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Everything posted by theoldrouge

  1. Oxford Study Finds Negative Vaccine Effectiveness Against Covid Hospitalisation and Death https://dailysceptic.org/2022/10/29/oxford-study-finds-negative-vaccine-effectiveness-against-covid-hospitalisation-and-death/
  2. Of course it has to be noted that the opinion of any health care professional, GP, Virologist, Cardiac Specialist who differs from the narrative of the WHO, big tech or big pharma , the narrative that you have swallowed hook line and sinker , is ridiculed and dismissed However it also has to be noted that we are still waiting to be informed as to whether you actually personally hold any medical qualifications so any future reader of this thread can judge for themselves as to whether your views have a smidgen of credence when you state that a leading cardiac specialist who gave evidence last Friday to the vaccine safety committee at Westminster is indeed “full of horseshit and crap” , a view with which the committee did not of course concur
  3. not unsuited statements at all numerous opposing views emerging as in the following peer reviewed paper from Australia Natural immunity ignored It is an amazing fact that natural immunity is completely disregarded by health authorities around the world. We know from SARS- CoV-1 that natural immunity is durable and persists for at least 12-17 years [17]. Immunologists have suggested that immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is no different. The human population has encountered and co-existed with a great number of coronaviruses throughout evolution. Most of us have cross-reacting T-cells, B cells and antibodies derived from encounters with common cold coronaviruses that can recognise SARS-CoV-2 [18-20]. A survey of more than 100 immunologists, infectious-disease researchers and virologists working on the coronavirus, who were asked whether the virus could be eradicated, showed that almost 90% of respondents believe that the coronavirus will become endemic [21]. The four human coronaviruses that cause common colds are also endemic, without there ever having been a vaccine for any of them. The existence of related viruses might explain that approximately 40% to 45% of COVID infected people are asymptomatic and about 80% of COVID cases are mild infections. In some cohorts, the asymptomatic infection figure jumps as high as 96% depending on the age and cross-immunity imparted by other viruses such as beta coronaviruses HCoV-OC43 and HCoV- HKU1, which have been proposed as a mitigating factor in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 [22-23]. The Brownstone institute has established the most updated and comprehensive library list of 150 of the highest-quality, complete, and robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity. The consensus of these studies is that immunity induced by COVID infection is robust and long lasting (https://brownstone.org/articles/79-research-studies-affirm- naturally-acquired-immunity-to-covid-19-documented-linked- and-quoted/). Volume 7 | Issue 3 | 492 When comparing the immune response to vaccination and natural infection, differences in the responses were detected. For example, a strong upregulation of genes associated with type I interferon production, cytotoxicity and an increase in circulating plasmablasts were only observed after natural infections [24]. In contrast, mRNA vaccines seem to suppress interferon responses [25]. A literature review by Cardozo and Veazev [26] concluded that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially worsen COVID-19 disease through antibody-dependent enhancement when natural infection occurs after vaccination, regardless of the delivery mechanism - vector or LNP containing RNA – of the nucleic acid coding for the spike protein. A retrospective cohort study from Sweden revealed that individuals who survived and recovered from a previous infection had a lower risk of COVID-19 re-infection and hospitalisation for up to 20 months. The paper in full here https://opastpublishers.com/open-access/covid-19-vaccines-an-australian-review.pdf
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11362165/Covid-likely-leaked-lab-explosive-Senate-says.html
  5. Also from the debate a very important point imo Andrew Bridgen (North West Leicestershire) (Con) I thank my hon. Friend for giving way. Unlike any other vaccine, the covid vaccine was given to people who had natural immunity because they had provably contracted the virus. Why were those people vaccinated? Danny Kruger My hon. Friend is absolutely right. The best vaccine against covid is covid, and many people were naturally immune. There are questions to be asked about the effects of vaccination on the immune system.
  6. From Parliamentary Debate ,Danny Kruger MP Interesting “Throughout, there has been misinformation in favour of the vaccine. I would not say that was deliberate; it was possibly accidental. We can tell that with hindsight. Perhaps the most egregious example was the claim that the vaccine is 95% effective; as was mentioned earlier, Dr. Malhotra presented on this to the APPG last week. That figure refers simply to the relative risk, instead of the actual or absolute reduction in risk to an individual. The absolute risk reduction is really less than 1%.” https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-10-24/debates/FF880636-BC3B-4BDB-A5E0-D6D4B82B2888/Covid-19VaccinesSafety
  7. dx makes a good point about the different noise from a Diesel engine You had the vehicle professional serviced about 4000 miles prior to the breakdown and no concerns were raised at the time of the service so negating their argument A chain breaking is a sudden event with no noticeable loss of engine performance prior to the event
  8. Trust the science???? You must be joking Boston University developed new Covid strain with an 80% kill rate in mice What the hell are these clowns thinking? https://www.ft.com/content/f2e88a9c-104a-4515-8de1-65d72a5903d0
  9. What an absolute sh*t show Truss has obviously rejoined the Lib Dem’s without telling anyone Lets look forward to a Labour Government with the Tartan Socialists as His Majesty’s disloyal opposition A pure vision from hell I sense the hand of Gove and Major all over this If Kemi has any sense she will resign pronto
  10. General Election? Youve already got a New Labour government with the lockdown loving dyed in the wool remainer Hunt in charge The only difference if you had Starmer is that his sole policy is to borrow colossal amounts to fund his useless flaky renewables And meanwhile he would be totally unable to control Rayners mouth and the Corbynista wing of his party
  11. “some decency or honor“ ROFL Now lets have a look at a few lefties who actually should show some decency and honour Miriam Margolyes and The equally foul mouthed Angela Raynor The leftie nurse who said that there was no need to resuscitate tories The repugnant James OBrien who said that the government manipulated people to queue for the Queens lying in state Let’s not forget the tartan socialist who “detests Tories” What about a mention for the people who thought it was a good idea to pour human excrement over the memorial to Col Sir Tom Moore Or Rupa Huq MP perhaps The list goes on and on All very good at virtue signalling but scratch the surface and what do you find?
