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Everything posted by JonCris

  1. If this DCA have no record of any payments made between 3/00 & 3/06 then the debt is time barred Payments made after 3/06 are considered a mistake & DO NOT make the debt enforceable
  2. The HRA doesn't apply to private companies except where they perform a public function. Where it would apply is against the public authorities who have failed to enforce the regulations
  3. In that case there is no need to supply any other proof. Also by demanding your medical records over such a matter they are trying to increase their costs as they can claim your records needed considering. Prepare a letter of refusal post it here & I & no doubt others will help you with its final constructuion
  4. If the others are so sure of the support lets have a vote & put it to the test
  5. Agreed Prison should beckon for those miscreants who abuse their position by misleading unsophisticated consumers as to their rights. I'd also like to see more use of the 2006 Fraud Act which they will fall foul of if they mislead people into paying when they don't have to
  6. The CSA is run by a guy who's debt collecting firm has been warned by the OFT over its many nefarious practises & as I understand it during its existence only 1 firm has been de-registered yet continues to trade
  7. This is very important any payments made AFTER 6 years from default do not count & the debt would be still time barred. Any payments made BEFORE the end of 6 years will extend the debt by a further 6 years from that payment. So please put all you dates here so we can determine whether or not the debt is enforceable
  8. They are entitled to ask you to 'prove' your disability & a letter from your GP will suffice because as your disabilty is ipso locutor (self evident) there is no need for your medical records Also as your case will be a simple matter of law there are no grounds for it be multi track. I suggest they are simply trying to intimidate you
  9. Security guards CANNOT detain anyone UNLESS they have firm grounds to believe you have stole something. They certainly CANNOT make spot checks on consumers & to do so is not only unlawful its also illegal. If you refuse & they attempt to stop you & take you back to their quiet office they are guilty of assault, hostage taking & kidnap
  10. Great I imagine you'll be telling them BEFORE they tell you;)
  11. Great but we need to know your current credit status so we can judge the bank. Is your status good, medium or completely carp ?
  12. I forgot to mention its important that the cost of storage is included in the ad. Be advised that if the sale price exceeds it then the balance can be claimed by the previous owner
  13. Could I also suggest that if my idea does become reality then we give Metro Bank an opportunity to respond, as knowing that customers experiences are being mentioned on CAG may well have a salutatory affect on any unfriendly practices
  14. To ensure legal ownership place an ad in the press stating that unless the owner claims it & pays storage within say 3 months the M/C will be sold Be careful though as you will almost certainly have chancers trying to claim it as theirs
  15. Outsourcing to India will end in tears in much the same way as have the call centers. In view of the rampant data theft in Asia I would hate to have mine sent there
  16. We were invited to the opening & whilst we travel to London, Holborn frequently on this occasion we couldn't go Could I suggest that anyone who does open an account with Metro Bank keep an open diary on this forum as to their experiences from which we can all learn about this bank????? PS I understand that regional branches are not far off
  17. What unadulterated drivel this 'lakes' states Its frightening that this cretin thinks this is/would be legal & one can only imagine the grief he has caused to unsophisticated debtors "if they have the letter you can go in & claim goods" my gawd the mind boggles:evil: this person is a complete prat!
  18. Since the days of Porter Westminster appear to have constantly acted unlawfully & they'll only stop when someone from the council finds themselves in court accused of fraud or better still misfeasance in public office
  19. Westminster going right back to the gerrymandering of Porter have become notorious for their repeated unlawful behaviour I suspect its going to continue until someone from Westminster finds themselves in the criminal courts accused of fraud
  20. The police ARE liable they cannot justify their actions after the event simply because of the convenient fact they found a small amount of cannabis. However be warned if you do pursue an action you may find that they in revenge will start a prosecution for the possession of drugs. Having found drugs they might even make a return visit (they have grounds) with the express intention of searching for more
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