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High Court Enforcer

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Everything posted by High Court Enforcer

  1. Sorry spamheed for not been available at your demand.... I was too busy lying and cheating and beating a vulnerable old lady to the cash point.... you know how it is.... The likes of me does not extort from the vulnerable. The likes of me has to enforce against the likes of you because you do not pay your bills/tax or for goods/services you receive. The likes of you often mean that others fall into debt themselves because the likes of you have not paid for something. The likes of you are part of the problem. The likes of me does not lie, threaten or cajole debtors. The likes of me merely does his job to the best of his ability and recovers the sums due for the creditor. I am happy to continue enforcing against the likes of you who clearly do not pay their way in today's society. Please remember, this forum is also about helping the public recover the monies they're owed...... from the likes of you. HAPPY?
  2. NP, TT is right. The tendering process means that most contracts are significantly different, allowing different fees etc.
  3. Under what grounds do you think you'll stand a chance of removing the company from Companies House or the getting the Directors banned? None, I'd say. If an individual bailiff has misrepresented himself then your beef should be with the court that certificated him....
  4. Not when the general public consistantly fail to pay their dues, whether it be to creditors or government....
  5. OK. Am I missing the point here? Surely most of you Caggers now have enough savvy not to get yourself into the stages where a bailiff is allocated your case? Deal with the creditors/councils directly before it goes to a CCJ/liability order. Also either pay or appeal your parking tickets in the correct manor....
  6. Wrong again. Many Bailiffs/HCEOs earn around £40k plus, the better ones moreso. And card chargebacks are almost a thing of the past with new security (chip and pin and online verified).
  7. Unfortunately, this country will always need the bailiff industry. Too many people take and dont pay. Enforcement is always the last point of call for these people and all that they understand. The point is that the industry needs to be more transparent regarding fees. £150 for a first visit and then £250 per additional visit for example. Oh and Spamheed, Bailiffs should not have there licenses removed whilst complaints are being investigated. 99% of complaints are spurious. People just dont like getting caught. And before Joncris and others bleet that it's only the 'vulnerable' that get enforced against, wake up and get real.
  8. No, it is my understanding that in Parking Enforcement, if nothing has been levied then there is nothing to remove. However, you do not always need to gain entry to levy as it is often banded around on here. Any asset outside the property will do. Although, saying this, I would need to look into it further. A charge for an 'attendance to levy' is ringing a bell. It's been a long time since I was personally involved in Parking.
  9. Wrong Pu. There is a cost for sending a bailiff in a van with the intention of removing goods. These are often broken down as hire/fuel/insurance. These are reasonable charges and can be proved. I have personally witnessed many 'taxations' where every judge has allowed these charges. Honestly, not once were fees refunded regarding this.
  10. Many thanks ohitsonlyme, your heartfelt wishes have truly made my Christmas. My post above is true, whether you like it or not. Merry christmas, hope you have a lovely time..
  11. Can I suggest that if your daughter has run up a catalogue debt, she contacts the catalogue company directly, gives them her address, makes it clear that she no longer resides at your address and talks to them making an arrangement to pay what she owes.
  12. Wrong. Many Certificated Bailiff companies have the power of arrest for council tax with an arrest warrant. HCEO's legally have the power of arrest but this is rarely used.
  13. CAG. ban me if you want. I have tried to give honest advice, put right many of the wrongs and give my opinion, which isnt always liked but is MY OPINION! This forum is about educating people not listening to the bitter ones sided rant of idiots. Some, who all can see in this particular post, are not worthy of an educated response anyway.
  14. The bailiff industry does not have to comply with the National Standards. They are merely guidelines, however, most do. But, if the debtor is a nightclub that only opens at 11pm then it is not unreasonable to call out of the timescales suggested. Furthermore, a bailiff can levy at any time (eg: on a car in the street at 3am) but should not call (knock on the door) outside the guidelines timescales. For commercial rent collection, a certificated bailiff can only levy between dawn and dusk.
  15. I stand by my statements and wont be dragged into a slanging match. You're entitled to your opinions and for some childish rebukes. I am only saying what I see and have seen over the years. Merry Christmas.
  16. The fine may have gone to an incorrect address if you didnt change your address on your log book (V5). I'm not sure what you can do regarding the courts however, but most Bailiff companies are shut till the 4th.
  17. JGJ, dont be led by media or CAG hype. I have worked with many bailiffs over many years for many companies. I have rarely ever seen abuse of power and companies have set fees and charges which are regulated. I also see the other side of the story and can assure you it is the 'wont pays' not the 'cant pays' that end up bleating on here more often than not. I would estimate that 95% of all cases I see in a single week are the 'wont oays' that have been caught! (after invoice, calls, emails, letters, demands, court action and judgment...) Please remember, enforcement action is the last in a long line of attempts to get a debt paid. layer_cake, you seem like a fair and reasonable person and I understand your concerns but I honestly believe the industry is not as 'out of control' as you think. Merry Christmas all.
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