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Everything posted by papasmurf1cx

  1. Hi P1 ........ what happens is that you fill in the form and send it off to the DWP. They then merely log it until you decide that your injury should be assessed. They then send you to a DWP doctor and (usually harshly) they assess what degree of disability you have and whether the industrial injury is responsible. If they accept it is an II then they assess it at a particular percentage. have a look at this http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Industrial-Injuries-Disablement-Benefit.htm You can see that it is quite high degree of disability for you to be allocated the benefit. However that is not to say that your condition may not develop to that degree.... so that is why you need to note it. I would say to tell your GP of both incidents and explain if it has got worse so you are concerned. I would submit two forms, one for each incident. If you feel you need to claim the money you need to submit an additional form. (You may wish to delay this until you are sure your disability is really bad to the degree it affects you incessantly and you may be also be considering ill health retirement from your work. Do you think this a possibility in the future? If so you need to know what the criteria for this is. I would have thought there are enhanced benefits if the retirement is due to an injury at work. Are there?
  2. Hopefully some of the experts will be along in a moment. keep "bump" ing this thread until someone starts helping you. You just need to get the thread noticed.
  3. I don't believe pursuing Tesco would do Compares4u any good whatsoever. The problems and stress that finding the evidence, then taking the matter to court (assuming he has the resources to do it, which he dosen't and I doubt legal aid would be appropriate) to then find that any damages would be minimal in any case would be too much for him, his family in his current state of health and social circumstances. the fact that he admitted his guilt could be viewed that it is a matter of public concern in any case. I don't really see the connection between the arrest and the eviction, they seem to be too remote to each other. I think you should put any thought of getting at Tesco behind you and concentrate on your other substantial problem the biggest of which is your impending homelessness. Caggers above have given you very good advice which I think you should action upon. I really do feel sorry for you and your family finding yourselves in these circumstances but do not divert your efforts to the less important issues when the big ones are staring you in the face.
  4. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/advisers/claimforms/bi100a_print.pdf
  5. Hi jimbo.... I am sure your will be able to sort this out when you get back to the UK. In these circumstnces the UK government has procedures to help I believe. You should be contacting the UK consulate or embassy of the country you are in. If you don't know where it is, if you post on here where you are I can look it up for you. Don't panic there is always an answer.
  6. Hi.... first don't panic. What is the item and what was the price tag on it? It sounds like you didn't get to the correct level of management (if at all) but there is no excuse for the attitude you received. The first thing to ensure is that keep the receipt as it is the evidence of everything. Presumably it will show who the till assistant was who will be able to confirm your story. You need to write to the store, with a copy of the receipt, explaining what you have told us. Explain that it was a simple mistake and that you really don't blame the till assistant who was doing a good job in the circumstances but that the mistake needs to be rectified. the store were responsible for this and it is the store who needs to remedy it. Explain that you telephoned and explained it to the member of staff and that you think you were not believed. You were quite taken aback when the staff member put the phone down. Ask for the item to be sent to you again. I am pretty sure they should respond to your satisfaction, if not then write to head office's customer services copying in the original paperwork and any unsatisfactory reply asking for the item to be replaced.
  7. Sorry to hear you are in trouble like this. Can't answer the Tesco matter. Although if you were arrested in a public manner it is difficult to stop people talking about what they have seen so I doubt it that you can do anything as you would have to prove that Tesco staff breached some sort of confidentiality matter. What is concerning is the fact that your landlord (it is immaterial that the landlord is family) has given you notice to quit because of the shoplifting matter, unless there is something else you have not mentioned.... ? Why are your family so angry that your problem with Tesco affects them?
  8. Keep smiling you have loads of friends on here. keep us posted.
  9. It is definitely 'unfair' and as ET's are all about fairness and putting the parties on equal footings I would imagine they would be hung drawn and quartered on this. Honey would be interested to read that thread if you could find it.
