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Everything posted by JonCris

  1. 'Creation' Finance aptly named I see:lol:
  2. If you have legal expenses insurance on your own policy they should deal with any uninsured losses you've incurred ............. even though you were not driving your own vehicle. Legal expense insurance is a stand alone policy
  3. SAGA isn't the company it once was especially since the bean counters took over They kept sending me insurance offers claiming that because of my age it would be much cheaper than anyone else. I finally asked for a quote & it was 1/3rd more than my present insurer so I bin their offers without even opening them
  4. I can see this going to the EU as a breach of 'Right to Fair Trail' The McLibel 2 where awarded damages against the UK because they had to fight their case without benefit of legal aid. So I don't think the they will be impressed that the banks can use their deep pockets to frustrate justice. Also does anyone know the background of this Sheriff?
  5. More likely to be Sun readers after all they ARE thick & there's lots of pictures
  6. Makes you proud to be British does it not, whats next sterilize the congenitally infirm or lets say exterminate a race we don't like. I seem to recall that when there was a crisis in Germany the Germans via Hitler turned on the Jews accusing them of their plight. Pathetic bunch of losers what on earth did my fore fathers fight for
  7. Contrary to their belief you are not required to prove who you are not its for them to prove who you are
  8. But if you do phone record them & don't tell them until the end the conversation:D Just in case they make threats be advised that if it's your phone then there is no requirement to warn them they are being recorded:D:D
  9. If moomoo would like to contact me I'll phone Lowells on moomoo's behalf;)
  10. Unless they requested consent to search they committed an offence. A number of companies, in fear of being sued, have told their staff not to do it in the hope this will negate their liability. They are mistaken if they allow the practice to continue despite their instructions they are still liable for their staffs conduct. In this particular instant the OP's wife could claim damages to include any real costs incurred returning to recover her goods
  11. jdarbs as a result of recent court action where 1.2 million pounds worth of their agreements have been deemed unenforceable they are desperate to collect in a much as possible before more debtors become aware of the courts determination ............. & what better way to shorten the period for obtaining judgement than to use SD's ..................allegedly
  12. The hotel has ALREADY claimed against the OP & he wants it back
  13. All registrations can be identified via the MIB who have links to every EU country insurers Usually EU insurers appoint a local insurer office to handle their claims & even an uninsured foreign driver is 3rd party covered by the MIB
  14. Please expect the odd brick bat but YOU are SOOOO welcome here particularly as you appear to have had your Damascus moment. So keep going mate & if you have any other problems which don't involve your former industry please don't hesitate to ask even via PM if you wish.
  15. Thank you very much glad to have you here Your post appears to confirm that the Met are, like GMP, acting illegally in that they are making illegal stops using as an excuse their powers under sec 44 then detaining people until the arrival of the bailiffs this is also illegal. In law its not only illegal detention its also kidnap an offence which carries a particularly heavy sentence to & to which the police are not immune I have yet to read the whole thread but keep up the good work:D
  16. Quite & the police should not be actively & directly involving themselves in the collection of civil debt no matter how incurred
  17. Your missing the point I drove an Italian insured vehicle between both countries & stayed in both for equal periods per annum
  18. I'm sorry but the EU have been threatening the UK for a couple of years overs it's failure to fully implement the directive AND its also why if they don't the UK (namely the ICO) may find UK citizens taking them to court. The problem is that even if they do fully implement it then like the present debacle that is the ICO they will effectively pull its teeth by massively underfunding the operation thereby making it still hopeless at it's job
  19. Though it wasn't Warsaw I did when working abroad for a year in Milan & like the OP I had 2 addresses 1 here 1 there. The insurer was Italian
  20. 1st lets get this straight parking where you should not is NOT an offence, neither is it a 'crime' its a civil matter. You DO NOT acquire a criminal record if you receive a parking ticket. The police should take no part in there enforcement & if they do they are breaking the law & if they pass details onto the debt collectors they are again breaking the law namely the DPA. Furthermore its known that Manchester council have recently cautioned the debt collectors not to provide the police with such info. Just imagine is as was threatened by Blair you can be stopped from travelling abroad if you have outstanding CCJ's. Some in government have even suggested that this should also include those with defaults This is the problem with letting private organisations use systems such as ANPR The information bleeds into other areas & they, the police in this instant, think they have right to use it. Incidentally its alleged that the firm which help 'sponsor' the GMP website is the very firm which provides the info that triggers the stop
  21. NO matter how good a case you might have there is ALWAYS a risk with litigation but if everyone took your stance then no one would issue proceedings. As seems to be usual for you your advising "don't bother" whilst I & some others are saying yes DO bother & its my opinion that the OP will in all probability win if only because of the way & WHEN the charge was applied Of course it will be a question of creditability but the hotels is already compromised in the way they applied the charge 53 was & is meant to convey that no one here knows just who smoked in the room but if the OP claims he didn't I for one accept that. Also there is always the possibility that no one actually smoked in the room. Lets hope they have proof that it was the OP which I doubt
  22. Precisely as is ours when we visit the EU
  23. Has it occurred to you that perhaps no one, not even the OP, smoked in the room
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