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Everything posted by squarebob

  1. Hello Mme Kat, Know what you mean about the flu jab, worse than the yellow fever one. Best to protect yourself though, I find brandy to be a good protection for most illnesses. SQ xxx
  2. I thought St Evinage was somewhere exotic..................like........... Milton Keynes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Right my little 'Southport Belle' Sounds to me as though your resistance was low, got lower, then BANG in moved an unwanted guest. Know how you feel, a few years back my resistance dropped drastically because of one thing and another and I got attacked every which way. Nobody seemed to care, and the doctor struck me off her list because I had managed to crawl out of bed to answer the door to let her in. Eventually my niece convinced me to go out and get some fresh air and I actually managed to squeeze into a pair of jeans with dimensions so small, it makes my eyes water just thinking about them, in 3 weeks I had lost nearly 4 stone!!!!!!! Funny how when you are ill, you lose weight, and when you are healthy, watch what you eat, excercise, etc, etc,..........YOU CANNOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT, bah, b****** Humbug. And where did she take me? Landudno, up the hill and on the pier and breath in all that fresh air was her command, when I looked in the mirror, a white gaunt face with no waist and pipe cleaner legs stared back at me! Today, I might (modest me) need 1 and 1/2 mirrors to fit me in. If you are being waited on and being fussed over Kia, make the most of it. Have a nice warm toddy on me, Squarebob xxxxx
  4. It was the goat that did it for me! was mesmerised by
  5. I have just found out that I am a direct descendant of the Great Chinese Emperor Wun Hungover of the 23rd dynasty. Now I know why I had a taste for all things Chinese!!!!! Squarebob xxx
  6. That poor Square they seek him everwhere, can one ask how you managed to get flu? And especially before November. Hope you are feeling a bit better, they do say 10 days! but it could drag on for longer, so I see more trips to the greengrocers and the off licence on the cards. SQ xxx
  7. You've got something there Kay, my mother was and still is a great believer in fresh air. She now has cental heating, puts it on to take the chill off of the house, turns it off when she goes to bed and leaves the window open, in the morning after breakfast, nice warm house becomes a cold house as, once she has had her breakfast, everything is opened up again. Our house, though a lot warmer, has the benefit of wooden floors downstairs, and extesion with open vents at floor level and an open loft area, hence a nice healthy........DRAFT. Methinks Kia needs a strong hand to help her get over her illness............volunteers anyone, a nice trip through the red squirrel sanctuary is on offer? Squarebob xxxx Kia, it was not an argument, just throwing in the odd thought or two of Chairman ******
  8. Now I would like to pass on the benefit of my experience, but being a shy and modest person do not want to sound as if I am either older than my years or a wonderful story teller, I am neither, just an old head on young shoulders. By the time I was 18 I thought I had done and seen all there was to see. So the next time around I took my time to enjoy everything at a slower pace. Unlike most people who, having left school etc, got onto the train of life and stayed onboard, I kept on getting off at every station. What there was to see I saw, what there was to do, I did. I have felt and seen the wrath of those in charge in most countries including civilised ones (being PC now). War zones never stopped me going ashore for a drink, and I don't suppose my attitude will have changed much since then, if I want to stretch my legs, I will, I can't help it if your country is having a spat was my philosophy and still is. Gun crime, not slinging mud at anyone but.... how easy is it to settle an argument with a gun, does not matter how big you are or how big they are, Mr Magnum will soon sort them out. No gun? then Zap them with a stun gun instead. No gun or stun gun, call into the local store and get yourself a Knife instead, any size you like. Where will it all end. The innocent cannot carry anything around with which to protect themselves, that is WRONG. If I have a penknife (or pocket knife), on my person, I've left myself wide open for a prison sentence, but if my religion says that my sword is ceremonial blah, blah,blah. Be back later, just got to sharpen my blade and polish my steel-capped pit boots and put a few more studs in my belt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Judge Dread xxxx
  9. I have a guilty conscious, for som unknown reason I wake up at 3am, this is the time that most deaths take place!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Spooky or what.
  10. Flu? or Flue? Either way you need to get a good sweat going. I recomend the following; 1pt of hot milk mixed with one tablespoon of powdered ...........................red pepper! Result, no sleep, plenty sweat = no cold! Or...................I'll give you a rub down with horse linament! xxxxxxxx
  11. Methinks you are in great need of some TLC. What about a walk on the beach to blow the cobwebs away? Misunderstood bob xxx
  12. One for ANGELONE, no ornaments? Like this house, all ornaments etc put in the loft, 'Grrr' Also forgotten what I look like as mirrors have been removed as well!!!! Kia, you really don't sound as though you are with us, or could it be due to ****? Squarebob fixer of all things, soother of broken hearts and promises and wiper of 'runny noses' xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. THIS THREAD IS AS BAD AS 'CHINESE WHISPERS' I leave, never to return. Squarebob xxx
  14. Is not the TV a bit lumpy in your bed angelone? Or are you one of those women who keeps a bed as neat as her handbag!
  15. How's your cold Kia? You seem to be drifting in and out, have you been at the 'Night Nurse' again? Kleenex, sorry I meant Squarebob builder of ships and mender of broken hearts etc xxxx
  16. This night garden sounds like a trip to our local farmers field which is full of 'Magic Mushrooms' There always seems to be a lot of activity there too. Miss the days of early risings due to little ones, now it's a question of early-risings due to everything else. Did you see the programme re China's lost children? Made me want to grab the little girl up for sale, getting broody again, who's idea was it for the pleasure of having young one's being stopped at a certain age, only way we can carry on is by having a younger model but older model won't share me, WHY? Oh how I wish I had been a Mormon, all those wasted years, only 8 children instead of 108. Ghengis Khan has 16 million direct descendants!!!!!! I think I can count mine on my fingers! Have a nice fruitful day. Squarebob xxx
  17. I have read the article re our troops more worried of the situation in the UK etc. But................................. Discipline cannot be meted out in this crazy upside world of ours. Kids (and adults) can more or less do what they like safe in the knowledge that nothing will or can happen to them. My daughter was assaulted by a neighbour who had assumed that she had been moving the plants (his children) from his front garden. The assault took the form of being dragged by the hood of her coat, which caused bruising and scratching to her neck, plus striking her head with his ringed finger. Police were called and the process began. Nearly a year later he punched my wife in the arm as he walked past. I went to the police station to report this incident and to ask about what was happening to this neighbour regarding the assault on our daughter. 4 weeks later, this was the answer I received. 'The matter regarding my daughter had been dropped and if my wife wanted to charge this neighbour with assault, then she would have to take out a private prosecution'. The reason for dropping the assault charge on my daughter? The neighbour is 'deaf and dumb' and therefore 'PC' had taken over. And regarding 'National Service', could not agree more, but for a longer period than the old National Service. But once again we have to be careful. You find bullies everywhere, weed them out and National Service might work. What I have always found in institutions is the so called 'Old Boy Network' where everyone's back is protected by everyone else in the chain, think 'Deepcut' and you get my drift. When you are a callow youth of 16 or 17 and brought up in a sheltered environment having someone stick your head down the toilet pan and baptising you is not a joyous experience nor having to sleep in a bed that has been baptised by everyone in your billet for some minor transgression. I could write a book on what goes on behind closed doors, those that have been there will know what I mean. Justice? At the moment I take my advice from the bible, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'. You do an injustice to me, I'll give it back to you ten-fold (this included the neighbour). SQuarebob
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