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Everything posted by vandermerwe

  1. Blitz, can you tell me how to use the search function for the site. Sorry to sound like an idiot. Van
  2. Hi Mich As you show Gloucester on your postings I've been thinking about you (and your Dad) over the weekend and since given the appalling floods and damage in your region. To hell with the DCAs - just give us all a post to show you're OK and coping with the floods will you? As ever. Van P.S. If you want a bit of a laugh look on my thread - Old Age Pensioner -v-HSBC and my quest for an avatur. It's obviously not all doom and gloom on CAG.
  3. "Patience, duchess" as the bishop said to the actress "I'm waiting for Bookworm to show me how to do it". And to think this time last week I thought avatar was something to do with Hindu incarnations..... Van
  4. Oh s**t. Now you know why I need computer help. Silly bunt. Van
  5. You're all way, way off folks but someone has kindly come to my aid. First revelation, though is for the girl with the sexy eye - pink dutchess! Omigawd - just hope PD's not a bloke! And no sweat, Lateralus, I get the humour OK - just hope the PC ones out there get mine (and don't forget your free prescriptions which can include Viagara) Van
  6. You're all way, way off but someone has come to my aid. First revelation though is reserved for the girl with the sexy eye - pinkduchess. Van
  7. Thanks Angel49 - your kind words are very much appreciated in this materialistic world. Laiste's very good isn't she? Or maybe he? We didn't make the CCA request as my wife agreed she owed the money and had offered £5.00 a month through our DMP anyway. Any defence would, I gather, have meant going to court which would not have been good for her so she accepted the claimant's demand and offered £5.00 per month which was accepted. It doesn't make much sense. GE don't need the money but I'm wondering with all their bad publicity and loss of certain store card accounts (including Harrods) whether they are just writing these debts off for tax and selling them off. For what it's worth it might be worth looking on the websites of Cattles plc/Lewis Group/CL Finance for 'news' and 'press releases' to see how they view these matters but for the life of me I don't see the arithmetic adding up. At current interest rates if CL buy £1,000 of debt for £150 to which they must add their friend Cohen's cut and then accept payment of £5.00 per month it does seem a bunch of lunatics are running the asylum. I do wish a smart tax account would come and advise us all! Van
  8. If you are in doubt about the address, Duffers Mum, I'd be inclined to send it to their registered office: Sainsbury's Bank plc 33 Holborn London EC1N 2HT Van
  9. Thanks pinkduchess. I finally did it, but I have trimmed it down until its too small!!! Any idea how to make it as large as yours without starting all over again? Van
  10. Shelvnatwest and others. If not too late, can I just stress how important it is to deal ONLY in writing and keep copies. Van
  11. Hi helenram Any progress with debt management companies recommended? We need your experiences on the thread. Hope it's been good news for you. Regards Van
  12. Thanks demon_x_slash. Thanks for your response. I'm going to sound very stupid, I know, but - er - how do I ask? The moderators are obviously hard working and I don't feel I should PM them with a minor question. I'm an elderly, disabled man with no previous computer experience. But I've got my mental faculties and the balls for a fight! Van
  13. I've had a couple of cards - clearly showing MBNA's name at the bottom. What, I wonder, does Postperson Pat make of it? Reading this thread does though make me wonder what sort of psychotic personality is drawn to working to working for this mob. But they are American. You know, the ones that won World War II for us and then made us pay back every red cent it cost them, and now extradite our citizens without a peep of protest from Nu-Labor (sic). Beware. Though, my Virgin card was apparently funded by MBNA (thanks Richard old pal) it has now been flogged off to Arrow Global - another Yankee come-lately that I gather from other threads is really bad news. Now awaiting a card showing a picture of the Natwest Three and the sheriff with his shooter. Oh dear. Van
  14. Thanks Rory and ODC. You've answered my queries perfectly. I guess I'm just to naive for the present day rip-off Britain. Van
  15. Lemma, why do you advise not sending a cheque? I've always thought the cashing of it was proof of receipt. Also - if you can help - I've seen references on this forum to not signing letters by hand, rather using a computer generated signature. Again, would love to know the rationale behind the advice. Van
  16. Coincidence or what? This is the first time I've read this forum (have always concentrated on the Debt Collectors and Bank Charge reclaim sites). Today I have had a bit of a go at Northern Rock who, after accepting £5.00 per month for a year against an alleged £9,000 unsecured debt, have suddenly demanded the full monthly payment of £191. I am on a DMP with CCCS who take my monthly payment each month and split it pro rata between my creditors. They have been most supportive throughout and reviewed my income/expenditure budget in April of which Northern Rock had a copy. I gather NR have been feeling the pinch generally just lately which may be why they are becoming a bit heavy. They are threatening to sue, and as I don't dispute the debt, and the CRA seems in order, they can go ahead and I shall offer £5.00 per month to the court which I am fairly sure will be accepted. The letter I have just sent, by the way is letter 'N' from the templates on the debt forum. Hope this helps. Van
