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Everything posted by theoldrouge

  1. "The conviction sheet is a long one. It includes: political leaders at home (Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, Nicola Sturgeon, Mark Drayford) and abroad (including Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden and Jacinda Ardern); Bill Gates and his various funding agencies; SAGE scientists who danced to the tune of their academic and political paymasters; the behavioural-science ‘nudgers’ at the helm of the world-wide psychological-manipulation strategy; the professional organisations that have manifestly colluded with the state-driven tyranny (including the British Medical Association and the British Psychological Society); the conflicted drug regulators (such as the MHRA); the all-powerful, profit-driven pharmaceutical companies, deploying their financial clout to influence health-policy decisions; and the mainstream media who have slavishly peddled the dominant covid narrative while dismissing alternative viewpoints. To successfully expose the wrong-doings of such powerful individuals and institutions is a big ask. Realistically, only bottom-up resistance and protests from millions of ordinary people could achieve this aim, and in this regard there are reasons for optimism. Truth will – eventually – reveal itself. Despite the ongoing censorship and manipulation, public dissent to the attempted imposition of a bio-security state is becoming increasingly visible. Masking in the community is – at the time of writing – practised only by a deviant minority. The net harms of covid restrictions are more widely recognised. Ordinary citizens increasingly claim they will not be locked down, and separated from their loved ones, ever again. And – perhaps more importantly – the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine narrative is crumbling as indicated by more and more of us are rejecting the jabs. If we do not wish to live in a trans-human society devoid of personal freedoms, where our day-to-day decisions (where we go, what we say, what we eat, how we spend our money, what drugs we ingest) are determined by the state’s version of the ‘greater good’, we must all continue to show visible dissent to the globalists’ new-world order. Together, I believe we can defeat the biggest threat to Western values witnessed in my lifetime. And even if we don’t succeed, history will show that at least we tried." https://www.coronababble.com/post/reflections-on-the-covid-era-shock-loss-retribution Dr. Gary Sidley is a retired NHS Consultant Clinical Psychologist
  2. Pertinent daily commentary from a trading desk Eurozone Inflation Surges Amid Risk-Averse Start To Week It’s been a while since I’ve had a moan about ECB President Lagarde, but I must this morning. Lagarde appeared on Irish television over the weekend, pontificating about ECB policy and the economic situation on The Late Late Show – not the programme’s usual fare, I understand. Anyway, Lagarde delivered perhaps the most shockingly naïve and ridiculous line that I’ve heard from a central banker for some time, stating that inflation had “pretty much come about from nowhere”. Nowhere? The ECB’s decade of negative rates clearly had nothing to do with it. Nor did the same decade of near-infinite money printing. Nor, obviously, did Lagarde’s insistence for much of the pandemic that inflation was “largely transitory”, leaving the ECB further and further behind the curve. Anyway, the data on inflation is irrefutable, and the eurozone has a whopping great problem with it right now. ‘Flash’ CPI rose by 10.7% YoY in October, well above economists’ expectations, and 0.7pp higher than a month prior. Core inflation looks no better, surging 5.0% YoY, also a record increase.
