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Found 5 results

  1. We rent a house, and as part of the tenancy agreement the landlady agreed to pay the council tax for the property. Well for one reason or another she didn't pay it, and the council obtained a liability order for over £2500 dating back to the date we moved in. We had received letters from the council, which we forwarded onto the Landlady in the expectation she would pay the outstanding amount, but due to financial problems she never paid the bills, and as you would expect the council in the end obtained a liability order. We received notificaton from Ross and Roberts that they would be attending ( as you would expect ) to get the money paid. I got straight on the phone to them and explained what had occured. How the Landlady should have paid it, but didn't. I have to say the woman on the phone was absolutely wonderful. remarkably helpful. Whilst she accepted it wasn't our fault, as she rightly pointed out, the bailliff could only deal with the liability order in our name and we were responsible to get it paid. She gave us two weeks grace so we could get in touch with the landlady and see what arrangement we could come up with, but as stated, we had to ensure that money got paid. I immediately made a couple of payments to show good will, then got in touch with the landlady and made arrangements whereby should Ross and Roberts agree, we would pay it over a set period. The same woman agreed instantly to our proposal, and as long as payments were forthcoming she would suspend bailliff action. I explained our financial situation basically over hte phone, and she actually suggested I reduce what I proposed by £30 a week, so as to ensure that we didn't leave ourselves short over the winter period. I was sat open mouthed at how helpful she was. We made the payments on time, barring one week when the day we were supposed to pay, happened to fall on Christmas day, and I just got a very polite phone call from their office saying they understood that due to Christmas the payment would most probably be late, and to remind me to pay it as soon as I could, so I would stay within the terms of the agreement. Once we got to the last 2 payments, they rang us again, telling us how much was left, and telling us to ensure that we didn't pay too much as the final payment was less than all the others would have been. I've dealt with bailliff companies in the past and found them to be downright obstinate and refuse point blank to listen, but in this case, Ross and Roberts were absolutely fantastic and helpful. So for a change, heres a thumbs up to a bailliff firm for being considerate and downright helpful.
  2. Well I was halfway through a 40 mile ride yesterday in the pouring rain. I noticed a funny spray pattern coming off my front wheel and only eventually realised that it was air coming through the wet tyre surface at high pressure from a leak. I've been running tubeless fur about a year or so and it's been great because I have noticed a few pinhole punctures which haven't caused any problem and have scarcely resulted in any lowering of tyre pressure. This was different. On the surface it was about a 1 cm cut although it was only a very small hole on the inside of the tyre – as I later found out. Anyway the tyre lost a lot of pressure. I really thought that I was going to have to take the thing off and put in an inner tube on the side of the road in the wet. When I stopped, there was still some air in the tire and I decided simply to try super gluing a patch over the hole on the outside of the tyre to give the sealant a chance to work. It was amazing, I was back up and running within a minute and although I wasn't able to pump it up to a really good pressure, it was good enough to do the remaining 15 or so miles back home. I'm so impressed with tubeless. The other people that I was riding with – and who didn't realise that I was riding tubeless – were amazed as well.
  3. Have read a few threads on this company as I have now had the misfortune of having to deal with them! I have (or had) a secured loan with Black Horse Finance, they have now sold it on to Idem Servicing so it looks like after reading about them I will start getting hassles I guess The first dealings with them are a negative (tell solicitor one thing then tell me something different). Fingers crossed they don't get too annoying!
  4. There is an opportunity for each and every CaG member to feedback to the FCA on issues that they have faced with Lenders handling of any regulated mortgage here: http://www.fca.org.uk/news/dp14-2-fairness-of-changes-to-mortgage-contracts No feedback = No Voice! The deadline is the 30th September 2014. Apple
  5. Of Mr Martin Kay Such a great asset, to this equally great website. R.I.P.
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