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Found 8 results

  1. Hello all, My very first post ever on here. Please can I bend ears, pick brains as I'm confused about the letters I've had today. Letters in my maiden name, I was married in 2003. Debt amount 943.43 I understand the letters are stating they are a statement from year 2012 right through to 2018. Stating they haven't applied interest or sent statements and I do understand this with an apology. Original debt citi financial Then it's saying passed or changed to arrow and now cap quest have got the debt. I do recall cap quest contacting me on my mobile a few weeks ago, I didn't recognise number so did a Google search. Didn't ring them back and thought nothing of it. Today came home with letters with different dates from 12 to 2018. Every single ccj or default has been lifted off my credit file 2 months ago. Following a painful debt paying process I can honestly say this has blown me. I'm worried. I have paid everything and now I've got this. On one of the statements in May 2013, it appears I've paid AND I do not recall me ever paying this, but a 15.00 payment has been made..... This has thrown me and no idea what it means. The start of letter reads, fixed term credit agreement, with ms E Maiden name and citi financial. If you require further info or for me type out what they say, each letter is the same, just different years. However, each year is dated 1st May 2012, then 1st May 2013 etc. Checked out the days unless they work on a Sunday.... The only letter that's different is one printed this week. It's ref is remediation of account. It is from Arrow and makes no ref to cap quest apart from saying if wish to discuss at bottom. Stating under rules cca 1974 stating required by law to write and noticed that we haven't written to you. Further saying that a full review of my account and failed to provide me with statements since May 2011. To remidy this, we have compiled all your statements. On the what does this mean to you. It states, this exercise does not affect your account, repayments or your obligations to repay. If anyone knows what it means and what I need to do. Not sure about this payment In 2013 either. Not sure the action to take on this Not sure the action they can take on me. Thank you
  2. Today my gf has had back two letters, one from Mint & the other from Natwest after requests for CCA (mint) and SAR request with Natwest. Mint have stated the following: Does this mean I would also be unable to request SAR from Mint & reclaim PPI charges? As for Natwest, they have asked her to sign a form, provide evidence of identification "certified by a member of staff at any branch or a solicitor!" & "As the purpose of your request is unclear, we require some further information from you to help clarify what you are looking for" Are they for real? She'd have to take a day off work to be able to goto the bank just to get the ID authorised. I used the template letter from here & quoted 4 Credit Card account numbers and an insurance policy number.
  3. Hi folks, i have posted on the forums before and successfully won in a claim against me. This recent claim against me for an alleged debt of 3,815.60 inclusive of their so called costs..(which to me are ropey). .please bear with with me as i need to refresh my knowledge of certain aspects in compiling my defence... In the claim form particulars . .. there is no mention of when this alleged debt was instigated , i.e. when i am supposed to have defaulted . It is my understanding that this should be there on the claim form..by default...(help with this appreciated). the claiment states that i have been notified of the assignment from "shop direct" by letter.. . i have received no letter . i would require proof of this... but such a letter is not the deeds of assignment.. if i am correct? i intend to counter this claim and request the necessary 28 days. . rather than the 14... been through this before and which forms to fill in. .. so it is not this info. i seek... just a refresher would be good at this stage on what ammunition i can avail of. i think these people sent me a letter months ago offering me to only pay 80.00 pounds. .. and i am given to wondering should i have tried to settle it at that stage... Any advise greatly appreciated..
  4. My Wife has an outstanding balance with Quest Debt Recovery, for £238.62 for a debt with Vets 4 Pets Ltd, They have put a County court Judgement on her for the above amount. However i am not sure if we are too late or not, but the amount outstanding is disputed. We took our pet to have her annual booster injection, which was taken out by a free offer which we downloaded online, and took into store, at the same time they gave her a kennel cough injection. There was no charge on the day for this and we went away happy, but without any proof whatsoever that she had had the injection completed. We had a second appointment booked for the follow up injection, which in turn was cancelled by them, we rearranged, but unfortunately, had to cancel ours. We then received a few letters of abuse from the owner about the fact that he feels we were avoiding him! We told him that because of his attitude that we would not be returning with the dog for any further injections or care. He then instrusted a solicitor to start court proceedings to recover this money, which in my view is not owed anyway, he is not out of pocket for the work carried out, other than the original injection, we hae no proof that he actually did do the injections, and with the abusive and agressive messages from him, we dont feel we owe the debt, certainly not the £238.62 what a court order was granted for. Really would appreciate any help in this matter. Thanks
  5. hi guys i have a debt that i defaulted on. The default date registered on noodle is 26/03/07 so i guess it will drop off on the 26th. I have not acknowledged the debt for 6yrs. Cap quest have sent me a letter today saying they r giving me 7days or they might take me to court. Should i just ignore it and hope they dont apply to go to court in the 5days left un til it fall off or should i contact them
  6. Hello there guys, I was hoping one of you could offer some advice on how to deal with my capquest issue. I will give you some of the background. I started receiving hundreds of phone calls (up to 30 a day) from the lovely capquest in October 2010, I ignored this for about a month then decided to tackle them head on. I sent a Modified CAG prove it letter to them and I also sent the FOI letter to my creditor along with the 10 quid. So both the creditor and the DCA are aware of my identity and current address, surely? Things went quite, I assumed that Capquest could not provide me with any signed agreements and the creditor certainly neglected to include it in the information sent to me. I heard nothing for over two years. In December I then began receiving letters from "debt managers LTD" who are apparently perusing my debt to capquest, not to my original creditor. Debt managers where threatening doorstep visits so are dispatched a combined prove it a no doorstep collections permitted letter to them. I got a response from their complaints dept. saying that the matter has been referred back to capquest and I have now received another letter from capquest complaints offices. I am a bit baffled by capquests letter; it is full of apologetic platitudes but does make a strange request. They are asking me to confirm my address history in order to ensure they are pursuing the correct person. Why would they do that? My original creditor is in possession of this information. I am tempted to make a strong worded response along the lines of isn’t it a bit late in the day to be asking if I am the right person and why the hell should I help you do your jobs. Would this be silly? They have given me 30 days to respond which was kind. Should I play ball or just stone wall them and re-demand proof of liability? I am worried about some kind of Capquest ruse. Your help has been amazing in the past and I was wondering what any of you could recommend. Cheers Le_bonn.
  7. Got to work this evening to find a message from one of the girls in the office to say Capquest have been ringing my employer to tell them to get me to ring them - are they allowed to do this, my employer isn't impressed with me because they are ringing him? I don't know what this is about other than they left him with a 'case number' and a telephone number telling me to ring them.. . Need to know what line to take with them when I call them Many thanks.
  8. hi, received a letter today from capquest final letter before action debt is for 203.58 and i think it relates to something from 2009.. they are saying they will pass the matter to thier pre litigation dept and through the process they will seek an order of the court directing me to pay monies outstanding and then they will under the order of the court send bailiffs to levy goods.. letter is attached might not be very clear as taken on my mobile phone any advice or help please regards mills
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