  12. As usual you try to portray the financial problems as aUK only problem as is the usual leftie suspects won’t Had you have bothered to read the link you would have noticed that they are in fact worldwide As it is I only provided the link as I thought it may help you pass the time whilst glued to a road somewhere
  13. Here’s a little article to help with your understanding https://www.goldmoney.com/research/banking-crisis-the-great-unwind any questions please ask
  14. https://news.sky.com/story/kwasi-kwarteng-sacked-as-chancellor-after-mini-budget-turmoil-sky-news-understands-12719407
  15. Understand it very well thank you I would say it is you who does not The BOE and the FED and the ECB should all have started raising rates aggressively a couple of years ago However we had all the nonsense of the “deflation coming, no inflation, inflation only temporary, opps inflation rampant” let’s carry on printing money However the bond vigilantes have had their say and very soon the gold vigilantes will have theirs
  16. It’s all Baileys fault I’m afraid https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/comment/article-11309681/amp/ALEX-BRUMMER-rid-gaffe-prone-Bank-England-governor-Andrew-Bailey.html Nowt to do with Liz
  17. Oh dear, we are not alone Along with German GDP forecast to fall by -3 to -4%, we also have https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63225948.amp Not too great in “paradise “ either is it?
  18. And just to add that the very basic difference is at the end of the hp agreement you own the vehicle,at the end of the pcp you pay the substantial balloon payment if you wish to own the vehicle You did not receive pci at the time of purchase and none of this was ever explained to you
  19. For some reason I can only see the FOS letter not the two reports As regards the difference between hp and pcp use the explanation that I have already given you ( paying depreciation v increasing your equity in the vehicle) just fluff it out abit I don’t see the FOS letter as particularly negative, it’s the reports I need to see
  20. Disclosure Having no Medical Qualification I would not presume to advise anyone as to whether the following article published in The Australian contains any misinformation or not In my opinion anyone purporting that it does, should first state their medical qualification, and where they obtained such qualifications, so that any future reader can ascertain the veracity or otherwise of any such claim The Scandalous Silencing of Dissenting Doctors Imperils Us All BY RAMESH THAKUR 8 OCTOBER 2022 1:00 PM Efforts to control the pandemic narrative began with a systematic suppression of any suggestion that it might have originated in a research lab of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, then moved on to denigrate, silence and smear critics of lockdowns, masks and vaccine efficacy and mandates. A bill up for debate in the Queensland parliament on October 11th takes censorship to another level. If successful, it will fundamentally reshape the relationship between doctors, patients and health regulators. The Australian Medical Network says under the new law “health bureaucrats will determine how doctors should approach treatment recommendations for their patients”, and health regulators will be given “the power to sanction doctors for expressing their professional opinion based on their assessment of the best available science”. California’s legislature has just passed a similar law empowering the state’s medical board to revoke the licence of physicians who expresses opinions “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus to the standard of care”. So now it’s official. They have outlawed opinions. Having overturned 100 years of settled science and policy orthodoxy on pandemic management with Covid, we are on the cusp of revolutionising the everyday practice of medicine by subordinating the professional judgement of doctors on the best treatment options for their patients to the directives of bureaucrats and health regulators. As per an existing intergovernmental agreement, the Queensland change could be replicated in cascading legislative amendments in other states and territories to ensure a uniform national law (although passage by other legislative bodies is not guaranteed). If not paused and stopped, this will affect every Australian, to the detriment of public health. Let’s look at the practical implications of this in relation to the vexed issue of vaccines for young people. Denmark and Norway have banned Covid vaccines for healthy under-50s and under-65s respectively. On September 30th, Sweden announced an end to vaccine recommendations for 12 to 17-year-olds from November 1st. All three have excellent public health infrastructure and aggressively promote best-practice public health measures. Yet our own Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved vaccines for children aged six months to five years. The four countries cannot all be ‘following the science’. NSW Health data back the Scandinavians’ conclusion that the Covid risk to children is minuscule. In the past four months (May 22nd to September 24th), just 0.1% of the 2,201 Covid deaths were aged 0 to 19. Almost all would have had serious underlying conditions. An article in Vaccine suggests that, for Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, added risks of serious adverse events are, respectively, 2.4 and 4.4 times higher than the reduced risk of hospitalisation. In a follow-up note, two of the authors note that the manufacturers’ clinical trials showed 125 adverse events per 100,000 vaccinated people, while preventing between 22 to 63 hospitalisations. Another study in preprint by