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Everything posted by papasmurf1cx

  1. Start making notes (back date them with incidents you can remember dates if you have them or in date order if you can't) I would start digitally recording events keeping a diary of them. Bullying in the workplace is a bad thing have a look at this site and be aware of what could happen to you http://www.bullyonline.org/ Obviously these things might not happen and she (MD) might think about it overnight and it will make amends tomorrow. On the other hand you may have started something off in the office with other workers wanting her to stop too.
  2. I am not suggesting you have. All I was doing was making a comparison and trying to show you that although what they have done to you feels like discrimination in law it is not. I tried to compare your situation with what happens when a parent feels his child has special needs because the child is very bright as opposed to having some sort of disability ie both have special needs but the authorities will only recognise one and not the other. I was not meaning to suggest anything was wrong with you!! Anyway I hope someone that can give you info on your main problem will be along soon.
  3. Have you phoned the OFT to ask them? Looks to me like a [problem]. You should never give out details of banking details to anyone. if they know nothing about it report it as a [problem].
  4. Could it have been a continuing offence ie one where it started at one location and proceeded into the next until he was stopped but that the stopping point also was a place where he was speeding?
  5. He needs to knock on some doors to ask, or wait on the normal route and watch where in fact goes.
  6. Well done, now you can buy top of the range juice in the supermarket!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I see what you mean about discrimination but it is not discrimination in the legal sense. It's a bit like 'special needs' If you are very intelligent you have special needs to keep you from getting bored but they actually mean you have some sort of deficiency. Not sure what you can do about this though. Some others will be better placed to advise.
  8. So to be clear he is denying speeding where the ticket states he was speeding?
  9. You are still not getting it. A double yellow line doesn't necessarily mean that it is near the school entrance / exit. Schools normally have zig zag yellow lines. If they don't then of course you are correct but it is a matter of interpretation. The CEO is not telling the disabled driver to move on so to his judgement there is no ticket he can issue, whereas he is telling the non BB drivers to move on because they are parking in prohibition to the regulations. Sparkey can you clear up this?
  10. I imagine they know of the problems around this item and are worried that your will take a personal Injury action out. That would mean their liability and cost could mount up very quickly and much more than what they have offered. As there were injuries as per your OP then I can'r see why you can't accept it. They are happy, you are happy (but shocked) and we are happy for you. How much, we are all dying to know!!!!
  11. I am not shooting the messenger just pointing out that the disabled person benefits and therefore is correctly parked.
  12. If it ever gets to a point where it is going to court ensure you have as part of the disclosure the list of addresses he was picking up from. This will give credibility to the statement you say he said. In fact why don't you write and ask for it now so it is part of the case from the beginning. It may persuade them to change the 50 - 50.
  13. The ticket is probably indicating where the offence took place not where he was stopped. Does he deny being at the place mentioned in the ticket?
  14. Hi fyrus......... Sorry to hear of this. What did he mean about being "too intelligent"? Has there been an undercurrent of things happening?
  15. Were you planning to go back Monday? If so are you confiding in people? You have to know you can't trust anyone, they all run for cover when the sh*t starts flying and they worry about their own jobs. Lies and deceit is what happens.
  16. http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/documents/digitalasset/dg_186198.pdf Just because it is near a school does not mean the car is not legally parked. The zig zag areas are the no -no areas not the double yellow lines. if it is near the entrances and exits and no zig zag I would agree that parking would be wrong. However the fact that the CEO's don't issue tickets to BB holders surely is evidence that it is not so clear cut as you are suggesting.
  17. Monkeygirl ... You are doing it not us. Most of us have been through one trauma or other and have drawn a line in the sand. We can point you in the direction and give you support but it is your efforts that will win through. How do interpret that conversation?
  18. I would be asking why too. Is there anything that singles you out for this treatment that you have not yet posted?
  19. OP didn't state there was danger. he mentioned about the proximity of the school but I doubt many Disabled people would park on the zig zag yellow lines outside school entrances / exits.
  20. Surfer ... I think it is for the benefit of the disabled person. Just because he doesn't get out of the car doesn't mean it isn't for his benefit. One could argue on many different fronts of the "what ifs" that is why it is a grey area.
  21. I see where you are coming from. It is a grey area. The disabled person only needs to get out of the car and accompany his wife and the grey area would be clear and the car correctly parked as long as it was not causing danger or obstruction. What would you be happy to see the car left without the driver or with the driver who could move it if necessary? Personally I think it is better if he remains in the car and ready to deal with any problems that occur.
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