  3. Absolutely, read the Florida Surgeon Generals statement Research Mark Sharmans credentials sooner or later the trickle will become a flood and the dam will burst even more so now Musk owns twitter
  4. Actually most of the colouring was due to farm run off and mud If you knew anything about the weather in the area at the time you would know the reason for the release Nowhere near as dramatic as you would like it to be
  5. Complete and utter garbage So now the Florida Surgeon General is wrong according to some idiot so called fact checker And the film you refer to was actually produced by Mark Sharman a long time respected Sky and ITV chief executive https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2022/10/20220512-guidance-mrna-covid19-vaccine.pr.html
  6. “Nevertheless, the fact is — to use the phrase beloved of Brexit's most implacable opponents — since the vote to leave and up until the end of the second quarter of this year, data from the authoritative Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) show that the cumulative growth rate of real GDP in Italy was 4 per cent, in Germany 5.5 per cent, in the UK 6.8 per cent, and in France 7.6 per cent. But, again, you won't find any reference to those figures — real ones, not assumptions based on theoretical models — in the BBC's supposedly definitive report. Yes, the UK does have its economic problems, which have been apparent not just since 2016, but for far longer. They concern productivity, as much as anything. It's true that Brexit in itself doesn't address that: but nor would returning to the rules of the European Union. Sadly, however, blaming everything on Brexit is what gets some people up in the morning “ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-11371989/DOMINIC-LAWSON-Britains-economic-problems-little-Brexit.html
  7. So no medical qualifications not even a Boy Scout first aid badge eh @tobyjugg2 Just blindly following the WHO Heres another one from a proper expert Dr Who https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/update-coronavax-safety-in-the-netherlands
  8. Oxford Study Finds Negative Vaccine Effectiveness Against Covid Hospitalisation and Death https://dailysceptic.org/2022/10/29/oxford-study-finds-negative-vaccine-effectiveness-against-covid-hospitalisation-and-death/
  9. Of course it has to be noted that the opinion of any health care professional, GP, Virologist, Cardiac Specialist who differs from the narrative of the WHO, big tech or big pharma , the narrative that you have swallowed hook line and sinker , is ridiculed and dismissed However it also has to be noted that we are still waiting to be informed as to whether you actually personally hold any medical qualifications so any future reader of this thread can judge for themselves as to whether your views have a smidgen of credence when you state that a leading cardiac specialist who gave evidence last Friday to the vaccine safety committee at Westminster is indeed “full of horseshit and crap” , a view with which the committee did not of course concur
  10. not unsuited statements at all numerous opposing views emerging as in the following peer reviewed paper from Australia Natural immunity ignored It is an amazing fact that natural immunity is completely disregarded by health authorities around the world. We know from SARS- CoV-1 that natural immunity is durable and persists for at least 12-17 years [17]. Immunologists have suggested that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different. The human population has encountered and co-existed with a great number of coronaviruses throughout evolution. Most of us have cross-reacting T-cells, B cells and antibodies derived from encounters with common cold coronaviruses that can recognise SARS-CoV-2 [18-20]. A survey of more than 100 immunologists, infectious-disease researchers and virologists working on the coronavirus, who were asked whether the virus could be eradicated, showed that almost 90% of respondents believe that the coronavirus will become endemic [21]. The four human coronaviruses that cause common colds are also endemic, without there ever having been a vaccine for any of them. The existence of related viruses might explain that approximately 40% to 45% of COVID infected people are asymptomatic and about 80% of COVID cases are mild infections. In some cohorts, the asymptomatic infection figure jumps as high as 96% depending on the age and cross-immunity imparted by other viruses such as beta coronaviruses HCoV-OC43 and HCoV- HKU1, which have been proposed as a mitigating factor in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 [22-23]. The Brownstone institute has established the most updated and comprehensive library list of 150 of the highest-quality, complete, and robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity. The consensus of these studies is that immunity induced by COVID infection is robust and long lasting (https://brownstone.org/articles/79-research-studies-affirm- naturally-acquired-immunity-to-covid-19-documented-linked- and-quoted/). Volume 7 | Issue 3 | 492 When comparing the immune response to vaccination and natural infection, differences in the responses were detected. For example, a strong upregulation of genes associated with type I interferon production, cytotoxicity and an increase in circulating plasmablasts were only observed after natural infections [24]. In contrast, mRNA vaccines seem to suppress interferon responses [25]. A literature review by Cardozo and Veazev [26] concluded that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially worsen COVID-19 disease through antibody-dependent enhancement when natural infection occurs after vaccination, regardless of the delivery mechanism - vector or LNP containing RNA – of the nucleic acid coding for the spike protein. A retrospective cohort study from Sweden revealed that individuals who survived and recovered from a previous infection had a lower risk of COVID-19 re-infection and hospitalisation for up to 20 months. The paper in full here https://opastpublishers.com/open-access/covid-19-vaccines-an-australian-review.pdf
  11. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11362165/Covid-likely-leaked-lab-explosive-Senate-says.html
  12. Also from the debate a very important point imo Andrew Bridgen (North West Leicestershire) (Con) I thank my hon. Friend for giving way. Unlike any other vaccine, the covid vaccine was given to people who had natural immunity because they had provably contracted the virus. Why were those people vaccinated? Danny Kruger My hon. Friend is absolutely right. The best vaccine against covid is covid, and many people were naturally immune. There are questions to be asked about the effects of vaccination on the immune system.