  17. Hello Dubliner: Have you started another thread as your #5 is dated December 2006? I think I can help you, or rather offer advice based on experience. Do you want me to post here or elsewhere? Van
  18. Hi folks. In my view CCCS is marvellous. They saved my sanity this time last year. And yes, they are a charity and every red cent I pay them is distributed to my creditors. Just a few comments: Your debts, just like mine, will always be my debts to do with as a wish. After about four months of sorting out, during which time I sent each creditor a completed CCCS form and then a £1 token payment each month I set up a debit order to CCCS for £xxx per month and for a year now they have distributed this pro rata to each creditor and no hassle from any of them. Some of my creditors have flogged off my debt to debt collectors, and even THEY have continued to accept the pro rata payments. It all sounds too good to be true! CCCS must be effective as one newcomer - an American company - has devoted one whole page of its website to slagging off the CCCS. No, I don't work for CCCS but must say they featured in "The Sunday Times" Top 100 companies to work for a few months ago. My only negatives about them: a) At certain times difficult to get through to by phone (but DMP members have a website contact which is usually answered in 24 hours; b) Their abominable background music whilst waiting on the phone - not exactly the type a stressed person needs; c) They will not discuss, in particular, specific debt collectors. Their excuse is "we have to work with them". OK, can't really complain about that. Their telephone staff are absolutely charming - one, obviously elderly, lady even called me "luv". Van
  19. Guy, have you started a new thread elsewhere? The reason I ask is I think I could give you some helpful advice but it seems a bit pointless since it looks as though your last post (#10) was in April 2006. Van
  20. As I understand it (I'm with the CCCS - bless them) they are always your debts - CCCS seem efficient and respected by the creditors - and you can do with them whatever you wish. I've got a dozen or so financial institutions on a debt management plan with the CCCS which has run smoothly for a year. The danger comes if or when one of the creditors flogs off the debt for peanuts to a ****** debt collector and they can play dirty. Look at the Debt Collector forum that names the names and how to fight back. Van
  21. I recently (a week ago?) started a thread on the Debt Collectors forum entitled Consumer Credit help - or something similar. Trouble is there ius so much on this site you can lose your way (unless you are a computer expert which I a'int) The CCCS (Consumer Credit Counselling Service have been a Godsend to me now for a year, and I've posted my comments on my thread. Have also consulted National Debtline who have extremely informative factsheets. Both these are charities seemingly funded by the very institutions that are ripping us off, but they are just like the NHS - free at the time of use and, in my view a bloody site better managed. Look for my thread. Van
  22. For the life of me I can't see the logic in what GE Money, CL Finance et al are doing. The Dorothy Perkins account looks pretty much the same as one my wife signed with Russell and Bromley. Eventually she began paying GE Money £5.00 per month in terms of a CCCS debt management plan. Then CL Finance bought a whole load of debt from GE and the roundabout started. As her health is poor, and she owed the money anyway, she admitted the claim and offered £5.00 per month through the court which CCCS is now paying to CL Finance via the poor man's Mossad Howard Cohen! What's in this for anyone except H. Cohen? Incidentally they work from the same office as CL Finance, the Lewis Group and Cattles plc in Batley. Is it a tax fiddle? I know GE Money has been slapped with huge fines just lately, but it is part of the world's largest company (General Electric) after all. Van
  23. Pegasus-81 (and others interested in BCW) go to bcwgroup.com and browse all the content. I've had no dealings with them (yet?) but detest these plc's that have some murky 'divisions' lurking among their public directed bull dust. They have a self-congratulatory in house magazine which, if you go through it, lists numerous executives and their direct numbers beginning 0141. As far as I can see the site avoids the 'pay up' page with its 0870 number (another thing I detest), but it's a sobering thought they claim to have been in "The Sunday Times" top 100 companies to work for in 2006 because that's quite an achievement. Anyone really needing to know more about them should perhaps go to "The Sunday Times" archives. I'm not too familiar with Scottish company law, but I would imagine any formal request to the Company Secretary of BCW plc should produce a copy of their Annual Report. If not buy one share in the company. There seems to exist, to my mind, activity similar to that of divisions of Cattles plc which I have quoted in my post above. Don't know if this will help anyone - I certainly hope it does and gives them some ammo. they might be be needing. If so, please post. Van
  24. Thanks pinkdutchess. Totally off topic I know (but I need it after this week's learning curve) but how do you get the striking image beneath your identity name? Does it come automatically when you are graded 'gold' or 'platinum' - unlike 'basic' old me? Van
  25. Forgot to say I'm continuing to address all mail to the impressive listed building in ........ where I allegedly hold my account. Van
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