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Everything posted by theoldrouge

  1. Have MB issued a DN or terminated the agreement yet? To advise best option we need to know the full amount payable and the amount you have paid to date including the deposit
  2. Nothing to see here (till after the midterms obviously) https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/09/06/hunter-biden-energy-firm-hits-record-earnings/
  3. So not only do the net zero fanatics want us to freeze, they want us to starve as well https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/09/14/green-energy-causing-shortage-of-key-fertilizer-component/
  4. Trump on Biden’s seating arrangement at the abbey "In Real Estate, like in Politics and in Life, LOCATION IS EVERYTHING!!!"
  5. Meanwhile a contribution from a retired scientist ( so I expect to be told that he knows nothing as he’s retired ) https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/02/time-to-hit-pause-on-net-zero/
  6. Can see that working in Wales BN, have always found the majority of the Welsh on my visits to be friendly and community minded (except for Drakeford and his cabal obviously)
  7. I’m quite sure that we can I wrongly assumed that ,if read in its entirety,even Stevie Wonder would have been able to see the light hearted nature of my comment
  8. Excellent article @brassnecked Net Zero was just an indulgence for the good times As I have previously said the current crisis has nothing to do with the Ukraine situation Still with Sue Ellen in charge of the rubber boaters and JR in charge of energy what could possibly go wrong Lefties please queue for your sense of humour bypass
  9. Rather than engaging in trading inconsequential insults perhaps you could reread the quote from the report and let us know who you think wrote the report and tell us why they have failed to support their quote to your satisfaction If fracking is unsafe, then construction is unsafe, mining is unsafe, and geothermal is certainly unsafe. So either one rule applies to all of them, the same rules, or if you want to shut fracking down on the grounds that it's unsafe, then you also need to shut down the construction industry in this country.
  10. IMO Truss first mistake was to give Kwasi a job The key fact from that report “Given other industries are allowed to create earthquakes of higher magnitudes than fracking” so that particular negative can be safely ignored
  11. Definitely signed from that era Cabot have zero chance of obtaining As dx says get reading plenty of information of victories on here
  12. Bunch of chancers No chance cabot will obtain a citi agreement from 2003 I remember a case on here same thing for 25k (Citi)Cabot wrote it off couldn’t get the agreement They can’t even get the POC correct
  13. Progress indeed with Bank of Ireland With the post situation as it is I wouldn’t at the moment put too much emphasis on the lack of days As you have done just retain everything you receive for now
  14. Why bother yourself with the pro’s when only the con’s suit your narrative? Fracking has become a necessity due to the dereliction of duty of politicians of all colours in providing energy security whilst fawning at the feet of a Scandinavian schoolgirl Meanwhile China is building and opening hundreds of coal fired power stations whilst laughing at those who espouse net zero
  15. The current crisis has s*d all to do with Ukraine that has merely brought the chickens of the stupidity and indulgence of net zero home to roost Politicians queued up to fawn at the feet of a Scandinavian schoolgirl(other than Donald who was warning Germany about reliance on Russian gas) instead of maintaining energy security
  16. OK let’s have a go with the Telegraph then https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/08/26/how-governments-cult-net-zero-wrecked-energy-market/ Or perhaps the Spectator au https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/05/the-end-of-net-zero/
  17. Having watched most of the hustings @honeybee13I am afraid her understanding of economics is not too hot either (being fair minded and dispassionate of course ) In my view her premiership may well turn out to be an economic disaster However Starmer plus the Lib Dems or the Tartan Socialists would be economic Armageddon
  18. Absolutely spot on as usual from Lord Sumption The scientific genius Prof Ferguson’s predictions were their usual questionable crap yet they were believed despite his track record
  19. Well the Wall Street Journal has seen the light pity no one here can https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/net-zero-bankrupts-britain-household-energy-bills-climate-11661523856
  20. How would you expect a potential PM to respond when asked (Save Corbin and Foot of course) Do you seriously expect them to say that if we were under nuclear attack that no she would not use them Pure left wing trouble making nothing more
  21. So now apparently we have Churchill talking rubbish Now the MOS resident GP( Lets not hear the twitter sneer that’s she’s not a virologist)agrees with my comment entirely Government delegation to experts was never going to end well “Rishi should have spoken up on lockdowns at the time Rishi Sunak didn’t agree with Covid lockdowns after all, he said in an interview last week. Apparently he thought the scientists had too much decision-making power, and his colleagues failed to consider the public health impact of locking down. Well, it would have been nice for him to speak up at the time. I seem to remember that Mr Sunak, along with the rest of the Cabinet Ministers, ignored a letter sent by myself and other GPs warning of the devastation caused by restrictions. The growing tide of mental illness, missed heart attacks and record delays for cancer treatment were all flagged. Mr Sunak and his colleagues didn’t even bother to write a response. If he genuinely cared about the health of the nation he would not have stood back and let the lockdowns happen in the way they did. “ Not of course to mention the permanently lost education of millions
  22. Well let’s have another more rational view https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-11147075/amp/MICK-HUME-Emily-Maitliss-attack-sideism-BBC-typical-despise-democracy.html
  23. wondered why the NHS has such a backlog Its full of lefties queuing up for their sense of humor bypass operation
  24. Shame he waited so long to say it But as the great man Sir Winston once said “nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get in the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge, and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows where it hurts is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialized character.” How true
  25. Brilliant news after all the sh** Napoleon has given us about time he had some back
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