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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, need in help in understanding what a mortgage contract is. When I applied for a mortgage. 1. I signed the mortgage application form 2. I signed a mortgage deed 3. I signed the mortgage offer acceptance ( there was also a printed signature of someone from the lender) 4. My solicitor signed the title deed ( not sure what a title deed is and why the solicitor would sign this and not me) Are all these documents a mortgage contract. In a contract law I remember from school there has to be an offer, acceptance and consideration - is this the same for a mortgage? Bit confused as to what is the mortgage contract is, is it all the above ? Why did the solicitor signed the Title Deed. Should I have signed the title deed. There is nothing on any of these to say this is the mortgage contract. I have also read that 8 out of 10 mortgages are securitised, bundled and then sold on, how can that be without my consent? and if so surely the lender would tell you this and notify of this when they did this ? or is this the norm? any help in answering the above greatly appreciated. Kind regards
  2. CAG... I write this with good intentions but its becoming more and more apparent that ignoring DCAs is becoming a bad idea. Just like the case of Harlands / Zinc and Court, It appears Control Account are issuing claims. I attach the following example... The debtor of another site, which i will not mention was told to ignore Control Account PLC and is now being advised to try and get unequivocal proof of who the legal manager is, statements etc... Its becoming apparent that DCAs that are normally dont even consider legal action are now attempting it. There is a way to deal with these types of claim and using the below advice will steer you in the wrong direction. Please remember that just because an account is with a particular DCA, it doesnt mean you will beable to second guess them.
  3. Hi All, Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section or has been answered elsewhere. I am dealing with Hillesden/dlc and am going to send a CCA request for the original credit card agreement. I have read a lot on here regarding the CCA request and what they must supply but my question is this: The credit card agreement, with Citi, was taken out in 2001, so do they have to send a copy of the original signed agreement, or can they just send a true copy of what the agreement was back then, without my signature. I understand that a lot of agreements prior to 2007 were inaccurate or didn't comply with certain guidelines? Many thanks for your help, and sorry again if posted in the wrong place!
  4. Was alerted to this by a member recently. He was notified around March 2011 by letter that because of what they termed a "Systems error"the wrong policy guide was sent out...which assumingly contained the terms and conditions. They later apologised and sent out the correct ones. I am trying to establish how long after he took out the Policy and began using it,that the mistake was corrected. My thinking is that if the mistake was corrected after the period / scope that he had to cancel,then it would fall within the remit of CPUTR2008. It is significant that this was also around the period of the OFT investigation,so it looks likely that it was in consideration of that,although of course CPP made no mention of the investigation,or that they had been found to have mis sold some of these policies. Will update when there is more info on this case.
  5. hi i sent the alliance and leicester an LBA, ive had the usual reply, ie sorry we do not accept .... blah blah- before i issue a court claim is it ok to add another charge ive incurred since i sent my letter ? just want to get my facts right before i add another £100 pounds or so to their total thanks gaz
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