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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Barclaycard courtclaim re:Charges +6yrs -***WON*** Compound Int't and **NO SET-OFF**

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My OH had an BC acct which went into default through ill health and the family business collapsed.


I had set up nominal payments for other creditors and genuinely believed I had done the same with BC. However, their solicitors Turnbull Rutherford soon put me wise that I hadn't. After many, many phone calls, emails and letters including I&E they took my OH to court for part of the debt (I had pushed them because of their threatening behaviour) and although they didn't turn up, the dj found in their favour because I agreed we owed something, albeit, we disagreed with the total amount. They have been receiving nominal amounts since but now I have found CAG :)


We do have other c/c's going through various stages and have received a reply from one of those who have refused our claim because the charges which have been applied are older than 6 years, they have closed our claim but that is going to court.


My question is this;


Can anyone provide me with the law which states something about time limitations etc, I don't want them to reply with the same drool about last six years as our claim goes beyond that.


I'd like to let BC know that I have done some research and hope they make an offer even if only a gesture of goodwill. I don't want to go the FOS route I would much prefer the court route but because we have others on the go, I would like BC to provide the funds (as there's is the smaller of all the claims) to continue our other claims.


There are no PPI fees involved and I do have the original agreement going back to 2001. Couldn't believe my luck when I found the folder with all the statements in as well.


Hope this makes sense. Any comments would be appreciated.



Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Thank you for coming to my rescue ims.


I'm rubbish when it comes to putting letter together, am I being cheeky if I ask how to word the sentence I would use that legislation in?


Your help is appreciated.


Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Hi shelley


I don't mind cheeky !!


Something along the lines of


"It may be that you feel a claim for charges going back further than six years is invalid because of your company policy or some mis-interpretation of regulations. Either way I would draw your attention to s32 (1)© Limitations Act 1980 under which this claim is being made so far as it concerns time limits"




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ims, that's brilliant. Thank you so very much.


I'm no good at scanning docs in here but I will get that in the post this week and let you know how I get on.

Based on recent media reports, I am hoping they will cave in pretty easily for a small claim but time will tell.




Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Hi Shelley,


As IMS21 has said, you will rely on s.32(1)c of the Limitation Act 1980. The case law to back this is Kleinwort Benson -v- Lincoln City Council.


However, you don't need to mention this at all at this stage.


Use this spreadsheet if you want to claim compound interest in restitution - http://www.shweb.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/interestcalcs.xls Enter all the penalty charges using the data from your old statements.


Send the spreadsheet to BC with this Prelim Claim letter - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?605-Credit-Store-Card-Letter-Template


See cases where BC have paid compound interest claims here - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?97-Barclays-BCard-and-Woolwich-successes You should find good examples here, with answers to most questions you're likely to have.



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Thanks !:-)

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Hi Shelley,


As IMS21 has said, you will rely on s.32(1)c of the Limitation Act 1980. The case law to back this is Kleinwort Benson -v- Lincoln City Council.


However, you don't need to mention this at all at this stage.


Use this spreadsheet if you want to claim compound interest in restitution - http://www.shweb.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/interestcalcs.xls Enter all the penalty charges using the data from your old statements.


Send the spreadsheet to BC with this Prelim Claim letter - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?605-Credit-Store-Card-Letter-Template


See cases where BC have paid compound interest claims here - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?97-Barclays-BCard-and-Woolwich-successes You should find good examples here, with answers to most questions you're likely to have.



Hi Slick,


Thank you for your detailed response.However, I have used the aforementioned template together with SOC to 'other' c/c's and they have responded that as no charges had been applied within the last six years there is no claim to answer and have closed my claim.


I just thought that if I included the s32 legislation that BC 'might' realise that they were dealing with someone who had done a little research into putting their claim together and may cave in sooner rather than later! I appreciate I am probably dreaming slighty but it's only a small claim and I was hoping that if they pay this one out it would fund the court fees for my other c/c claims.


With recent media reports that Barclays and a few others have set aside finds to pay these claims now, albeit, that's more probable for PPI claims I respect that, but it's worth a try at least.


I've not had to SAR them because miracurously, I have found the file with all statements and would you believe the original cca. How lucky is that? The account is 10 years old.


Which reminds me, I must de-clutter soon hehe


Will keep you posted.




Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Hi Shelley,


If you've already send a Prelim Claim letter and they've refused to refund, send the same letter with an updated spready. Mark it LETTER BEFORE ACTION this time.


If they fail to respond positively within 14 days, file a claim on form N1.


