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  1. Hello all, I'm completely new to this so please excuse any ignorant mistakes I may make I'd be so grateful for any advice/suggestions you kind people may have. Out of the blue I received a Claim from MKDP LLP (wow I've read some bad things about them and Sarah Lambert on some forums!) on 29th August. I received a letter from Raven Recoveries in November 2013 about the debt, but had no idea who they were. I'd never received a letter of transfer of ownership. I contacted them via post but never heard back from them and then never received any warning of legal action. I get lots of nuisance calls which I'm assuming is this company, but they never leave voicemails (even though they claimed they have when I spoke with them two days ago) and I don't believe I ever provided them with my mobile number. They were incredibly rude on the phone and unwilling to co-operate. Firstly, I'd like to contest the claim as I never received any notice of legal action and they have previously failed to respond to my correspondence. Secondly, this was a credit card I had initially with Morgan Stanley some time before 2006 (I don't have paperwork from that long ago where I'm currently living). This was then taken over by Goldfish (which I was never notified of) and then on to Barclaycard. The account number assigned to Barclaycard is different from the original one with Morgan Stanley - I'm not sure if this matters or not. I know my next step is to acknowledge the claim and then I believe I should send a CCA request and a CPR 31.14 request to Sarah Lambert who is the claimant so I can have all the appropriate documents to support my defence. I'm not disputing the debt, but I'm disputing their conduct - which option do I tick of the following? 1. I intend to defend all of this claim. 2. I intend to defend part of this claim. 3. I intend to contest jurisdiction. Should my communication be only with MKDP LLP? I don't have any paperwork proving they legally own the debt, should I also be writing to Barclaycard? I've never experienced anything like this before, so once again please excuse my ignorance to the situation. If anyone has any advice for me, it really would be most appreciated. Thank you so much.
  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone could help with advice regarding the above debt my husband has. Financial problems arose through genuine circumstances around 8 years ago. There were a number of creditors, most of which were very helpful in agreeing minimal repayment programmes, to which we have gradually increased payments as circumstances improved. Total debt has reduced considerably but, at current levels, still a few years to go before being 'free'. Recently, my husband unexpectedly came into a small sum, so he decided he would try to get one of the creditors to accept a reduced payment in full and final settlement, so that it was one less to deal with. This was a Morgan Stanley Card from around 2003 with agreed repayment programme that went to Cabot (received a few Goldfish letters in between). Cabot declined what was a fair offer (with this they would have had in total over 80% of the original cabot debt figure repaid) which means that, assuming we continue to pay at the current level there will still be over 4 years left. As we know Cabot would have purchased the debt for such a small amount and we've already repaid that many times over, he was naturally a bit put out. I did try some time ago (2009) to SAR Morgan Stanley but, after receiving responses from Barclaycard, I only got old statement copies, nothing else, then a letter saying the account was transferred by Morgan Stanley to another creditor prior to MS business being sold to Barclaycard so they hadn't owned it. Would it be too late to query the debt now, as we've been paying for so long? I've looked at old paperwork more thoroughly and, we received no written letter from OC to say Cabot were taking over the debt, only the Cabot 'hello' letter (p1-3) with a page supposedly from Goldfish but clearly annotated down the side as p4 showing no card number or balance on this 'Cabot' NOA. We just never queried it before. Could we at this late stage withhold payments pending proof of legal right to chase the debt and ask for the CCA agreement to show they have the right paperwork to claim on? Do you think it would be worth the hassle? Any thoughts on the SAR fiasco?....Can't get info from OC as they pass to Barclaycard, who don't want to know? Any thoughts/suggestions apreciated.
  3. I have the statements for a Morgan Stanley Dean Witter credit card from 2003 - 2007. Each month shows they took out three separate amounts for PPI and three separate amounts for interest. I have checked with Morgan Stanley and they say Barclay's are now responsible for the account. What is the best way to get this account sorted out, claim the PPI and the overcharged interest? Which claim forms should I use? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Be interested to hear of any HFO cases that have been dealt with in this court.
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