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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Just received my credit file and after getting into a bad financial situation I have a total of 19 defaults on my credit file!, 11 are due to drop of this year and 3 next year the rest are around 2022, for the latter do you think my credit file will improve If I pay them of so they are marked as satisfied? or should I just wait, none of them are chasing me for payment at the minute Just edited to add one is for a mobile phone debt that I was paying for 2 years at £35 per month, it says I owe £550.00 now
  2. Hi all. You may have seen my thread titled Employment Support Allowance Advice Appreciated... Lost Tribunal and this information is also on there but I thought I would start a new thread because I feel that this information is important and may help others who have been through the stressful appeals and Tribunals. If you followed my thread you will note that I lost an appeal for ESA but appealed to the Upper Tribunal on two counts, one being that an Unregistered GP sat on my Tribunal and all the evidence I could find online pointed to the fact that any GP sitting on the Tribunal should have been registered with the General Medical Council. Incredibly after harbouring little hope that any admission would be made about this I have received a letter today from The Tribunals Service admitting this "oversight" and have set aside the original Tribunals decision and are going to send me a date for a new Tribunal hearing. I won't go into the details of the pros and cons for me on that on this thread but the point being is that if any of you have lost a Tribunal Appeal and an Unregistered GP or Medical Practitioner sat on your Tribunal then this more than likely if the same applies for everyone means that you could be entitled to a new Tribunal on the basis that you had an Unqualified Tribunal Member sitting on your hearing. I have attached my letters from The Tribunal Service on my thread (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?462132-Employment-Support-Allowance-Advice-Appreciated...-Lost-Tribunal/page18 POST 350) and you should be able to check if your Medical Practitioner who sat on your Tribunal was/is registered by using the search facility on the General Medical Councils website. Hopefully this will help some of you have a second chance.....
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