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Found 8 results

  1. The sky is starting to cave in for HFO. I have a feeling chicanery is afoot. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?334112-Changes-at-HFO-Turnbull-Rutherford-%96-Quarterdeck-Law-Ltd&p=3719901#post3719901
  2. Hello, I would really appreciate some advice on what to do about a letter received yesterday from Turnbull Rutherford regarding a Barclaycard debt which goes back to 2005. A few months ago they started with the phonecalls hassling both me, my family and they even rang my boss and asked him for my current address! I had googled them and learnt of their unsavoury practices and so decided against giving them any information. I did not confirm that the debt was mine, nor did I give them my address. They had found my place of work somehow, and now they are writing to me at my new address. I am not on the electoral role that is available to the public, so in the first instance I am concerned about where and how they got my address? Can anyone advise me on this, and whether it is legal practise? The debt is showing as a default on 08/12/2005, therefore 6-years on 8th December. Their letter states that their date of assignment was in June 2006, so why have they waited until 2011 to make contact with me? They have increased the original debt of £3619 to £5972 and I have no idea what to do? I was ill at the time of the default and spending time in hospital, which I advised Barclays of at the time. At no time did Barclaycard chase me. Now I allegedly have until 23rd November to respond or they are threatening court action. They say if I respond in time, no further action will be taken. As this is only 16-days before my debt become 6-years old, I am confused about the legalities of this? Is this something I have to worry about? Is responding to them in my best interests at this time? Thank you in advance for any advice! Isla
  3. Hi guys, There are a lot of threads on this site already dedicated to Roxburghe (RB) / HFO Services (HFOS) and Hutchinson 3G (H3G) but I would like to bring to attention my own case as I have a few issues that I hope to seek advice for (... and apologies if you guys are bored to your back teeth with more of the same recurring themes ). My experience with HFOS and RB has been distressing and upsetting. They appear to use deceitful and dishonest tactics to bully their victims into submission and I am determined not to let them win. I have no knowledge of the alleged "debt" for which they are attempting to recover as I closed my account with H3G with a zero balance back in 2004. Background details (pieced together from recollection and the very little written correspondence I have had with the trio of aforementioned companies): 24 July 2003 : Contract with Hutchinson 3G for a mobile phone handset and monthly tariff underwritten for £38.00 per month 28 December 2003 : Due to extremely poor reception and quality of service (phone call drop-outs, SMS messages not being sent / received) I cancelled the contract via a telephone call. The service centre employee was happy to oblige under these particular circumstances. No written confirmation given. No further written correspondence from H3G (including bills) March 2004 : H3G informed me of an outstanding balance of £49.84 from November 2003 30 March 2004 : Final balance paid to H3G 09 July 2008 : I received two letters from HFOS titled "Notice of Transfer" and "Notice of Assignement of Debt". The letters stated that the debt was assigned by H3G on 31 July 2007 for the amount of £173.20. The signees were 'D Hashan' ("Telecoms Team") and 'Jane Parker' (Manager, "Telecoms Team"). The Assignment letter claimed to include a letter from H3G stating that the debt had been assigned. There was no such letter included in either items of post. 01 August 2008 : I responded to Jane Parker expressing my surprise. I stated that to my knowledge there was no outstanding balance with H3G. I also noted that there was no letter of assignment from H3G included in their correspondence. I received no further mail from HFOS. 24 November 2009 : I received a letter from Jonathan Stock at RB stating that the debt had been passed to them by H3G (not HFOS?) and the amount to be recovered was £298.21 (!) 