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Everything posted by squarebob

  1. O.K? How do you mean O.K? Coming out O.K? Or just being normal (until I come on here) O.K? SQ xxx
  2. I'm off to take my daughter to school, will speak to you all tonite, Nice Picture? More me....or???? Decided to come out of the closet and stop being such an old 'Soak'. Squarebob xxx
  3. I would not and could not abandon you luvverley ladees for too long. Body and services got took over for the past few weeks by the pleas of two damsels in distress, but as soon as I have caught up on my homework and got the cricks out of my back and neck, I shall be back. I see that the threads re Stallions and Angels keep getting their threads crossed, methinks the aliens may have taken possession there. Speak to you all soon Squarebob Builder to the Stars. xxx PS. seems I may have wasted my £65 fee for a hearing to have my stay uplifted as someone who attended the same court was told by the judge that any hearings to to have stays uplifted would not result in having the stay uplifted. In other words they would be just going through the motions but the results would stay the same........"Bah Humbug" On the brighter side I suppose that means that A&L's bill has gone even higher, or will they find a way of wriggling out of their obligations?
  4. So no one has posted on here since the 30th of September, WHY? To busy with Stallions, Angels and 'Bah Humbugs methinks. Bump, bump, bump!
  5. Been to the waterhole, saw no 'Wide Awake' lioness only a rather bedraggled lioness fast asleep and snoring quite loudly under a tree. Samuel Wilderbeast FRC
  7. Wasps! What about African Bees? And what was the different type of wasp that has been seen in this country, wears an orange jersey instead of the normal yellow jersey. Some people said that these were hornets, but I don't think so. These wasps with the different coloured jerseys are/were really nasty, stung you as soon as they settled on you. I'm off to feed the spiders.
  8. Good Morning Laddees! Got a Clear Head? Can you Focus yet? It may seem that we scuttle away when you lot come out to play, but it's cos we really are experienced and 'Macho' men who know that when the hens start clucking, we can't get a word in edgeways. So.................while you lot are 'Prattling and Preening' amongst yourselves we're off to our 'Manly' stomping grounds to do our 'Manly' bonding with other like-minded 'Manly' men. Then when the dawn riseth we return back to our places and .......................... YOU HAVEN'T REALISED THAT WE'VE BEEN GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p Now I'm off to another 'Manly' stomping ground. The 'GYM'. Any of you 'Clear-Headed Hens fancy a bit of 'Mano e Mano' with an old but vigorous Rooster? Have to stop using that soap. it's having a strange effect on me!
  9. Is she hungry, or just waiting? Comrades Whoever thinks Vodka seems like a 'Girly' drink should go to Russia, failing that, try 'Poteen' or 'Moonshine,it has the same effect. Up The Revolution.
  10. Spiders, love them, will not kill one even if they have spots or hide in the 'Dunny'. I always leave a towel hanging in the bath so should one fall in they can get out again. When told to "Catch that spider and throw it out". I catch it, palm it, and bring it into the house again, have house spiders in here as big as dinner plates, they scuttle across the floor when you are watching TV and the effect on people is unbelievable, silence, followed by, "Did I just see something scuttle across the floor?" Then they wait until it appears again, and all hell breaks loose. "Get that spider out of here comes the cry".And once again the cycle repeats itself. Kats house must be full of spiders and things that go bump in the night. Squarebob xx
  11. Doesn't dry mine, I'm quite smooth and slinky. Ever tried 'Aqueous Cream from Boots for dry skin? Very 'Anti-Ageing' I'm looking so much younger these days, the other day I got asked if my mother knew I was out past my bedtime, then a policeman told me to run home before it got dark! If I carry on using this cream I'll end up back in my cradle! Squarebob xx
  12. Have you not had the pleasure of 'Bed-Bugging' OR Fishing for 'Silver Fish' in all those dark and dank places. OR Listening to the tramp of feet as the cockroach army marches its way across the floor. Beats the TV anytime.
  13. Do we have a 'Matched Pair' on this thread, having a bit of difficulty working out which is 'M' and which is 'F'. For personal hygene you can't beat carbolic or Wrights Coal Tar soap, the smell of which drives the wimmen crazy down at the corral.
  14. This should be called the **** Mares thread, or are we all seahorses? Now where did I put my roll of tape?
  15. After being tied to the bed, and then made to walk around on all fours (at my age) anything else will be a pleasure. (My Mistress, she cometh, I must make myself scarce) Until tomorrow xxx
  16. Can't come out to play tonite, bit 'Tied Up' at the moment with Nanny McPhee. If you promise to be good I'll come and play with you tomorrow, I shall of course be wearing my new leather jumpsuit and spangly suspenders and I'll bring and extra large roll of duct tape with me. Until tomorrow (can't wait, I'm all of a quiver with excitement) xxxxxx
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