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Everything posted by squarebob

  1. Bah Humbug, sent a message to Angel and it got stuck, so shut down and try again. Well my little Angel, a creature who stays up most of the night and is also an early riser.........methinks you may have a dual personality, one a Devil maybe and the other an Angel? Do you also visit this place called the 'Night Garden'? I beleive it is on at 6.20pm on BBC2 tonite, so I might pop in to see what's the special attraction of the 'Night Garden', it might even help to explain the strange behaviour of some, if not all, of you ladees, PMSL indeed! I'm off to the chemist to collect some incontinence pads!!!!!!! Slowly losing all sense of reality Squarebob xxxxx
  2. and safety hazard Strange story this one, maybe it was the early hours or the extra glass of wine that did it!
  3. Thought I would pop in and say hello before going to the gym to stare intently at the wisps of women who are trying to become even wispier!!!! I can say with hand on heart that women who are all skin and bone do not do anything for me, and if the truth be known if the majority of men who drool and dribble over women of miniscule proportions were given a choice, they would pick a more cuddly version of a woman. And yes, Mr T is right, bone on bone is not a pleasant experience. Carry on eating ladies, why do you think that when you are younger the weight usually stays off, but when you are older the weight comes to stay? This of course applies to both sexes. I am now at least 3 inches shorter and ***** inches/feet/metres centywotsits, bah humbug, wider than I was a few years ago! Have a very nice, dreamy, chocolatee day. Squarebob of the strange proportions xxxx
  4. How come the Mares rule this Roost or stable? P.S. What's PMSL, sounds exotic, is it potent as well? Night night, off to a clean stable for the night, you're welcome to borrow my blanket, bit sweaty though but it will kepp you warm in those drafty stables of ours whereas your stables are centrally heated and double glazed and that's just where I'm going now.
  5. the angel on And I really, really am going. night night
  6. Then you should go and work on the last house I worked in, I'm sure that when I posted a message regarding my experiences in said house, everyone either thought I was pulling their string or maybe had a bit too much Juniper juice. Very interesting experience that house was, very tranquil loadsof help even though the house was empty most of the time. Squarebob xxxx of the ruff edges
  7. Squares DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT have Bad Points......................... maybe rough edges but NOT BAD POINTS. P.S. ever been handed a screwdiver by a ghost?
  8. I will bring my trusty screwdriver if you make the tea! Squarebob soothsayer and fixer of all manner of things xxxxx
  9. Ever tried drinking out of one of those glass boots young Yorkshire lass? Do you get any compensation if you get 'Robdblynd? .
  10. used not to Bahh Humbug, could not keep away again!!!!!!!!!!
  11. blue and a I'm going out to do some real work before I get too suckered on this thread. Squarebob xxx
  12. What about some nice...........SLOE GIN. Night night xxx
  13. You not what I'm thinking about Kat? Those old hot water boilers that they used to have in the big old houses, and hotels I think. All copper and thumping and banging away merrily.............but at least you got hot water out of them. Night Night (been a long day and an even longer one tomorrow) Squarebob xxx
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