  13. From Parliamentary Debate ,Danny Kruger MP Interesting “Throughout, there has been misinformation in favour of the vaccine. I would not say that was deliberate; it was possibly accidental. We can tell that with hindsight. Perhaps the most egregious example was the claim that the vaccine is 95% effective; as was mentioned earlier, Dr. Malhotra presented on this to the APPG last week. That figure refers simply to the relative risk, instead of the actual or absolute reduction in risk to an individual. The absolute risk reduction is really less than 1%.” https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-10-24/debates/FF880636-BC3B-4BDB-A5E0-D6D4B82B2888/Covid-19VaccinesSafety
  14. dx makes a good point about the different noise from a Diesel engine You had the vehicle professional serviced about 4000 miles prior to the breakdown and no concerns were raised at the time of the service so negating their argument A chain breaking is a sudden event with no noticeable loss of engine performance prior to the event
  15. Trust the science???? You must be joking Boston University developed new Covid strain with an 80% kill rate in mice What the hell are these clowns thinking? https://www.ft.com/content/f2e88a9c-104a-4515-8de1-65d72a5903d0
  16. What an absolute sh*t show Truss has obviously rejoined the Lib Dem’s without telling anyone Lets look forward to a Labour Government with the Tartan Socialists as His Majesty’s disloyal opposition A pure vision from hell I sense the hand of Gove and Major all over this If Kemi has any sense she will resign pronto
  17. General Election? Youve already got a New Labour government with the lockdown loving dyed in the wool remainer Hunt in charge The only difference if you had Starmer is that his sole policy is to borrow colossal amounts to fund his useless flaky renewables And meanwhile he would be totally unable to control Rayners mouth and the Corbynista wing of his party
  18. “some decency or honor“ ROFL Now lets have a look at a few lefties who actually should show some decency and honour Miriam Margolyes and The equally foul mouthed Angela Raynor The leftie nurse who said that there was no need to resuscitate tories The repugnant James OBrien who said that the government manipulated people to queue for the Queens lying in state Let’s not forget the tartan socialist who “detests Tories” What about a mention for the people who thought it was a good idea to pour human excrement over the memorial to Col Sir Tom Moore Or Rupa Huq MP perhaps The list goes on and on All very good at virtue signalling but scratch the surface and what do you find?
  19. As usual you try to portray the financial problems as aUK only problem as is the usual leftie suspects won’t Had you have bothered to read the link you would have noticed that they are in fact worldwide As it is I only provided the link as I thought it may help you pass the time whilst glued to a road somewhere
  20. Here’s a little article to help with your understanding https://www.goldmoney.com/research/banking-crisis-the-great-unwind any questions please ask
  21. https://news.sky.com/story/kwasi-kwarteng-sacked-as-chancellor-after-mini-budget-turmoil-sky-news-understands-12719407
  22. Understand it very well thank you I would say it is you who does not The BOE and the FED and the ECB should all have started raising rates aggressively a couple of years ago However we had all the nonsense of the “deflation coming, no inflation, inflation only temporary, opps inflation rampant” let’s carry on printing money However the bond vigilantes have had their say and very soon the gold vigilantes will have theirs
  23. It’s all Baileys fault I’m afraid https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/comment/article-11309681/amp/ALEX-BRUMMER-rid-gaffe-prone-Bank-England-governor-Andrew-Bailey.html Nowt to do with Liz
  24. Oh dear, we are not alone Along with German GDP forecast to fall by -3 to -4%, we also have https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63225948.amp Not too great in “paradise “ either is it?
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