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  1. My friend and I were traveling to Crete Rethymon on the 21st of June 2015 with Jet2 from Glasgow airport. We were meant to return with them on the 28th of June 2015 to Glasgow airport. We bought 4 miniature bottles of vodka at duty free. When we were on our flight, my friend opened one of the miniature, one of the cabin crew said that we were not allowed to consume it on the flight. We apologised and handed the miniatures to the cabin crew to be locked away until we departed our flight. We were then asked if we would like drinks from the trolly, we ordered food and some alcoholic beverages. Another air stewardess came over to us with a bad attitude and handed us a rather threatening letter. She asked for our passport details. We then asked why we were asked for our details as we did not want to be put on some sort of data base. The air stewardess began to raise her voice, threatening us, that if we did not hand over our details she was going to get the pilot and that the police would be waiting for as when we land. We did not refuse to give our details, we simply asked what they were going to be used for. My friend asked her to lower her voice as it was drawing attention to us. We gave our details to another air stewardess who apologised for her colleagues behaviour, she also told us that we would be able to fly with Jet2 on our return flight and not to worry. (I have a voice recording of this conversation). Half way through our holiday on the 24th of June 2015, we received a phone call informing us that we were being refused to flu home with Jet2 due to a report which had been filed by cabin crew that we continued to drink our own alcohol and displayed aggressive behaviour. These allegations are untrue and frankly quite frightening that Jet2 staff can make up such lies leaving their customers stranded in a foreign country. I have sent numerous emails to Jet2 asking for the situation to be fully investigated and I have sent the voice recording as evidence that no aggressive behaviour was displayed by my friend and I. Jet2 just said that it has been fully investigated which we know that it has not. We feel that our voice has not been heard. We had to cut our holiday short by returning home on 27th June 2015 with EasyJet flying from Heraklion airport to Edinburgh which caused us further expense. We paid approx £400 for alternative flight, thats not including the expensive phone bill of £50 for phoning Jet2, bus and taxi expenses to travel to the airport, or having to cut our holiday short which also ruined our holiday. Lastly we both experienced much stress in regards to how we would get home. This has put me off flying again, as it appears that customers do not have any rights, and how easy it is for staff to make up lies leaving passengers in foreign countries. (I have a copy of all email correspondence, voice recording aboard the flight with a member of cabin crew, we also have a photo of the threatening letter which we received on board. Help would be much appreciated as we are looking for compensation, an apology, and for cabin crew to be dealt with appropriately in order for this to not happen to anyone else.
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