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Everything posted by kfdh1962

  1. Hi watsonnicole, proceed onto the next step, no reason to wait. take your claim as far as you can whilst the test case is ongoing....at least when its over, you will be at the front of the queue...
  2. if they run to their usual form they will pay before it goes to court. On my claim they paid at the same time as submitting their defence and stated in the defence claim settled... stick at .. you WILL win
  3. We''ll send round a door step agent, plus a van and add on £520 in costs!!
  4. yesterday natwest returned an item unpaid as it would have taken me £3.73 overdrawn. yet whilst they were unwilling to allow the direct debit of £37.78 due to insufficent funds, they quite happily, and immediately deducted £38 pounds from my account due to this incident!! very sharp practice and moraly corrupt!! , IMO Mad as hell!!! , so , i inetend now to start a claim. Its a matter of principal, as the claim will only be for £78 which is the charges deducted since i opened this account last year as a parachute account when claiming against lloyds ...
  5. good point 42man re the signature...:o
  6. there is no reason why not... the cca request is to establish their legal right to collect the alleged debt, and yes put on it "i do not acknowledge this debt". stop any further payments until they provide you with a true copy of the fully executed agreement...dont forget the £1 payment for the cca request
  7. how much!!!.....maybe the decimal point is in the wrong place!!!:o
  8. got everything crossed for you SG, .... ATB for next week
  9. HI SP, went thorugh a similar thing with capital one/cap quest. I had been paying cap one in line with our arrangement when they sold the debt to capquest, whi immediately added additional monies to the balance owing and started to demand higher payments. Eventually, following the inability of both parties to supply CCA capquest closed the file stating the debt was returned to capital one...not heard anything since interestingly a recent copy of my credit file lists this debt against capquest , and shows balance as settled , although it does list it as a default... so next fight is to get the default removed
  10. take a look here, it may be of help. Her Majesty's Courts Service - Home
  11. The initial paperwork to start the claim through the courts should go to the Northampton County Courts which is the bulk processing centre. It will be transferred to one of the other courts at a later date, and you do have opportunity to request which court you would like it to go to.. yes send three copies of the N1 and your payments, no need for anything els at this stage...that will all come later hope this helps
  12. My partner was once told by a DCA that they would come round and kick her door down and take whatever they want... when she said they were not allowed he just laughed at her and said well do wahtever we like...
  13. Hi hellhasnofury, that was exactly my first thought, that this will kick them off again. As you say i will stick to my guns, as previously stated no CCA , so unenforceable debt! all standing orders an that old lloyds account now cancelled so it wont happen again...
  14. Hi , I am not sure what the legal position is here. All i can say is that when i claimed my charges back from co-op they did exactly the same. They hold sold my account to a DCA, and when they settled my claim they did so by advising the DCA that the balance should be reduced by £xxxx amount... maybe some one else may be able to advise you..
  15. well not heard anything from equidebt.... unfortunately they were paid £50 from myl loyds account this week, there was a standing order still live on it that i had suspended for ages ... and it became live again because i had forgotten to cancel it.... lloyds cant reverse it as it went out of the account a few days ago... only found out because i was looking at the account to check the state of charges and resulting o/d on that account:mad:
  16. excellent news josh.... fantastic result
  17. Hi Tilly, welcome to CAG, ... you will find all the help and advice you need here to get you throught this... good luck...were all with you
  18. Hi Woolleykat, yes i totally agree. I had another letter from them yesterday,and although they have re-structured the o/d etc, they managed to set the dates to sneak in another £190 in charges before the new structure was put in place:o ... funny how they never mentioned that in the telephone conversation i had...
  19. Been through this - if you went through collections agency your agreement ( probably over 10 months) would state that so much would be paid back into account but OD would be reduced accordingly. You also have to take into account the interest fees so should allow for that as well in your repayments. hi Woolley, i did talk to collections recently (eventualy, as i could never seem to get past the indian call centre!). Following my complaints and our discussion, They did re-structure this,to take into account interest and monthly account charges and provide me all the info so at least i can avoid triggering any more charges...
  20. seems that A&L are following lloyds tactics... LTSB introduced new charging structures in november.... their's work on a sliding scaledepending on the size of the "unplanned overdraft", ranging from £5 per day to£50 per day for a maximum of 10 days in any "billing period".... so they could charge you upto £250 in a month!!!
  21. ok, latest update.... i ordered my credit report from experian to see what was on it.. Capquest is listed on there, listed as defaulted 01/09/03, , balance states SATISFIED.... so it looks like the balance has been set to zero... but the default is still on file.. so looks like issuing an N1 to capquest to get this removed...
  22. good for you fluffy.... for standing up to them... and doesnt it feel good .
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