27 November 2009 : Feeling empowered by various forums (possibly this site) I found a template letter stating that I do not acknowledge the debt and require documentary evidence that the debt exists. I made the schoolboy mistake of signing the letter... December 2009 : RB responded with a compliment note (no letter or explanation, not signed or dated) stapled to a printout of a screenshot of the H3G accounts software with what appeared to be a ledger of my account with H3G. This ledger showed that H3G continued to bill me for 4 months after the account closure. A balance of £163.20 is visible on 28 May 2004 and this is flattened with an adjustment on 6 June 2007 (possibly the sale of debt to HFOS). As this screenshot in no way constituted proof of an outstanding debt I chose not to humour them further and to get on with my life. Oct 09 - Sept 10 : RB continue to send SMS messages to my personal phone and leave voicemails from random mobile numbers pretending to be solicitors and requiring urgent response. Solicitors do not work like this. I ignore them. 25 October 2010 : I received a letter from Nick Krauspe of RB stating that I agreed to make a payment to them as part of a plan to settle my debt. They state this agreement is legally binding and as I have failed to make a prompt payment they will charge me £12.50 for the pleasure. The letter also mentions HFO CAPITAL LIMITED for the first time? I am HIGHLY concerned about this letter as it would appear that SOMEONE has entered me into a CCA without my knowledge or consent (possibly by lifting my signature from previous correspondence?). If this was the case would it reset the timer on the "debt" to avoid being Statute-Barred? Should I send a letter to RB by special delivery demanding to see proof of this "agreement" such that I can forensically analyse the content (if it exists) and thus be in a position to take legal action? I have signed up to CreditExpert to check my credit report and hope to complete this in the coming days. I will attach censored versions of all the correspondence I have had in the next posts in the hope that you can give me the confidence and empowerment to fight these intolerable, abusive, dishonest scalliwags (!). If you can help then I will happily donate the entire alleged debt amount to CAG (and even if you don't I may well dig deep as you give many others the courage to speak up and fight their cases). Many thanks in advance.
  4. Hi recently I received a letter from hfo demading I pay an amount of £1800 in the next 14 days, i sent a cca request for information on the debt. 2 days ago I was given a message at work to say hfo had called my work and asked for me to contact them, I did call them and they said this debt was for an old loan from 2005, i did have a loan bac kthen but it was nowhere near the figure of £1800. I told advisor that id sent cca request and wouldnt be doing anything until received proof of this debt, he then offered me a copy of my credit report instead of cca i declined this, i also asked them not to call work again as I had provided a personal telephone number, the agent put me on hold then hung up. Can hfo contact me at work because this makes me uncomfortable and work wont be too pleased, also the amount they're stating the debt is seems way too high is there anything I can do about this? thanx
  5. HI EVERYONE I AM NEW TO THIS SITE, I am emailing you has i have received a letter yestaday from Hfo debt collection there are located in surrey,There sent me a letter reguarding an old debt from over 7 years ago which was from originally Barclaycard and there sent me a photograph of my street where i live and a copy of my credit file .This is the 1st letter i received reguarding this debt in years. Before realising how old the debt was i offered them a monthly payment and there refused the payment i offered them.And said there are going to take futher legal action against me and there are going to send me to court and said bailiffs could come to my home.And This Dispute is over a 7 year old debt which should be now expired. I did know the debt was old but, When i realised the debt was 7years old,I asked them for the credit agreement and the statements of the debt from the orginal creditor which was barclaycard and there told me it could take them up to 4 weeks before there get the paperwork from the orginal creditor.And my files are all ready with there legal department..... i would like some advise on what to do.Has i think this debt collection agency is been unfair and i think there are breaking the law by taking photographs of my street and sending them to me though the post. So far ive reported them to tradeing standards,consumer rights,office of fair trading,and the Ombudsman service, could ANYONE kindly reply with some advise for me please what to do Thank you
  6. Like me, Have you been HFO-vered ?? Ive had dealings with this mob for over 4 years now on and off. It wasn't until recently when they started using other tactics. that they have really antagonised me big time. Ive had some dealings with DCA's in my time, but nothing along the lines and extremes as to what this lot will stoop to. Having researched them in considerable depth, I now have my own ideas why they operate as they do and the possible constraints placed upon thier workforce to produce results. These views are unfortunately too sensitive to state here. As is evident from the results of the excellent work of these forums, the only way to hit these people is on thier docs. Remember, the damage has been done, every document now is a matter of record and cannot be undone. It is now up to us, the victims, to sensibly collate these individual case histories and use it against them. There is a very true phrase in life , "Someones strength is