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High Court Enforcer

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Everything posted by High Court Enforcer

  1. Sheriffs Officers in England had their name changed to High Court Enforcement Officers in April 2004 (under the Courts Act 2003). The S word is still used quite often as it was a staple part of British law for hundreds of years. Sheriffs/HCEO enforce High Court Writs or County Court Judgments transfered to the High Court for Enforcement. The CCJ's used to have to be over £5k but this was reduced to £600 in 2004. Certificated Bailiffs hold a court certificate issued by Judge. The certificate is issued under the Distress for Rent rules (collection of commercila rent) but enables the Bailiff to collect Council Tax, Business Rates & Parking Fines for example. Both the above operate in Engalnd & Wales. Scotlands bailiffs are still called Sheriffs but work under very different laws. Hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs.
  2. Nintendo Contrails, you a wrong again The maximum fee allowed is £50.00 At 29.2p per mile this equates to 171 miles total. You must have spilt coffee in your calculator.
  3. The levy fees for when goods are not removed are calculated as 5% of the value of the goods, although it is accepted by the Masters that this 5% of the sums due. Nintendo Pu (or Happy Contrails as pointed out on another post) will have you believe that HCEOs can only charge pennies for collecting a debt of say £2000, no matter how many visits. He disregards the fact that some fees are applied under regulation 13.12 (Miscellaneous). In ohitsonlyme's detailed assesment the Master allowed many of these fees (and reduced some also) and these are for all to see on this forum. He also claims that these fees have to be applied for in a costs order before they can be charged, but once again he is wrong. When he was Happy Contrails he posted the same letter templates misadvising the forum and eventually costing at least one defendant I know several hundred pounds for nothing. If you feel you've been overcharged, by all means ask for a detailed assessment and let the Master decide. If you have, like ohitsonlyme, you'll be refunded and get your costs. You can then parade your victory around this forum... Oh, and postggj, I'm sure yoiu know where to find the regulations but if not please Google 'High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations 2004 Schedule 3 Regulation 13'
  4. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Kelcou is comparing Certificated Bailiffs to High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEO). I am both so will sit on the fence on this occasion.
  5. Several years ago I had two complaints against me under my Bailiff Certificate, both were won by me and both times the complainant had to pay my loss of earnings. One complainant paid in court and the other refused. I obtained judgment agaisnt the other and he paid within the 28 days so as the judgment could be removed. (edit)
  6. Nintendo Pu, under the order of a Writ of Fi Fa, the HCEO is comanded to seize in execution the goods, chattels and other property of the defendant and raise the judgment sums plus the HCEO's fees and charges. Just like Happy C, you are misinforming the forum based on your limited legal knowledge.
  7. I never said that. If the judgment debt and the judgment costs (and assessed costs) amount to over £600 then it can be transfered up.
  8. Nintendo, there is no contract needed between the HCEO and the defendant. Please stop misinforming people.
  9. Drakes merged with Marstons some time ago. And postggj, I tend to leave my laptop logged in so am not always at your beck and call unfortunately nor 'hiding' as you seem to think...
  10. £3000 does sound excessive but if you've been hiding and ignoring the bailiffs and many visits have been made then the fees will certainly escalate. Maybe not to that much though, but the bigger the debt the bigger the initial fees. Interest is claimable at 8% per annum. If somebody owed you money for years, I'm sure you'd want interest on it too.
  11. What about a valuation fee of 5% when a levy is made and other fees applicable under Fee 12....
  12. Spamhead, you make it up as you go along. Read my post. I am not condoning fraud, I merely stated that I believe that Martsons are not fraudtsers.... You really are a bit simple arent you. Night night.
  13. Unfortunately the judgment debt remains outstanding and you should make payment or expect the enforcement officers to remove your goods. You have said you filed a Form 4 but then mention HCEO??? Martsons are not fraudsters. I will watch with interest your threats against them, their Directors, their Directors pets and anybody else you choose to name but I dont expect them to amount to much....
  14. That £600 includes court costs too. So the judgment may be £550 with costs of £60 for example.
  15. I'm sorry, but you say that you know about the debt, never defended it, never made an arrangement to pay, ignored the bailiffs letters, lied about having a car and wonder why its taken when it is found? Surely the law has prevailed here? The claimant will now get back some of the rent that wasnt paid....
  16. No notification is given when a County Court Judgment is transferred to the High Court for the purposes of enforcement. The reason for the transfer is that HCEO's have a far better collection rate than the County Court Bailiffs. It is the choice of the creditor.
  17. You didnt pay the creditor and have now only paid because of HCEO action. Pay the HCEO their fees or have your good removed.
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