add this on my file? 2) Will they definitely add this on my file? 3) I asked Debt agency to send me a confirmation letter that we've agreed a payment plan and they refused to send me. they said we only do it if you agree by Direct Debit. Can I get in trouble and will this effect me later? 4) My Credit rating is pretty average but this will be the first time i will be defaulted and I am scared this default will effect me for years to come? any advice or opinion on this please? I am really nervous about the whole situation. Please help thanks Please note: I am not trying to avoid my debt, I am more then happy to pay it off in installments. Just worried about being defaulted.
  6. Good Afternoon I have for the first time built up the courage to look at my credit file as I'm wanting to get a proper grip on my debts etc. The website I went with is http://www.checkmyfile.com which seems to work well. I have 14 items of credit listed in my history and 9 of them have a status of being 'Closed'. Does this mean the debt is no longer owed? Any help from someone with experience of the website(or others if similar) would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Hi, Yes it's Cabot again! I was looking through my credit report on Experian to see an account that was registered to Cabot. Default date circa 06/2007 with some regular updates...so far so good. Then I thought to look up under Check My File to see three Cabot accounts, all open (not sure exactly what that means) under Equifax but no mention Experian anywhere. Two of these accounts were also shown under Call Credit but as closed. What the three open Cabot accounts displayed in the credit history however was different from any others. As an example, there was an old 'Communications Supplier' account shown as closed with a £0 balance. This same account is in my Experian report as settled - and in all displays in the credit history there is a single black D box in the month indicated as the default month. In the Cabot account credit histories, there is a black D box in every month for the last two years! Does this mean they are registering a default on those accounts every single month, effectively making it impossible for them to go statue barred. Also, my thinking is this - once they go statute barred, will I get hassled from lots of other low life DCAs who seem to buy these up at 10p for the £1?
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