Put in the LBA that you will rely upon s.32 (1)c, Limitation Act 1980 with regard to charges being more than 6 years old, based on the case of Kleinwort Benson -v- Lincoln City Council.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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Hi Shelley,


If you've already send a Prelim Claim letter and they've refused to refund, send the same letter with an updated spready. Mark it LETTER BEFORE ACTION this time. They have closed my complaint and referred me to Fos saying I have six months from the date of their letter to exercise my right to complain via Fos.


If they fail to respond positively within 14 days, file a claim on form N1.


Put in the LBA that you will rely upon s.32 (1)c, Limitation Act 1980 with regard to charges being more than 6 years old, based on the case of Kleinwort Benson -v- Lincoln City Council. Where can I find info on this case?





Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Hi Shelley,


When did you last send BC a Prelim Claim letter or a LBA.


If they've "closed your complaint", which is entirely their prerogative, then you take them to court. You'll find they are ready to open it again when they see you're taking court action.


Google search the case and you'll find the full ruling and summaries of it.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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Hi Shelley,


When did you last send BC a Prelim Claim letter or a LBA. Apologies, I may have confused the situation. I have several claims going on atthe moment and I am using the experience of one to prepare me better for the next. I have written prelim letter to 'Citi' and they have closed my claim stating it is outside the six years limitation so I was trying to re-word the same prelim letter to BC so they don't attempt to throw out my claim at the first hurdle. As the BC claim is the lower return of my claims I am hoping they will cave in in order to fund the fees involved taking the others to court, if that makes sense.


If they've "closed your complaint", which is entirely their prerogative, then you take them to court. You'll find they are ready to open it again when they see you're taking court action. I have today visited my local court to collect paperwork etc to submit my claims for 'Citi' and Co

Google search the case and you'll find the full ruling and summaries of it. I had a peek early hours this morning but I intend to print off the case and read in more detail.



Just as well I have a little time on my hands

Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Hi shelley


I think you'll find the Kleinwort case an interesting read.


It is the case law that is used time and time again to combat the banks' assertions that going back beyond 6 years is a no no.




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Hi Shelley,


To avoid confusing different cases, only refer to the BC case on this thread.


BC are unlikely to "cave in " because you mention the Limitation Act in your claim letter. If you claim compound interest, or if you claim charges beyond 6 years, BC will refuse to refund (or, to put it another way, close their case). They may offer to refund charges within the last 6 years but not with compound interest.


Just send BC the Prelim Claim letter, amended to reflect my comments in post #8 above.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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Hi Shelley,


To avoid confusing different cases, only refer to the BC case on this thread.


BC are unlikely to "cave in " because you mention the Limitation Act in your claim letter. If you claim compound interest, or if you claim charges beyond 6 years, BC will refuse to refund (or, to put it another way, close their case). They may offer to refund charges within the last 6 years but not with compound interest.


Just send BC the Prelim Claim letter, amended to reflect my comments in post #8 above.




Now I am confused!

Is Compound interest the same as Contractual? Interest rate as per statements?


So, are you suggesting I send prelim letter without quoting the Kleinwort case and if that doesn't do any good then send lba including the quote for Kleinwort case. Will it rock the boat if I was to use the Kleinwort case in the prelim letter?


ims, I will have to make time to study the Kleinwort case with a nice bailey's over ice.

Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Now I am confused!

Is Compound interest the same as Contractual? Interest rate as per statements?

Yes, the interest is compounded at the contractual rate per the statements


So, are you suggesting I send prelim letter without quoting the Kleinwort case and if that doesn't do any good then send lba including the quote for Kleinwort case. Will it rock the boat if I was to use the Kleinwort case in the prelim letter?

I think slick is suggesting not to mention s32 at the prelim stage. I know what you are trying to do and that is shorten the time this takes...at the end of the day it is up to you. I don't think you would prejudice your case if you did mention it. I will bow to slicks greater experience on this.


ims, I will have to make time to study the Kleinwort case with a nice bailey's over ice.

He he.....I read it 'cos I wanted to be up to speed. All it does as far as we are concerned is set out the court's reasoning behind the decision to allow a claim going back more than six years under this section of the Limitations Act, and of course coming from the High Court it set a precedent.




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Hi Shelley,


Compound Interest; Contractual Interest; Compound Contractual Interest; Interest in Restitution - basically,they are all names for the same thing.


My simple advice is to write to BC with a standard Prelim Letter, amended slightly to refer to Kleinwort Benson as stated above.


If they fail to reply or to refund with 14 days, send the same letter but this time with the heading LETTER BEFORE ACTION.


You don't need to read the Kleinwort Benson case at this stage. That's a little further down the line.


