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Found 4 results

  1. What is the point of imposing a sugar tax if goods without sugar also increase in price i.e. regular Coca Cola was £1.25 increases to £1.49 after sugar tax however Diet Coca Cola also increases by the same amount so why buy the Diet Coca Cola? This applies to many other brands.
  2. Soft drinks makers including Coca Cola are reportedly considering suing the Government over George Osborne's plans to implement a tax on sugary drinks, which could never see the light of day. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/sugar-tax-soft-drinks-makers-coca-cola-britvic-ag-barr-legal-suing-the-government-a6943871.html
  3. For all diabetics!!! Irish Sugar Test One day an Irishman goes into a pharmacy - reaches into his pocket and takes out a small Irish whiskey bottle and a teaspoon. He pours from the bottle onto the teaspoon and offers it to the chemist. "Could you taste this for me, please? “The chemist takes the teaspoon, puts it in his mouth, swills the liquid around and swallows it. "Does that taste sweet to you?" says Paddy. "No, not at all," says the chemist. "Oh that's a relief," says Paddy. "The doctor told me to come here and get my urine tested for sugar Apologies if it offends.
  4. Lord Sugar wades into the PayDay loan trap.. Read more.. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/personal-finance/lord-sugar-blasts-legal-loan-1460508
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