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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I've had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with British Gas customer services since January to date. They're aggressive, ignorant, incompetent and disconnected in many ways, to the extent that their collections team are unable to view things going on with the account in the billing team. Its clear that I'm getting nowhere with them by complaining, so I've resorted to: Transferring to Ovo (Who have been brilliant so far) Spreading the word and telling everyone I know about Ovo. Most significantly though, I have raised two e-petitions on the government website to force British Gas into improving their services. One has been accepted and one has just been submitted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Suppliers Service Related Charging Responsible department: Department for Energy and Climate Change I would like the government to impose a mechanism upon the Energy industry whereby a company's charges are determined by the levels of service they provide, as with the Water Industry & SIM (Service Incentive Mechanism). This would force the likes of British Gas with a 39% customer satisfaction rating (Which? 28/04/14) to concentrate on improving their services to customers. --- ******** http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/64429 ********** --- Recently, 'British Petroleum' embarrassed our nation with their disaster in America. 'British Gas' currently have a 39% Customer Satisfaction Rating from a 'Which?' survey. I would like the government to licence the use of the name 'British' in company names to ensure that any company using it, provides a world class service that reflects traditional British qualities. Quality of service should be measurable with pre-defined parameters that companies must meet before they are allowed to use OUR good name. --- I hope you agree with these sentiments. If you do, please help and sign my petition. Also, please don't forget to confirm your entry by clicking the link in the email they send you. Best Regards, Rob
  2. does anyone get the feeling they dont like getting these submitted one called "fair play on debt" asking them to make it law that rather than sell a debt to a collections company for a pittance that they must offer the debt back to the debtor for the same amount rather than create unpayable debt by adding fees its just been rejected as it may contain information which may be protected by an injunction or court order contain material that is potentially confidential, commercially sensitive or which may cause personal distress or loss include the names of individuals if they have been accused of a crime or information that may identify them include the names of individual officials who work for public bodies, unless they are part of the senior management of those organisations include the names of family members of elected representatives, eg MPs, or officials who work for public bodies doesnt fit into any of those catagories does it? will be re-submitting soon
  3. Its time to get rid of these incompetent idiots, I have linked to the HM Government epetitions site. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/29619 BTW this was not started by me, everyone please register your support!
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