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Found 7 results

  1. I have recently found out that someone has applied for a credit account with JD Williams on my behalf. They had filled in the online application form with my Name, Date of Birth, a random London address and claimed I had just moved there from an address 4 years ago. Now, with every credit application I have ever made, from a Loan or Credit Card to a mobile phone contract, there has always been a process of verification to confirm I am infact living at the address given and who I say I am. These searches show on my credit report as soft searches as they were used to confirm my identity. If I apply for any credit accounts soon after moving, I struggle myself as the verification processes fail until my existing accounts feed the updated info back to the credit reference agencies. My concern with JD Williams and the 12+ other sub sites they operate is that there is no identity check performed and from a search online, a lot of people are having the same issue as me, many more finding out when a debt is passed to a collection agency and the victim is found. I am 100% confident that JD Williams do no due diligence checks prior to processing the Hard Credit Search which adds the new linked address to your report. If they did attempt to check my identity electronically before processing the credit application, it would have failed as I was not known at the address supplied. The concern I have is that a fraudster can easily manipulate someones credit report without needing to verify anything, not even your email address. The company generally offers very high APR rates of 50%+ so I would assume this is targeted at those with bad credit histories and its likely most people are granted credit. I have reported to the FSA & ICO but they suggest that action would only be taken if they receive enough reports. I just feel not enough people are aware of why they were victims of fraud so easily because anyone that knows you personally and where you live, can easily order products on credit under your name and they dont even need to have any communication sent to your actual address.
  2. Hello, I am having some issues with Lowell about a JD account. They have been hassling me for a debt, but the figure is much higher than it should be. I wrote to them and said that the figure is wrong and that I am waiting for JD to reply to me, Lowell said this to me: I appreciate that you are awaiting a response from JD Williams, however as previously advised, they are under no obligation to respond or to provide a figured owed. This is because Lowell are the legal owners of this account. If you wish to dispute the balance of this account it would need to be done directly through Lowell, which is something I would be happy to do for you. I thought that JD DID have to answer me about the balance? I feel a bit bullied at the moment as silly as that sounds, as they send so many letters, but I don't and can't pay the larger amount they are requesting. Also, I know that JD added a lot of £12 fines for late payments and admin charges etc, can I legally ask them to remove those? I am not sure what I should do.. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
  3. Hi, Im brand new to this forum and would appreciate a little advice? I'm in a lot of debt problems and I'm only just starting to face up to them and deal with it. a year or so ago i ordered from a few catalogue companies, one being Fashion World...i think the whole company comes under JDWillams ltd. ...anyway i have been getting letters and phone calls and now today a letter to say someone will be "making an appointmnet to contact me at home" today, which I'm sure is just to scare me into doing something, but the reason i need advice is that i have never signed a credit agreement with them, i ordered stuff...they sent it out along with a credit agreement for me to sign and return which i never did at the time. so where do i stand in terms of my debt with them if i never actually signed a credit agreement? i would really appreciate any advice i can get, i live alone and I'm struggling to face up to my mistakes and deal with it all the last thing i need is people calling at my door asking for money. Thanks
  4. Here’s a bizarre situation! I received a ‘Marisota’ catalogue which included an order form. There were two offers printed on the form ... “a free weekend bag” and, more importantly, “20% off your first order”. I decided to order two pairs of jeans @ £16 each. Because I had no intention of entering into a credit agreement with this mail order company, I enclosed a cheque (payment in full) with my order form, and sent them off in the envelope provided ... this was on the 3rd June 2013. The cheque amount was for £29.59. This sum was calculated as follows: Price of jeans = £32, but with 20% (-£6.40) deducted as it was my 1st order = £25.60; plus post and packing @ £ 3.99; TOTAL = £29.59 My bank statement shows that the cheque for £29.59 was cashed on the 10th June 2013. The two pairs of jeans duly arrived ... but there was no sign of the “free weekend bag”, so I contacted ‘Marisota’ (aka JD Williams) via email to ask where it was. The reply I received was evasive, so I ‘phoned their customer service department to complain. The member of staff I spoke to arranged for a bag to be despatched to me, and I received it within a few days. Naturally I assumed that was the end of the matter ... I’d paid for the items; I'd received the items; and I'd received the free gift. However, a month later (11th July 2013) I received an email informing me that I owed £34.99. I immediately ‘phoned the ‘customer service’ department and explained that I didn’t owe anything at all ... and in fact I had never owed them £34.99. The person I spoke to said that there had been “an accident” with my account. She assured me that “the accident” would be remedied. I asked for written confirmation that my account was clear. She was reluctant to provide written confirmation, but she said that the next ‘account statement’ that I received would show that there was no outstanding balance. Annoyingly I received the ‘account statement’ this morning which indicates that I still allegedly owe £34.99! So I now have the hassle of trying to sort this out ... but in the meantime please could anyone tell me whether there are any relevant Laws, Acts etc that I could cite in my communications with Marisota/JD Williams, which might add more ‘weight’ to them?
  5. could anyone please advise on the enforceability of a response to a cca request received from jdwilliams https://www.dropbox.com/s/rfy5s9s2z5nsvc7/DSCF2342.JPG the name and address by the way has simply been written on the sheet and has not been signed , but they claim they do not have to provide a copy of an agreement bearing or some other proof of the customers actual signature. This become statute barred in 3 months and the balance of just under £400 has charges of over £200 can anyone advise how to proceed with this , still on cra file , account was opened on 5/2007 and last payment made on 11/2007
  6. Not sure where I stand with this at it seems a bit strange in my opinion as to why they would do such a thing. Any way this is this situation. Last month I applied for a credit agreement with JDWilliams and was accepted with a credit Limit of £125, so a month later I decided to use the account to purchase a Camcorder for £50 and use my 10% off and claim my free holiday bag, Order goes through no problem and I receive the email confirming this, Next day was also requested, so I got up to wait for the delivery to arrive, 6pm Still no item, so I logged into my account and my credit limit of £125 was removed and my order cancelled, I've received no email from them about this and I don't owe JDWilliams any money. I have sent a complaint asking for an explanation as to why they cancelled my credit limit and my order but they have not responded even though they said I would hear within 3 days. My question is this: Can they cancel a credit agreement after a purchase has been made without notifying the customer? and What action should I now take? The only way I am able to purchase from them is by credit/debit card only now, which I don't want to do as I would prefer to pay upon receipt of approval.
  7. Hi, I'm Mary I'm new here as a poster but long time observer. I wondered if someone could help me with a situation I'm having regarding JD Williams, I'll try to add as much detail as I can. Firstly they said I owed £573, after I sent them a Unlawful Charges Form and a LBL that went down to £118, So I wrote asking them if I could pay that off £20 a month on the 26th of every month. They wrote to me saying yes with a direct debit form. ... However they tried to take the money out on the 21st twice and my wages weren't in there yet. So then I asked if I could set up a standing order in which £20 would come out every 26th and they agreed and gave me their account details, but they added on more charges for missed payments, also a charge as I only paid £20 instead of what they claim is the mimium of £60, now the debt has gone back up to £207 I have a CCA from them to but it's just a "Reconstituted" copt of the original. Is there anything I can do now? thanks.
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