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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
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    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
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    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Red Castle Recoveries

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Has anyone has any dealings with a company called Red Castle Recoveries? They are the DCA dealing with my finance from Yes Car Credit but I have had a few problems with them, the main one being this.

Whenever they phone my house they NEVER ask me to confirm my details apart from name. Now surely I could be absolutely anyone answering the phone and saying that yes I am Miss * ********. They also never check my partners details if they talk to him (he has consent to talk to them about my account as he is at home most of the day). They called yesterday (22nd December) whilst I was at work and spoke to my partner. They demanded a payment form him, which he said he was unable to make, then started asking him about my financial situation, which quite rightly he told them they would have to talk to me about. I get in from work and call them asking to speak to manager (not avaliable surprise surprise) so they get him to call back. When he calls be he asks if he is speaking to me, to which I say yes but still doesn't ask me to confirm any other details. he then proceeds to take a payment from me when I could be anyone giving out somebodies bank details!!!!!!!

Surely what he has done is totally wrong and has broken the Data Protection Act but I can't figure out what

Please can someone help me to figure out what they have done wrong?



S.A.R SENT TO ABBEY 12/12/06

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Ask them to stop contacting you by telephone.


If they continue send letter in link




Mortgage Express charges- settled in full after issuing claim



To view the FAQ'S click here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/

To view the PRELIM letter click here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/516-1-data-protection-act.html

To view the Letter Before Action click here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/92-3-letter-before-action.html

To find Registered Address:




If my advise helps click here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/reputation.php?p=366404

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Do you mean this company?


Red Castle Recoveries Limited

Ridgeworth House

Liverpool Gardens


West Sussex BN11 1RS









[email protected]

And yes they are in breach of the Data Protection Act and all you would have to quote back was this fact, and only communicate by correspondence infuture.


In cases like this, we strongly advise that you start recording telephone conversations and report them to the Information Commissioner. These recording items are available from Maplins code MU66W for about £9.99.


If you would like advice on your current and/or future problems with Red Castles DCA then a little more detail would be appreciated.



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Do you mean this company?


Red Castle Recoveries Limited

Ridgeworth House

Liverpool Gardens


West Sussex BN11 1RS









[email protected]


And yes they are in breach of the Data Protection Act and all you would have to quote back was this fact, and only communicate by correspondence infuture.


In cases like this, we strongly advise that you start recording telephone conversations and report them to the Information Commissioner. These recording items are available from Maplins code MU66W for about £9.99.


If you would like advice on your current and/or future problems with Red Castles DCA then a little more detail would be appreciated.



This is the company I mean. Which part of the Data Protection Act have they actually broken? What further details would you like? I was pretty certain they had broken data protection when after they hadn't confirmed my details I asked for the balance outstanding and they gave it to me!

Thanx for all your help so far


S.A.R SENT TO ABBEY 12/12/06

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have just spoken to someone from this company raised the point of why are you not checking who you are talking to his reply? l asked to speak to *** and you said yes! told him to speak tp management about their lax procedures!

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have just spoken to someone from this company raised the point of why are you not checking who you are talking to his reply? l asked to speak to *** and you said yes! told him to speak tp management about their lax procedures!

I think this terrible procedure. Saying that I called them today to ask for a copy of my original agreement and asked them to only contact me in future by letter and they did actually ask me to confirm all my details. I think my complaint last time actually worked! can't believe it!:o

S.A.R SENT TO ABBEY 12/12/06

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Has anyone has any dealings with a company called Red Castle Recoveries? They are the DCA dealing with my finance from Yes Car Credit but I have had a few problems with them, the main one being this.

Whenever they phone my house they NEVER ask me to confirm my details apart from name. Now surely I could be absolutely anyone answering the phone and saying that yes I am Miss * ********. They also never check my partners details if they talk to him (he has consent to talk to them about my account as he is at home most of the day). They called yesterday (22nd December) whilst I was at work and spoke to my partner. They demanded a payment form him, which he said he was unable to make, then started asking him about my financial situation, which quite rightly he told them they would have to talk to me about. I get in from work and call them asking to speak to manager (not avaliable surprise surprise) so they get him to call back. When he calls be he asks if he is speaking to me, to which I say yes but still doesn't ask me to confirm any other details. he then proceeds to take a payment from me when I could be anyone giving out somebodies bank details!!!!!!!

Surely what he has done is totally wrong and has broken the Data Protection Act but I can't figure out what

Please can someone help me to figure out what they have done wrong?



Unfortunately, “Yes” I have and over a £195 debt I did not have!


