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Everything posted by maroondevo52

  1. Hi Annie, I'm sure I got their letter of full settlement the same day they phoned me to check, that was my return day. I just phoned the court to let them know. I have to phone the court tomorrow as Capital One payed up on Friday and said they did'nt want to waste valuable court time !! I think they have had their butts kicked by the Judges for stalling. Regards. Scott.
  2. Hi, Annie, Yes tomorrow is the return date, watch out for the postman or sit by the phone. Their Lawyer phoned me on my return date, just to make sure I would get in touch with the court to tell them they had settled. Regards. Scott.
  3. That's what to do Stevieboy, your in control. Regards. Scott.
  4. Hi Alant1, You seem to be heading in the right direction, if you read all the F.A.Q.s and follow the Step-By-Step Guides you will get your cash back. The bank will try to stall you and put you off as much as possible but if your willing to do all your own legwork they will pay you back. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  5. Hello and welcome, Sounds like your going to be in here quite a lot ! Read all the F.A.Q.s and Step-By-Step Guides. Start a thread in whatever bank your going after. There is a lot of leg work involved but well worth it in the long run. Nothing better then getting a letter from your bank saying here's your cash! Best wishes with your claims. Regards. Scott.
  6. Hi Chain Chick, The credit card letter is in The Bank Templates Library(Credit/Store Cards). Regards. Scott.
  7. Hello and welcome, Take some time to read all the F.A.Q.s and Step-By-Step Guides. Have a look in your banks forum, read some threads then start one yourself. If you are willing to put the time in and follow all the guides, you will get your cash back. Best wishes with your claim's. Regards. Scott.
  8. Good luck Gemspan, BOS waited until my return date to pay me. Regards. Scott.
  9. Hi, Stevie. I like you thought there was no way I could sue my Bank. I had no clue about the legal system or how you go about filing a small claim. After spending about a week cruising around this site, reading as many threads as possible, having a look in my banks forum, I suddenly realised that I could, if I followed the Step-By-Step Guides. I started a thread in my banks forum and sure enough finally went into Edinburgh Sheriff Court and filed my first claim, the sheriff clerk coud'nt have been more helpfull. My first claim was for £720 plus interest plus costs. The bank paid me over a grand on my court return date.(Result!) I just filed my first Summary Cause claim agains Capital One Bank about three weeks ago and they paid me £1,111.94 yesterday. So if I can claim back what's rightfully mine, without having a clue! anybody can. Stick with it, there's no better feeling when the bank gives you your cash back. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  10. Hi Scott, Small Claims is £750 plus interest plus costs. You can claim using Summary Cause almost identicle, still costs you £39 court fee. You can claim up to £1,500 Plus interest plus costs. When you file your claimn at court you pay your £39 then the court will send your papers back to you and you have to get a Sheriffs Officer to serve them, this cost me £15.97. The court will give you a list of local Sheriff's Officers you can use. I just won my first Summary Cause claim against Capital One. They payed up about three weeks after I served my claim.(£1,111.94). Regards. Scott.
  11. Hello and welcome , Try to take in as much information as possible before starting your claim. Read all the F.A.Q.s and Step-By-Step Guides, have a look in your banks forum, read a few threads then start one yourself. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  12. Hi, Yes you have to pay £39 for every claim you make but you can claim this back from your bank. Think about starting your own thread in this forum, there are loads of people willing to help you out. Read all the F.A.Q.s and Step-By-Step Guides. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  13. Thanks for that George, superb, thought I might have to wait until my Return Date of the 13th March. Just hope BOS come back to me soon. Regards. Scott.
  14. Hi, Just received a nice letter from Capital One Bank(Europe)plc. Dear Mr xxxxxxxx. I write in connection with the above court claim, which you have issued against Capital One Bank(Europe)plc in relation to fees and interest we have charged to your account. It is denied that these fees are unlawful as they are detailed in your terms and conditions and in our welcome pack. Capital One has acted in accordance with the terms and conditions of your credit agreement throughout this matter and it is clear you have no claim against Capital One. Whilst we do not accept liability for your claim, I have in an effort to resolve this matter without the need for a court hearing, arranged for the full claimed amount of £1,111.94 to be refunded. These refunds are made purely as a gesture of goodwill and we will now defend this claim on the basis that we have refunded your full claimed amount. I hope you are happy with this resolution and I request that you contact the court to let them know about the settlement so we can avoid taking up valuable court time. They hope I am happy.............you bet! Regards. Maroondevo52.
  15. Hi, Scott. 1. Just put Bank Of Scotland as it's them you are claiming, not a certain person. 2. When you file your claim you must add on the interest to your spreadsheet. 3. On the spreadsheet your interest is added on for you. 4. In box 4 on the court form I put: 1. The persuer claims from the defender the sum of £xxx.xx 2. £xxx.xx. Interest from xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xx/ (Your dates) 3. I then wrote: Plus the expense of bringing the action. Hope this helps. Regards. Scott.
  16. Good to see you are still up and running Sosil. Can't you make a claim on the one's you've got ? Regards. Scott.
  17. Hope all go's well George, my return date's the 13th March, my first Summary Cause against BOS. I'll keep watching this thread with interest. Regards. Scott.
  18. Hi Adrian, Start a thread in the A & L Forum, lets people know how your claims progressing. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  19. Hi, Charlotte. Looks like your heading in the right direction. Start a thread in the Barclays Forum to keep people up to speed with your claim. Best wishes with your claim's. Regards. Scott.
  20. Hi, George. Do you have a return date for your first Summary Cause ? Regards. Scott.
  21. Hi, Pollymac. I'm still not sure about the maintenance charge, but my first claim against BOS was Small Claim(£750) well £720 plus £200 odd interest plus my £39.00 court fee.They payed me in full on my Court Return Date. I've just served a Summary Cause against them (up to £1,500) due in court early March, I'll let you know how I get on. I think you should open another account, I was with BOS for 20 odd years untill my first claim and yes they asked me to close it and cut up my Visa Card !! Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  22. Superb, Jaffacat. Always cheers me up ! Regards. Scott.
  23. Hello and welcome Chain Chic, Seems like your heading in the right direction. Have a look in the A & L Forum, read a few threads then start one yourself. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
  24. Hello and welcome, The best advice I can give you is to have a look in the Abbey Forum, read a few threads then start one yourself. There will be plenty of people in there who can help you out. Also have a look in the Abbey Successes, bound to be something of interest for you in there. Best wishes with your claim. Regards. Scott.
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