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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, Wonder if someone can point me in the right direction. Back in December 2004 (Paragon have quoted Feb incorrect below copy of their letter) my wife and I took out a £20k loan, and this loan had the mandatory PPI of £7k on the paperwork. With news of the Plevin judgement I approached Paragon and they have said the are unable to uphold my complaint and if unsatisfied to approach the Ombudsman. Is there anything I can do? can I even ask for the commission rate of the PPI? any help much appreciated Many thanks, Dusty Our investiqation ln the case of Plevin v Paragon Personal Finance [2014], the Supreme Court indicated that commission in some circumstances could result in an unfair relationship between the lender and the consumer, under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (Act). However, for the unfair relationship provision of the Act to apply, the Credit Agreement had to have been taken out on or after 6 April 20A7 or, for an agreement taken out before 6 April 2007 and be ongoing as at 6 April 2008. As your loan was taken out on 13 February 2004 and was redeemed on 23 January 2006, your complaint is considered ineligible under the Plevin judgement. Our decision. Based on the above information. I am unable to uphold your complaint. Whilst I appreciate this may not be the response you had hoped for, under the terms of our complaints procedure this is our final response. You may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge - but you must do so within six months of the date of this letter. Paragon PPI letter 250118.pdf
  2. Hi Got a call from FOS saying that they have upheld my complaint against LTSB. THe complaint was made in November 2011. OH got a letter today from FOS apologising for the delay in dealing with her complaint but they hope to make a decision in 9 months. She complained in August last year.
  3. I have recently made a claim for misold PPI by Mercantile Credit for a loan from 1998 I contacted Barclays Partner Finance and completed the questionnaire they sent me. I also included a copy of the original agreement which details the loan plus PPI , received a letter this morning to say that they would not be upholding my claim as they are unable to locate a loan account in my name however if I am able to provide a copy of my policy/ credit agreement they may re open their investigation! I have absolutely no doubt that the PPI was misold to me. Can anyone please advise ?
  4. please be gentle as this is my 1st post,sorry to trouble you,did'nt really know where to post my enquiry for the best response I have had a ppi claim which has been with the fos now for 20 months, they have upheld my complaint & have now contacted the broker whom sold me the ppi policy. 7 years ago i remortgaged to find a better deal, the mortgage was for £130,000 over 19 years , it was a low start mortgage initial interest was 2.99% for two years, jumping to 5.75 for the duration, included in the advance even though it was not explained or asked for was a single ppi premium for mortgage protection of £4500 which covered me for 5 years, i have never claimed. what i think is grossly unfair is the fact that i will have to pay interest on the £4500 ppi payment for 19 years, if the company agree to repay my ppi what should i expect to receive as a fair offer? fos say that i should be in the position i was before the policy was sold. thanking you in advance for taking the time & trouble to read this.
  5. hi please can anyone advise me on what will happen now? ombudsman has written to lloyds and told them they must reply by 14th feb. will this mean i will get my refund after all? ombudsman has said they should refund plus 8%.
  6. Hi all first time poster.. My credit card account dates back to 2002 I have been paying a monthly PPI premium any time this credit card was in debt. After reading a lot of success stories of people reclaiming their PPI I phoned Halifax and started a complaint 30 days ago. They told me to fill out the FOS questionnaire which I sent back leading to my claim being declined. In the FOS questionnaire I wrote I felt pressured into taking the policy and they didn't explain the terms and conditions clearly to me. The official letter response said I applied for PPI over the phone the terms and conditions were explained clearly to me and that i wasn't pressured since it was a phone conversation. For one i can't remember the phone conversation as it was 10 years ago now if it even took place. The letter also states that if i don't raise any more concerns they will consider my case as closed in 28days. Is there any way for me to hit them with a SAR request (template?) to get access to the original PPI policy details, the amount I have paid into this policy, access to the phone call log if it exists and any other details I might need? The only documents i have is the credit card application and terms and conditions. I intend to follow this up by using the financial ombudsman service and would like to have all the paperwork regarding my case to send to them.
  7. I've had a letter this morning confirming MBNA have upheld my PPI complaint, but their calculations seem a bit skew-wiff. They have calculated an amount in the region of £3300, but the amounts are all wrong. The total amount of premiums they state is about £100 short, and the interest is way out in comparison to the figures calculated using the bezzycap1 spreadsheet, about £5000 out (this is a very old PPI claim going back to 1999). Interestingly they have added 8% interest on some part of it. They have offered me the amount in full and final settlement, but clearly I don't agree with their calculations. Is it worth me asking them to justify their calculations, and send copies of the spreadsheets I have used. Or should I refuse their offer and just head straight to FOS ? Whilst £3K is not be sniffed at, I think they're way short
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