Red Castle trawls the HP and credit companies and buys debts at a knock down price. They make their money by getting you to pay the full amount.


In my case, the alleged debt was a missed payment put against the wrong account, mine, in error by a HP company. My account had been completed and closed some 3 years previously.


The HP Company accepted their error, but said they could not do anything as they had sold the debt to Red Castle; Red Castle would not accept that the HP Company were wrong and kept coming back. I eventually threatened to take both of them to court, and Red Castle backed down.


Do not trust them, do not agree to anything over the telephone, insist that their only contact with you is by letter, send all letters to them by recorded delivery and treat them as you would any bully. If you bit back, they will back off.


On a general theme, get yourself your own 0870 number. We did, it cost £10 from the internet. All that happens is that the 0870 number is diverted to my home telephone number. The caller pays 9p per minute, of which I get 4p. There are no other charges, except when I want to change the divert number.


You give your home telephone number to your friends and family, and your 0870 number to banks, insurance companies and officials. It’s brilliant! Especially as these organisations, whilst having 0870 numbers themselves, often cannot dial them from their offices. Even if they can dial out, they are paying you to speak to you. My bank would not accept my 0870 number and ‘demanded’ my home telephone number. I refused and they had to back off. It was well worth the £10.


Good luck with Red Castle. Do not let them grind you down.






Is it just me! :confused:


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same here with the 0870/1 numbers really screwed up communication for capital one.

CLICK HERE FOR A LOOK AT ALL OF MY FILES: http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q82/bailiffchaser/

do not forget to click on my scale if i am giving you the right advice or advice is making sense click my scales otherwise others think i am not helping you.

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  • 1 year later...

hi i have also had phone calls from red castle recoveries regarding finance from yes car credit. The car was stolen almost a year ago and the insurance paid out but now this company have started ringing to say i owe over £1000. I have spoken to them on the phone and they have just been rude so now i dont answer the phone and sent a letter asking them to only contact me by post but they have ignored this and still ring my mobile up to ten times a day and even ring my parents house phone 3 or 4 times too (i live with them). they are harrassing me continuously and aren't willing to listen. the insurance was in my partners name so i cant get the copies of the pay out and have no idea what to do. does anyone have any suggestions?

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It is sad, but not surprising, that Red Castle are still up to their old tricks. There are a number of ways of dealing with these pond crawlers. Always remember though that you are dealing with socially challenged individuals who are unable to find work elsewhere, hence the rude and ignorant manner they adopt.


These are some links to other sections of the CAG site where you can get advice from the real experts. I am fairly new to this site and I cannot fault the advice I have been given.



Harassment by telephone - Consumer Wiki


These links will also take you to the ‘Telephone harassment’ letter you should send to Red Castle. When dealing with them you must send everything by Royal Mail Special Delivery, where they have to give a name and signature. Send the 'Harassment' letter and any other letters separately. I found that if my letter dealt with two or more matters, they picked the one they wanted to deal with and ignored the rest.


In the short term, put an anonymous caller bar on your telephone line. That will slow them down, but they may resort to sending SMS messages to your home number. (That's also covered in the links)


This next bit is very childish and petty, but I had a great time doing it and it felt good to be getting my own back.


If you do answer the phone to them, ask them to hold for a moment, rattle around a bit as if you are plugging something in, then tell them you are recording the conversation.


Do not let the caller start asking for your “security” details. Immediately ask the caller, “for the purposes of the tape”, to state their name and office location, and do they agree that it is now HH:MM on the **/**/****.


If they have not hung up by now, state that you wrote to them on the **/**/**** and asked them to only contact you by letter as you consider their calls to be harassment. Your letter was received by them on **/**/****. So, and again for the tape, in the light of Red Castle receiving your letter, would they please state who authorised them to call you, clearly stating the name of the person and their position in the company?


If they still have not hung up and are by now, as they were with me, getting rather rude and aggressive, ask them to hold for a few moments, put the phone down and go and make a cup of tea. At some point go back and simply hang up the telephone.


I know, sad! But it was fun!


Do not give in to them. Remember, there are a lot of people on this site who have been in your situation and have learnt a great deal. They will willingly give you some excellent advice. They have for me.




Is it just me! :confused:


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Thanks that sounds quite funny i will try that but they seem to be calming down a little. i am just waiting for the threat letters now to say action will be taken. i have had three of these already and now im guessing the fourth is on the way!!,

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It is fun!


Have these pond crawlers actually told you what the debt relates to? Is it finance on the car? If so, who's name was on the Financial Agreement papers, your's or your partner's?


Have you received anything from Red Castle at all, other than their computer generated "we are going to sue you" letters?