also thier weakness". Thier docs are certainly thier Achilles Heel - use it !! Well, fellow Caggers, the time has come for the "little man" to strike back. Im absolutely stunned by the amount of postings on here regarding the strokes that are being pulled by this lot. What is required is consolidation of data and cases. The posts on here are excellent and the lengths that the more experienced caggers have taken to help others is admirable and is clearly total dedication to the cause. We all get in debt in life from time to time, some more than others, and when we all take out those accounts initially, it is all in good faith at the time. Nobody knows what the future holds and how ones' circumstances can change for whatever reason. Whilst it is accepted that DCA's and other forms of civil enforcement are necessary and are part of life, what I cannot and will not accept is the underhand tactics and M.O's of some of these companies. Personally, I am not interested in the morality of whether a debt is or is not due, that is a case for your conscience to deal with. What I am concerened with is fair play and correctly administered legal process and exposing abuses of the system. In respect of this lot, I have already made my own noises to various government agencies, as Im sure many others have, howver, none of us know what is going on behind the scenes, but hopefully they take our complaints seriously. That is your right as a consumer if you feel hard done by. In view of the above, I consider that it is right and proper to use all legal and ethical means to expose the operations of these companies. Clearly there is quite sufficient evidence in the public domain to prove that it is more than a few minor "administrative errors". I am in the throws of launching a website, which will be privately hosted in respect of who-is databases etc as I dont want HFO & Co cyber snooping. The aims of the site will be : Clear concise information taken from statute books to assist members of the site who can only be HFO "Victims" regardless of who the OC is. A database of all cases together with uploaded documentation, case histories etc. All documentation to be "privatised" by the owner so confidentiality is maintained. All info, docs etc will be marked with a case reference number so only the site webmaster, and you, the victim will know these details. You will be able to log into your account at any time to add, delete, update etc. All we ask from you is your co-operation in allowing your details to ultimately be used should any LEA or other lawful interested party require access to these case histories. Access to this site will be by invitation only, and strict verifications procedures will be required. All data will be SSL 128bit encrypted and the site will also be an https "Green Address Bar". Your anonymous data is therefore 100% safe, and you cannot be identified unless you wish to. Part of the site is written, its sitting on a server ready to be launched and will be well optimised and is sure to be found using all major SE by anyone researching our "friends" activities. I will make it perfectly clear here, that any info on the site will be harvested from reputable, factual sources, including the public domain. No wild conspiracy theories or hearsay data will be entertained, nor anything closely resembling libelous nor derogatory remarks. You must keep to the facts based upon your experiences. I am seeking comments and input from other caggers. All input positive or otherwise will be welcomed. I have superb influential contacts in media, TV and government departments, and I will be calling upon these resources as and when the time comes. You would have noted the username. I'm also on CAG under another username but only a trusted few will know that. ************************* ************************* * COMMENTS PLEASE ************************* ************************* * If our "friends" are viewing this post, all I can say to them is, this is not defamation, libel or whatever you may alledge. These are the facts based upon 100's if not 1000's of personal experiences. I call it Justice and Retribution for the consumer, which is well past due. The website referred to above is only for HFO / TR problems, however, should any other DCA come to light who operates in a similar way, then they will also be suitably rewarded with a similar dedicated consumer action site !
  7. Be interested to hear of any HFO cases that have been dealt with in this court.
  8. Does anyone have knowledge of them actually obtaining an FCO, and collecting upon / or enforcing it ? What does have very serious implications in the route to an FCO is the statements of truth etc, but in particular the warning statement on a Land Registry RX1 form made post Judgment / ICO Order application / granting thereof by the CCt. They must be setting up "fall guys" in thier offices to take the rap if it comes on top. Very dangerous - Very close to the wind. Comments please.
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