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Found 2 results

  1. I hope I'm posting this in the right place, it involves quite a few different debt related topics so this seemed as relevant as anything! I've recently split up from my husband and I'm looking to divorce him shortly, in the process of splitting up I've needed to apply for credit for the first time in years and it's become apparent that I've got a poor credit rating as a result of a number of payday loans that have been taken out over the past few years, and a credit card that I paid off years ago and haven't used since is also showing an active balance. I had no idea about these until now, as we've been living abroad and it looks as though my old address was used. I have no proof that this was his doing at all, but he would have known all of my personal details to enable him to apply, and he has a pretty severe gambling problem as well. He has in the past stolen money from me by using my debit card so I absolutely wouldn't put it past him. I reported this to the bank who refunded the money, but it was never proven that it was him. The payday loans were taken out over a short period in 2013, and this is the first I knew of them. I knew about the credit card but as far as I was concerned it was paid off then lost (admittedly, never cancelled). In addition to this, there are 2 loans showing on there as 'lowell' these were from much longer ago, around 2007 and 2009, but I believe these were Welcome Finance loans that I did take out but paid back by around 2011. I can only assume that the fact these are still showing on there is a mistake and somehow they have incorrect records. I should be able to dispute these using bank statements though. It all seems like a lot to deal with on top of the divorce etc. if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be so grateful. I want to move forward and look into mortgages eventually but having all of this on my file will make that nearly impossible I think
  2. Today I received the following email from [email protected] which I suspect is fraudulent as the only account we have had with Virgin many years ago was monthly PAYG for £10. Note the the spelling appears to non UK English. Do not click on the link as I no idea where it will take you and I do not intend to find out ; Dear customer, On 02/05/2012 an error occurred while samples from the monthly payment made to your account it was debited twice the sum of £ 50. For an immediate regularization of your situation and repayment of the amount charged, you must fill out the form below. Fill it out here Thank you for your understanding. Upon receipt of your form we will contact you. Our service does not accept any legal responsibility in the absence of an immediate response from you and no claim will be accepted. Contact Us for Help : 0845 840 7777 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kind regards, Mark Davidson Executive Director, Customer Care *Fastest broadband download speeds widely available to consumers according to 2009 - 2011 Ofcom report.
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