  10. Completely. Seems to me then you should make yourself go to the Gp and get all this logged in your medical notes. You must inform the DWP so the long term is covered. What strikes me is that if you do have a long term health issue that affects what you can safely do the DDA may be applicable to you. But that depends on the long term issue being noted on your medical notes. So say you have osteoarthritis and you are unable to do all that lifting you can reasonablby say to your head that your condition could be made worse or causes you pain so please can they get the caretakers in to re arrange things. If they know you have a problem but you are coping with it but need a little help every now and again they are obliged to do it. I would have thought that teaching is a profession that has benefits for ill health retirement so best you get all your ducks in order in case you need to go that route.
  11. But you know they exist. Which means that at some stage you can ask for them to be disclosed should this proceed.
  12. It sounds like the solicitor gave up on you. if you are insured you should go back to your insurers and complain about what happened. If she took it on as discrimination the fact that your employer changed tracks halfway through is only evidence of victimisation ie because you raised a grievance (which could end up in a ET ) the act of changing victimised you. Any judge will see through this. Fight for your rights and that means fighting your own legal people sometimes as they have to be persuaded before they take action and it is only you that can fight for you rights.
  13. if they are refusing to make statements that is going in your favour. Can you get hold of any of the prepared statements that were handed out, that smacks of a stitch up and would be good evidence of it.
  14. Hi.... I would get the problem noted at your GP asap. Don't know what your goal is here as there could be a couple of routes that might play out. Obviously you could seek a solicitors advice and start some sort of action but the injury doesn't sound that serious therefore any damages would be minimal. However has it done something to aggravate the existing condition? has the first incident impacted on the condition too? You don't mention what the condition is so can only guess. What will be needed is an expert opinion as to what impact this and the first accident has had on the condition and what the prognosis is also and what percentage liability can be awarded to you from the accident. That may be nothing or everything and any number between. It really is in the expert territory though. Another aspect is the liability for any benefit that you may be entitled to from the workplace. As we don't know what they are we can only speculate. But for example if you were in a position that this condition eventually makes working your job impossible retirement might be an option and those benefits may be affected by work related accident. Noting in the work place accident register is only part of the way to ensuring authorities know about these. You have to follow it up with reporting the incidents to the DWP and you need to fill in a form (number escapes me at present). That may make you entitled to Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit but whatever percentage they give you may not be enough at this stage for any actual money. However the condition may worsen in 20 years or so and then you can apply again especially if your mobility is severely affected, so it is worth ensuring they know about it. What exactly do you want out of this?
  15. Try here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/20/contents
  16. No expert on this but googled the information you gave...... try looking at these links http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/28/notes/contents Hope that helps and that some caggers come along that can help further.
  17. That was EXACTLY how it happened, albeit with a slightly refined wiggle................. now you have made me smile again!!!!
  18. Hi have a look at this site and look up the law quoted. http://www.problemneighbours.co.uk/acces-to-neighbours-land.html You do have rights to get on to their land to finish this work.
  19. Hi That is outrageous. I would consider complaining about this. If you were not speeding these officers have potentially just stitched you up. Now you may not be able to prove they did this but if they have done it before and there is a series of similar complaints I would have thought their evidence would start to become suspect.
  20. Shadow this is awful.... are you both homeless or have you somewhere to stay? I am sure your partner will get some excellent advice on here. The thing is to not panic and read the stickies on here. Some others more expert will start to help you out. Read the other threads and you will se an end to this I assure you. keep sane. you will get there.
  21. ooooh er erm...... sorry accounts. It does get a bit confusing sometimes. Still the concerns are the same and still there.
  22. Thanks Honeybee I suspected as much. Without reading this entire thread on the other I was worried accounts was giving up for merely 12 weeks pay when there appears to be a discrimination matter which is potentially more serious and he has not or may not have taken professional legal advice.
  23. accounts seems to have started another thread. Could cagger's have a look to see if this one and the other are connected.
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