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Found 2 results

  1. Hi guys I searched the forum but couldn't find any info on the situation I'm in. I was on JSA from October to mid November 2017. I got a part-time job which guaranteed me 12 hours a week. I started that on 14th November. They gave me a contract until 31st December. However, they cut that short as work had diminished. i left my job on 14th December. In the four weeks I worked there, I worked 24 hours in weeks 1 and 2, and 12 hours in weeks 3 and 4. After week 3 had finished, I called JSA to see if I could get extra benefit money as I had only worked 12 hours, and had been looking for a second job with more hour or a full-time job. I had an interview booked for 15th November. When I went to the interview, I explained that when I initially called them about low hours, I was not aware that my contract would be cut short, and explained that I had now left my job the previous day, and showed them proof of my termination letter due to diminished work. They came to a conclusion that I was entitled to £10.19 for week 4 and could not backdate as I had not shown enough reason for the delay of my claim, even though I explained them during the initial conversation that it was not possible for me to do so, as I could have been handed more hours towards the later end of week 3, since we did not have fixed hours of work. I decided there wasn't much point in arguing about not being paid £10.19 for week 3. I assumed I would start getting JSA from 15th December as I continued to look for work. I was asked to show my last payslip which I sent it. I got a call saying as I had earned £545 as shown on my payslip for the month of December, I would not be entitled to JSA until a month after I got paid. I got paid December 21st, therefore thy said I would not get any JSA support until after January 21st, as they expect me to use my earnings of £545 to get me through December 21st - January 21st. However, they expect me to keep signing on and continue to look for work, otherwise there would be sanctions. my question is, is this all correct? They're saying that after I was forced to leave my job on 14th December, I should use my earnings to cover a 1 month period, without getting any JSA support. They also expect me to continue looking for jobs and signing on. It all seems wrong as I'm seeking a job, and not getting job seekers allowance. In fact, I actually don't get my first JSA payment until 8th February as they pay 2 weeks after the month up to 21st January has finished. Any help would be useful.
  2. I unfortunately have a number of payday loans that i need to try to arrange repayment plans for. This one is a bit stickier and wonder if someone can advise me. I took a loan with tooth fairy in December for £300. I couldn't pay and during January called them after threatening emails from NDR Recovery. I needed to pay £100 to them straight away, then arranged to pay £80 a month to them. My worries clouded clear thoughts and have done for months since and simply agreed to their demand. The £80per month was set up til November of this year. Thats £100 plus 10 months of £80 totalling £900 from a loan of £300. I am now facing up to my debt and trying to clarify what i have to pay because of sheer stupidity or what i shouldn't owe simply down to the cheek of some of th PDL companies. I am already drafting up a letter to OFT as this company seems to be trading under different names and have taken the payments from me under different names which other thread have advised they shouldn't, but should i also mention that i feel that i have almost paid due the original debt i owed and ask OFT to get involved. Is this part of their job? I have paid £100 plus 3 payments of £80 (i rang and couldn't afford to pay April and they did let me skip this month by extending the period of the payments til December) so in total i have paid them £340. I am not sure of the original interest and charges agreed but the first chasing email i had stated that the loan plus interest (accruing at £9 per week per £100 borrowed) was for £413. When sending an email asking them to agree a lower reayment plan, should i mention that i feel i only owe roughly £75 and not the figure that they suggest til December or should i arrange the payment plan then not pay them after i have reached the figure i feel is right? Can they then send a default / debt collectors / bailiffs / CCJ or pursue me further after this? Can anyone also tell me if there is a legal difference between doorstep collectors and bailiffs? I'd be grateful for any advice.
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