Read the **WON** BC cases in the last link I gave in post #6 above. You'll find everything there. Take your time to read some of the threads from start to finish. This will help you enormously.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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Use this spreadsheet if you want to claim compound interest in restitution - http://www.shweb.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/interestcalcs.xls Enter all the penalty charges using the data from your old statements.



Hi, this spreadsheet states interest rate at 29.9% - why is it this amount ? I don't know why, but I thought interest was added at 8% ? I'm confused :!::!: Could anybody explain please ?


Regards, Sharon :-D

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Hi, this spreadsheet states interest rate at 29.9% - why is it this amount ? I don't know why, but I thought interest was added at 8% ? I'm confused :!::!: Could anybody explain please ?


Regards, Sharon :-D



Hi Sharon


On credit cards you claim back the charges and/or ppi plus the interest that they charged you. So if you had a card that had an interest rate of, say 23%, you claim the charge plus compound interest at 23% pa.


Hope this helps




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Hi Shalzak,


Hope this doesn't confuse matters for you but I should clarify...............


The spreadsheet uses 29.9% because you are claiming interest in restitution, as opposed to the actual interest that BC charged.


This is explained in the Interest Tutorial linked in my signature below.


If you want to claim at 29.9%, you can do so. If you prefer to use an approximate average of the rate used by BC over the period of your claim, that's fine too.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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Hi Shalzak,


Hope this doesn't confuse matters for you but I should clarify...............


The spreadsheet uses 29.9% because you are claiming interest in restitution, as opposed to the actual interest that BC charged.


This is explained in the Interest Tutorial linked in my signature below.


If you want to claim at 29.9%, you can do so. If you prefer to use an approximate average of the rate used by BC over the period of your claim, that's fine too.




Hi slick


Just as a matter of interest (and without wishing to clog this thread too much) how is the 29.9 arrived at. Is there a basis for it anywhere i.e. a commercial rate.


Could you say you want 32% or 34.5% for example. Just wondered why 29.9?


Thanks in advance




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I believe it represents a reasonable guess at the rate one should claim at, not only to get back the interest you were charged, but to also take account of the fact that the bank used your money in the course of it's business and would have made profits from it.


Accordingly, to achieve an equitable balance, the parties should be restored to the position they were in before the bank took the money it was not entitled to.


This is where Restitution comes into the picture.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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Hello Slick,

Hi Shelley,


Compound Interest; Contractual Interest; Compound Contractual Interest; Interest in Restitution - basically,they are all names for the same thing. Is this claimed at the rate shown on original statements?


My simple advice is to write to BC with a standard Prelim Letter, amended slightly to refer to Kleinwort Benson as stated above. Drafted and ready to post


If they fail to reply or to refund with 14 days, send the same letter but this time with the heading LETTER BEFORE ACTION. Drafted and diaried


You don't need to read the Kleinwort Benson case at this stage. That's a little further down the line.


Read the **WON** BC cases in the last link I gave in post #6 above. You'll find everything there. Take your time to read some of the threads from start to finish. This will help you enormously. I have been doing this with BC and other c/c's. Contains valuable information. I am spending a huge part of my life on here since finding CAG.



ims/slick, thank you both for your guidance. Sincerely appreciated.


Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Is this the most recent address to send prelim to?


Customer Relations Department,

1234 Pavilion Drive,



Santander PPI X 2 **WON** claims on behalf of son (Oct 2010/ Mar 2011)

Citicard O/H (PPI) - **WON** Compound Interest Dec 2011

Citicard O/H (Charges) Bailiffs sent in August 2012

Barclaycard - **WON** Compound Interest Oct 2011

Monument - account information being sought for OH

Citicard - self - N1 submitted August 2012

Barclaycard - self - **WON** damages for non disclosure/information now rec'd. Aug 2012

Barclaycard - relation - Failed SAR sent 29/09/11

Halifax SAR sent 18/08/2011 for relation

LTSB - SAR sent 09/08/2011 for friend

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Hi Shelley,


Address your letter to Barclays PLC t/a Barclaycard at the address here - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?173450-Use-the-right-name-when-Filing-against-BC&p=1871443&viewfull=1#post1871443


If you take court action, you will sue Barclays PLC t/a Barclaycard.


Compound interest; Contractual Interest; Compound Contractual Interest; Interest in restitution - basically,they are all names for the same thing. Is this claimed at the rate shown on original statements?
I addressed this in post #20 on the last page. The choice is yours although I would use 29.9% on the spready as a means of claiming Interest in Restitution.



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Please give something if you can. We all give our time free of charge but the site has bills to pay.


Thanks !:-)

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