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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/10/10 in all areas

  1. Try this? If it works??? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/paypal.php?go=donate
    1 point
  2. oh no!! lol thanks for all the help though, couldnt have done it without you. how do i make a donation to the group as a thankyou? can I do a paypal transaction?
    1 point
  3. heres another interesting letter from a creditor from another post today- so don't believe all you are told by the doomsday merchants Due to the age of the account the original executed agreement is no longer available; however the enclosed true copy is sufficient to satisfy the cca 1974 regulations. Your account will remain with our collections department for collection activity to continue. The demanding oof payment is not considered enforcement and purely a step taken prior to the commencements of proceedings as in the ruling in the case of McGufflick v RBS. Whilst we may not be able to enforce the agreement, the monies rema
    1 point
  4. Hello there. It's great that you've updated us and I'm very angry that justice hasn't prevailed. But I think you're both dealing with it incredibly well and I wish you all the best in the future. As you say, the ex-employer is the loser and you still have each other and your happiness. HB x
    1 point
  5. You was told 2nd to somebody else. You should ask for feed back and ask how or what you need to improve on. With this valuable feedback you will have a key learning and fingers crossed you wont be 2nd again. Feed back from employment interviews is an excellent way to learn and improve. You will also show this employer you are keen to learn and find employment and if a future position becomes available you would have left a lasting impression Good luck with future interviews
    1 point
  6. Fred, you have a job and a decent income, shut up. Pay your debts and be off...
    1 point
  7. If we are talking of a vehicle on the public highway then thats a different matter
    1 point
  8. This is looking good wilchy. Would just suggest minor amendments to tidy it up a bit: Hint: Try & keep all it all in the third person i.e. the Defendant says etc, he says etc. Also keep your capitals consistent throughout eg. keep all Defendants as Defendant or defendant, same with Claimant etc.
    1 point
  9. As it is a paid debt then I can't see a problem with you writing to them giving them your new addy and demanding they write to you. Don't give them a phone number though. You could always send them a prove it letter: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?428-General-debt-letter-if-you-know-nothing-of-the-debt Make sure all letters go by recorded delivery
    0 points
  10. Its OK its now the little star at the bottom of each post And you are welcome, please come back let us know how your daughter gets on.
    0 points
  11. Frettful They repudiated, it doesn't matter now what you wrote in your letter. As we all know the 1974 Act does not impose any civil or criminal sanctions on the creditor if his actions constitute non-compliance with the said act, hence I advise not to use the word 'unlawful', because if something (whatever the thing is) is unlawful then there would be a penalty a punishment, civil or criminal, brought against the wrongdoer. Let them commence with proceedings, and even though Peter states that there is no defence available in such cases of this type, I would suggest that you ignore what he says, as you can rely on the common la
    0 points
  12. My guess is that you'll be in for a veeeeeeeery long wait:!:
    0 points
  13. Hi there, sorry your having such a rough time of it lately. but i do think i can offer you a bit of advice i have worked supporting families like yours for the last ten years and i also suffer from MH problems including social anxiety, which has now caused me to give up work so i do understand your problem. with regards to your DLA your fear of being accused is common for us with MH problems and i believe this is because there is a lack of social acceptance of MH as a disability. you wont get higher mobility though unless you are virtually unable to walk so if you do not have a disability of this type then i wouldn't bother,
    0 points
  14. To answer the phone for people who struggle to deal with calls from these low life dca. It all started with a call from our good friends Philips Collection Services who were calling for someone who i never heard off, i told them as such but the calls kept coming. So i thought in some what perverse way i would wind them up the next time they called and 5 more calls later im hooked,now while i freely admit to living on my own i do have a life but they have not called for 5 days now and im missing our conversations, i've even tried ringing them, but they can't find me on the system.I've had so much fun talking 5hit that the last one go
    0 points
  15. I had a simalar experience with lloyds about 10 years ago. I had a lloyds credit card when i was about 20 and quite niaive, I fell behind and woke one day to find the entire amount had been transferred to my account. It turned in to a reseeding overdraft, each month a set fee was taken and the debt was eventually paid off, although I am sure that their actions were not 'kosha'. 5 years ago I got in trouble with them again with an overdraft, their fees were strangleing me, I eventually changed bank accounts and 'forgot' about the whole thing. Since discovering the world of credit reports i see a default has been added on to my account, la
    0 points
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