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Found 3 results

  1. Hi.. I am insured on vehicle and my current insurnce compnay will not transfer me to the car I want to drive, they even said no one was coming back with a quote as I was uninsurable... I knew this was rubbish. I went on go compare and got a quote for £995 (still high but given my circumstances I knew it would be about that). I have a short while left on my current policy, I want to know am I good to get another policy out before old one has ended? i am giessing yes?).
  2. I recently stayed at a hotel in Stansted airport and a short while later got a speculative invoice from a parking company. Normally I ignore but as this was an expensive hotel I had assumed parking was included. When I rang the hotel they said I should have indicated parking on the booking (I must have missed it) but the hotel said if I paid them a £35 administration charge they will get the ticket cancelled. It makes me wonder what the parking company are invoicing me for?
  3. Hi all thanks in advance The land lord is always asking for rent in advance, Payment date is the 12th of each month , I have been paying as and when before the due date, but lately the ll is hassling me example this month I paid £375 two weeks ago, get a call last night can you pay some more, the problem is I fear they will end the tenancy if I do not, £400 due on Monday, It seems it is the LL wife's spending money, where do I stand? Leakie
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