U.S., Canadian and British scientists estimates that to prevent one Covid hospitalisation in 18 to 29-year-olds, 22,000 to 30,000 of them must be boosted. But for every one hospitalisation prevented, there are 18 to 98 serious adverse events: a net expected harm. Another new study of almost 900,000 children aged five to 11 in North Carolina, in the New England Journal of Medicine, adds to concerns that vaccines don’t just rapidly lose effectiveness; they might also be destroying natural immunity against reinfection. Among children who had been infected by the Delta variant and didn’t get vaccinated, protection against reinfection fell from 95% in September last year to 53% at the end of May this year. In infected children who were also vaccinated, effectiveness had fallen to zero by May. The likely, albeit not definitive, explanation is that the vaccines themselves are damaging natural immunity. Aseem Malhotra is a British cardiologist who initially promoted the Covid vaccines on TV to help overcome public hesitancy. When his fit and healthy 73-year-old dad died of a sudden heart attack six months after a second Pfizer dose, he spent six months analysing the data around vaccines. He now describes this as “perhaps the greatest miscarriage of medical science we will witness in our lifetime”. He notes that Pfizer’s own trial showed slightly more deaths in the treatment than in the placebo arm and no statistically significant reduction in all-cause mortality. Some experts point to a worrying trend of rising excess mortality among under-14s in Europe. Using British data, Malhotra estimates the risk of a Covid death in 12 to 15-year-olds is one in 76,000, against the risk of myocarditis of one in 27,000: nearly three times more. The number needed to vaccinate to prevent just one Covid death against the Delta variant reflects the steep age-segregated risk profiles, from 230 for over-80s to 93,000 for 18 to 29 year-olds. Against this, the risk of myocarditis ranges in different studies from one in 6,000 to one in 2,700 for 12 to 27-year-old males, once again demonstrating net harm. In the two-part peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Insulin Resistance on September 26th, Malhotra concludes: “There is a strong scientific, ethical and moral case to be made that the current Covid vaccine administration must stop until all the raw data” have been released and “subjected to fully independent scrutiny”. He calls on the medical and public health professions to “recognise these failings and eschew the tainted dollar of the medical-industrial complex”. Meanwhile, many of the claims advanced in support of the vaccines – that they stop infection and transmission, and entirely prevent severe illness and death – have had to be abandoned one after another, but were never ‘fact-checked’ by social media platforms. Moreover, people who die inside 14 days of a vaccine dose are classified as ‘unvaccinated’. This distorts the statistics on the net harm-benefit balance to an indeterminate degree. A poll by the Pew Research Centre in February mapped falling confidence in medical scientists since 2020. Malhotra argues that the rollout of vaccines under emergency-use authorisation without access to the raw data, the growing evidence of harms, and the resort to mandates whose major impact is to boost manufacturers’ profits “have highlighted modern medicine’s worst failings on an epic scale, with additional catastrophic harms to trust in public health”. To summarise, for children the risk of severe illness or death from Covid is very slight – while the risks of serious reactions to vaccines are higher. Protection against risk of reinfection is at least as robust and may last significantly longer for children who are infected but not vaccinated, compared to those who are vaccinated. The long-term effects of Covid vaccines are unknown. Every one of these statements is contestable and subject to revision as the databank grows and more studies are published. Not one is so implausible as to be summarily dismissed. In these circumstances, for health bureaucrats and regulators to claim a monopoly on scientific truth is scandalous. The effort to shut down legitimate debates on pain of excommunication from the medical profession represents a clear and present danger to public health. I certainly have more confidence in my consultant’s professional advice based on training, qualifications, experience and knowledge of my medical history, free of pressures to conform to the zeitgeist from bureaucrats and regulators, the latter often with compromising links to industry. Those of us without medical credentials arouse understandable scepticism towards our critiques. This makes it all the more imperative not to silence medical professionals, but instead to welcome and encourage contestable policy recommendations from them. Ramesh Thakur is Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy and a former UN Assistant Secretary-General. This article was first published in the Australian.
  21. Europe? Have you seen the clip of the German delegates smirking when President Trump warned them about their reliance on Russian gas a few years ago?
  22. So if they have rejected your formal complaint then off to the FOS In the meantime play along and let them “raise their complaint “
  23. Not complicated at all You just adjusted and got on with your life And of course the reason that there may be power cuts is politicians obsessions with net zero and years of virtue signaling https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11289975/amp/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-Cold-comfort-green-energy-fiasco.html
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