Is it just me! :confused:


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having problems with this company too.


After not sending my 'kit' back to Ann Summers (when I left) they sent my debt onto Red Castle. They contacted me wanting £400 and something pound including over £100 admin charges! I sent the kit back and should have been rid of over £250 of that deby meaning I only owed £50.


Tehy kept ringing me wanting payment and I told them I could not afford payment until June. Unfortunately due to helath issues at work over the last 3 months I have had 2 months off work on the sick which has meant I have had even less money than normal.


We have just moved house and I changed my mobile number due to harrassment from a former friend and did not inform red castle. I got a letter last month from them to my old address demanding the money and saying not to ignore their letter.


I sent a text message to the number on the top of the letter like it stated so they could phone me back as we do not have a landline yet because of moving house and needing to reconnect etc etc. I texted this number 4 times and not once have I had a phone call back!


I have been looking for a 01/02/03 number to phone them on as 0845 and 0870 numbers cost a fortune from mobiles.


At the moment I currently just starting a debt management plan as 2 months off work and less hours etc have caused my income to drop dramatically and I now can not afford house bills as well as personal bills.


Do you know if this will affect them bullying me into paying them still? I have added their debt to my plan but I really dont see why i should pay the £120 to them for admin fees when they have done b***** all as far as Im concerned.


Any help is gratefully appreciated.:)

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Red Castle will not take any cognisance of your current financial situation, they are only interested in 'their' debt. However, they are very unlikely to take you to court for £400, it is not financially viable for them. So whatever you do, do not let this bunch of genetical engineered failures frighten you. They will try and bully you into paying, either verbally or by sending you official looking documents that look like court papers. Do not pay them a penny until you establish exactly what the debt is.


Red Castle will probably have bought the debt from Ann Summers, hence the discrepancy between what you think you own Ann Summers and what Red Castle want from you. However, your debt is with Ann Summers and you need to check with them what the exact debt is now that you have sent your 'kit' back. Did you send it back by Recorded Delivery?


From now on you should avoid at all costs telephoning Ann Summers or Red Castle. Telephone calls can be denied, conversations that you did not have can be created and agreements that you have no knowledge of can be attributed to you. Remember, they have no interest in life other than collecting the debt.


Always write to them and send your letters by Royal Mail Special Delivery. It will cost you just under £5, but they have to sign for your letter and give a name. They can deny any telephone calls, but they can not deny receiving your letters.


You will notice that none of the letters you receive from Red Castle and a lot of other businesses, banks, insurance companies etc have an actual signature, it is often just a squiggle or a fictitious name. Play them at their own game; do not sign your letters as you would normally. There is always a chance that your actual signature might later appear on a photocopied document that you have no knowledge of. Go to this web site and get yourself a computer generated signature that you can paste into your letter.


Online Personal Signature Maker - MyLiveSignature - Free Personal Signature Generator


Write to Red Castle and ask for full details of the alleged debt. Tell them that you will only correspond with them by letter to avoid any misunderstandings. Also tell them that any telephone calls made by Red Castle after receipt of your letter will be classed as harassment and will be reported to the relevant authority. It will probably not bother them a bit, but you will have a record that they have been warned.


Write to Ann Summers and ask them to confirm that they have received you 'kit' and to give you the exact figure you still owe them.


When both have replied you will then know exactly where you stand. From there you can make your plans to repay what you owe.


Good luck!



Is it just me! :confused:


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  • 9 months later...
I am having problems with this company too.


After not sending my 'kit' back to Ann Summers (when I left) they sent my debt onto Red Castle. They contacted me wanting £400 and something pound including over £100 admin charges! I sent the kit back and should have been rid of over £250 of that deby meaning I only owed £50.


Tehy kept ringing me wanting payment and I told them I could not afford payment until June. Unfortunately due to helath issues at work over the last 3 months I have had 2 months off work on the sick which has meant I have had even less money than normal.


We have just moved house and I changed my mobile number due to harrassment from a former friend and did not inform red castle. I got a letter last month from them to my old address demanding the money and saying not to ignore their letter.


I sent a text message to the number on the top of the letter like it stated so they could phone me back as we do not have a landline yet because of moving house and needing to reconnect etc etc. I texted this number 4 times and not once have I had a phone call back!


I have been looking for a 01/02/03 number to phone them on as 0845 and 0870 numbers cost a fortune from mobiles.


At the moment I currently just starting a debt management plan as 2 months off work and less hours etc have caused my income to drop dramatically and I now can not afford house bills as well as personal bills.


