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Everything posted by monkey_uk

  1. Bloody hell, I've NEVER heard anyone but my late great-grandfather use that saying. How strange!
  2. No, it cannot, as I beleibve this is a charge for reviewing your overdraft. It is a service charge and not a penalty charge. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...
  3. To be honest, I don't think they have a leg to stand on. Is any of the correspondence that they have sent to your "new" name marked "without predjudice"? I think they're just stalling/trying to scare you. By the way, whereabouts in s.yorks are you?
  4. Great news. Remember that you don't have to accept their confidentiality clause. I simply crossed it out, signed the form, and faxed it back to Debbie D'Aubney at DG Solicitors. A few others have done the same and we all still got the money. Enjoy your holiday, where are you going?
  5. Just do what I did, cross out the confidentiality bit and send it back to DG. They'll pay...!
  6. Glad you finally made your way here matey!
  7. Hmmm, this comes up as being Citi Financial Europe Plc on my computer... interesting...
  8. List of dates, amounts, description etc, of the charges which you are claiming were levied against your account. eg: 01/02/06 - Overdraft Fee - £30.00 01/02/06 - Excess Overdraft Fee - £25 05/02/06 - Unpaid Item Fee - £10 Total: £65.00
  9. Claim for refund of Unlawful Bank Charges claim number 6QZ42448 date requested 29/06/06 amount £913.96 court fee £80 Total £993.96
  10. Mike - can you pm me the claim number, claim amount (split into claim amount, interest, and court fees), the name of the court filed at and the date filed (yes, I know it's here on this thread any, but if you could pm this as well, it'd help!)
  11. Whoohoooo! We got there in the end then hu Tom?! Well done fella, hope you enjoy the money.
  12. Darren, whilst a can see the sentiments of your advice, it is incorrect and quite dangerous. What if the OP's creditors then issued her with 10xlaterpayment fees? What if this meant 10xdefaults...? However, your point about not having to pay by DD is valid and a VERY good point. Direct Debit seems to be pushed down our throats all the time, so people may not realise there is usually a choice....
  13. I was! I got the letter from the court stated that FD had acknowledged the claim the same day as I got the letter from DG Solicitors offering settlement in full.
  14. Thanks for your post fieldsy, however, I feel that I need to point out a fw things: You are quite correct that FD [generally] waive the £10.00 fee, however, it is still STRONGLY advised that you offer the payment. You CAN send them messages electronically, however, their "messaging system" via the online banking is (in my opinion) very poor and as such, no record of sent messages is kept. There would be nothing stopping them from taking 90 days to fulfil a DPA request, as you wouldn't have any proof of when they received the request. However, if you sent the request in writing, by Recorded or Special Delivery, then you'd have the proof of when they received the request. Finally, congratulations on your win, could you please fill in the survey, which can be found here -> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/survey.php
  15. Expect an offer of settlement in fullon the condition of confidentiality arriving through your letter box in the next day or two....
  16. Yay, at last Abby! WHHOOOHOOOO! Well done! As barracad has pointed out, PLEASE fill in the survey (link in his post) and maybe consider donating 5% of the settlement to the site, to help us to continue helping others...! Congratulations once again.
  17. monkey_uk

    my turn

    Whoa! Hold on there buddy! You can't can't claim "cashpoint fees" as they (as I understand it) are fees for withdrawing cash from an ATM, i.e a Service Charge so you can't claim these back. What are "interbank charges", "maestro" and "tariff fees"??
  18. Mike, take a look at my thread (link in my sig, below), and just use my moneyclaim info. Just remember to change the account number, dates, and daily interest amount. Hope this helps....
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