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Everything posted by kfdh1962

  1. thanks babybear... i was couldnt find the template letters for Bri:)
  2. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/83035-guidelines-requests-original-agreement.html some useful background info on CCA request for you
  3. Hi bri 7, welcome to the forum, you are in the right place to receive excellent help support and advice from all of the memeber son this site. First of dont panic. If these are there usual threat-o-matic letters, and can be dealt with. Firstly never speak to these guys on the phone. All communication with them should be in writing. The first step is to make them prove that they have a legal right to colect the debt in question. You can do this by sending them a CCA request and also asking for a copy of the deed of assignment. Knowing capquest they will not be able to provide this meaning the debt will become un-enforceable..
  4. my first car was .... yep... a morris marina ha ha .. and soem fool nicked it!!!.... the 3 capris's came later..
  5. aahhh the Capri... i had 3 of them!!!! Loved em:)
  6. Send something along these lines Dear Sir/Madam, Your Ref : Please be advised that I will only communicate with you in writing. Should it be your intention to arrange any further “doorstep calls”, please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make an appointment with you. There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and if you do so, then you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance. I look forward to your written response to this letter within the next 14 days, together with a copy of you Complaints Procedure or, your confirmation that on this occasion you have made a genuine mistake. Failure to respond however, will see the matter referred to Trading Standards, The OFT and any other authorities as I see fit and without further notice. Yours faithfully, etc Good luck and best wishes.
  7. good tune tiglet!! and staying on the jam theme strange town... the jam
  8. he he... fair comment tiglet....proves the point that not all stereo types views are accurate... nice picture though..
  9. What would you think of the following. Please give an example of what you think represents each of them? Goth pale skin, black make up and hair, black clothes and heavy music, Chav more elizabeth duke bling than you can wave a stick at, trackies , burberry, and scraspped back hair innit! am i boverred! Townie urban dweller with a fear of wide open spaces Skater jeans with the arse at the back of the knees, slightly unkempt, laidback Do you think people judge teenagers by the way they look without knowing what they wrongly so, but yes
  10. Hi Tiglet, i have offered to send all the letters for her... so i'll make sure thay syayement is on there... thanks for the quick reply:)
  11. I am currently helping a friend sort out her debt issues.. She has recently received a letter from merit force re a capitol one credit card threatening doorstep collection. I have told her no need to panic as this is one of the usual threatomatic letters, and there is plenty she can do to fend of these guys... Lowells-cap one are listed on the letter as the "Client". She has not made any payment or any communication to any of these parties for at least 5 years, and it might be close to 6 years. My guess is that this a last ditch effort to instigate contact before it becomes statute barred. So, i think i would be correct in saying that the correct course of action would be to send a CCA request which also requests statements.. that way we should be able to check when she last made a payment on this debt as well... i was also thinking of including a statement reminding them they are only allowed to call with an appointment,amd that she does not wish to make one!! all advice greatly appreciated
  12. as curly said.. they cap one always seem to pay up when the papers are served...
  13. i would guess that cap one are offering the difference between what they always state as being in line with the OFT guidlines of £12 and what they originally charged. That there usual tactic.. which is incorrect as the £12 is simply the threshold at which the oft said they would automatically take action against organisations. you can tell them you accept this as a partial offer and will continue action to recover the remaining amount. Or simply reject it and carry on to claim the full amount.. in terms of how they pay it... not sure about that one.. i believe there is a way of stopping them doing this if you have other creditors as they are effectively giving themselves priority over the other creditors which i believe is not allowed... i am sure someone will come along who can elaborate further
  14. the beds too big without you... suzie coduggan ( i probably spelt that surname wrong!! )
  15. send them this letter.... Dear Sir/Madam, I understand xxx Council has appointed you to recover my Council Tax Liability arrears for xxxx, stated as £xxx. Firstly I would like to make you aware that I am fully aware of my rights and you will not gain entry to my home under any circumstances to levy goods and I know the fees allowed under statute and when these fees can be applied. Due to my circumstances I am unable to pay this in one payment, and I am more than willing to prove this by filling in any means testing forms which you care to provide. I advocate a payment schedule of £xx per calendar month, . I understand this may seem a long time but this is a realistic offer that is affordable to me and will allow me to pay future bills issued for Council Tax without them falling into arrears. A greater amount would cause me real and factual hardship. It should be noted that I am not at any point refusing to pay this debt but only asking for a fair payment period considering my circumstances. And if you are unable to accept my offer I will place the money aside each month until such a time the council take the account back into their management, when I will make payment of the set aside money to the council. At this point in time it is not clear what charges you have added to my Tax Liability arrears with xxx Council. I therefore require you to supply an itemised statement of account that clearly shows what charges have been added and what these charges are for giving details of dates and times etc. You are required in statute to supply this information and I look forward to this within 14 days. Whilst your demands and charges are under investigation, all payments detailed above will be made directly to xxxx council I am sending the council a copy of this letter and requesting that it be filled with my account for further reference. I trust the above meets your approval and I look forward to your timely reply by letter. Yours faithfully,
  16. Hi Natasha, i would be vary wary and wouldnt trut them as far as i cold throw them...Equita are notorious for inflating there charges and for hitting you with what are essentially fictitious charges... there are specific charges laid down by law that they are allowed to charges.. bailiffs have to be certificated to collect council tax..so establish if the bailiff has a current valid cetrificate and registered as working for equita... he has to provide this onformation and you can veirfy this is correct with the courts make all communication in writing... there are certain charges they are allowd to make ,for instance £20 for first visit, £15 for second visit... and they can only charge for two visits, so i would challenge the charges he is listing and ask for a complete breakdown of these charges... if he calls do not let him in.. keep all doors and windows closed and locked.... there is nothing to stop you paying the council directly.. they dont like you to once they have let equita loose but they cant stop you.. whne equita were chasing me i paid all money directly to the council.. write to your council and see i fthey will take the debt back under there control... you may find some useful info here Debt Basics - Bailiff Guide - know your rights
  17. that would be what the CCA states as prescribed terms... amount of credit, apr etcs...
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