Do you know if this will affect them bullying me into paying them still? I have added their debt to my plan but I really dont see why i should pay the £120 to them for admin fees when they have done b***** all as far as Im concerned.


Any help is gratefully appreciated.:)


I have a similar problem. My contract with Ann Summers was terminated and I had received NOTHING from them. However they're still trying to charge me for about £300 worth of stuff. After getting a letter from Red Castle telling me the debt had been referred to them (and was now nearly £500) I contacted Ann Summers who told me to get in touch with my unit organiser. I did, and she told me she'd sent all the stuff back, I called Ann Summers again to tell them this and the last I heard was that they'd contact my unit advisor about this. I then phoned Red Castle to tell them that I'm trying to sort it out with Ann Summers, but in the meantime it's a Saturday and I'm getting phone calls from Red Castle where they're hanging up as soon as I answer. What do I do? I have received nothing from Ann Summers so I owe these people nothing!


Also the company is now using a different address to the one above: Red Castle Recoveries, PO Box 4503, Worthing, BN11 1XP

Edited by bozrena
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  • 1 year later...

We are having problems with them Red Castle too. Its over a closed debt that was cleared in 2008. They want us to send all original documents to them as proof.


I told them to dream on and go back to the company they got the debt from and ask for a refund. They did not like this.


This has been going on for a few months now. However they keep sending letters that they will take action unless payment is made. We even received a solicitors letter which ended up being from the same company.


They keep calling and today I answered and said that my wife was out. They asked me when she will be in. I told them that its none of their business and that they wont be getting a penny out of us although they have warned us that they would take it directly from our wages. If they do then I would take them and DELL to court for damages and harassment as there is no outstanding debt and that they had harrassed us, bullied and even intimidation.


Personally I wouldnt spend £5 on special delivery as after some amount of mail you might as well pay the bill but send it by 2nd class recorded. They still have to sign for it. Only do it once stating that the debt has been closed, the date it was closed and with whom. Leave it to them to trace it. After all if they are so sure that the debt is outstanding, why havent they sent the bailiffs round. Ignore them and they will leave, if they pursue then take it to the papers. Financial Times and The Sun love stories like this. Exploiting pond crawling scums to the public.

Thanks for reading..



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In order to "take money from your wages" they would first need to get a court judgement against you - (which you would of course defend on the grounds that you don't owe the debt) - you would then have to refuse to pay the CCJ and they would have to apply for an Attachment of Earnings. All of the above is purely hypothetical because you don't owe the money.


Next time they call, tell them the onus is on them to prove you owe the debt - which you don't - and that you have reported them to the OFT as they are breaching their guidelines in pursuing a non existant debt.

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My advice is based on my opinion and experience only. It is not to be taken as legal advice - if you are unsure you should seek professional help.

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Thats what I thought and we have to be notified that this action is being taken to court before anything like that can happen.


I was once harrassed by Brent Borough for Poll Tax back in the 90's. I had only lived in that area for 2 months and paid my tax bill. They kept harrassing me and taking me to court. Everytime I turned up and showed my receipts they said it was a mistake and that they will remove the default/summons. On the 5th final court date I inssisted that they took me into court, didnt want to speak to an advisor or any other brent office. They insisted that it would be in my benefit to follow the procedures. I told them that there is no chance in hell of me speaking to them. Eventually I went in, and proved that I had payed my bill, also showed how many times they had taken me to court. LOL the judge favoured my complaint and ordered them to send me an apology letter and £40 for each court date. LOL that was £200 pounds back in the 90's it was allot. Took six months to get it out of them after ringing them every week and threatening to take them to court as they have broken a court order. No letter though.


What this means is that sometimes when someone is trying to squeeze money out of you that is not rightfully theirs and they ignore any fact proving this can work out in your favour when you make them look stupid in court.

Thanks for reading..



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  • 2 years later...

Also got a text message from Red Castle today which says :


This is an important message for Mis XXXX. Please call RedCastle today on 08448940615 quoting ref xxxxx.


Do they really think I'm so stupid that I would call them just like that? And spend my hard-earned money on useless phone calls? What an unethical and unprofessional company!

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They really ought to decide what they are going to call themselves, from their website





Gothia Financial Group ASA acquires Aktiv Kapital ASA’s AFS-business in


Gothia Financial Group ASA have entered into an agreement to acquire Aktiv Kapital ASA’s Nordic AFS-business (Administrative and Financial Services).


Change of name


Red Castle Recoveries changes name to Gothia & Gothia bought Bucchanan Clarke & Wells Group http://www.gothiagroup.com/news-single/article/gothia-financial-group-acquires-the-bcw-group-52/

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