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Everything posted by monkey_uk

  1. WWWHHHOOO! It's a big 'un! Keep us posted, please,this is a bit of a "biggie"!!!
  2. Aye, just copy mine if you want, just remember to alter the account number and the daily interest figure!
  3. WHOOOOOHOOOOOOO! Expect a letter from Dg Solicitors offering settlement in full on the proviso of confidentiality within the next week or so.
  4. Ditto! Good luck Kaz, keep us posted!! In my opinion, you'll have the money by about the 15th of July.
  5. No need to update the amount, the same happened to me and they never questioned it. Sock it to em!
  6. nps Paul. Hope you don't let Heather get her hands on your settlement!
  7. I didn't have any problems using LS98 1FD....weird.
  8. Who do you work for CMH? I think we might work for the same company...reply by pm if you wish!
  9. Yay! You should have the money in the next 3 weeks or so then.
  10. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the company name is simply "First Direct". I'm pretty sure they're not a PLC (HSBC; their parent company ARE a PLC though). I entered it simply as "First Direct".
  11. Steve, take barracad's advice. Do NOT back down now! The money, is [almost certainly] nearly yours! Maybe read my thread (link in my sig below) for guidence and inspiration. Obviously after reading the FAQ's again...!
  12. And remembering when you opened your account! sorry, couldn't resist! Keep us posted, good luck...not long now!!!
  13. @VAN: First Direct 40 Wakefield Road LEEDS LS98 1FD
  14. Excellent Dhingy! Have you completed the survey mate?
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