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Found 2 results

  1. Hi All I recently purchased a used car from a Main dealer for £14750 (5 year old) under the approved used scheme, after a week i noticed a minor fault with car and booked it in for the work to be carried out (they could not get the car in for 1 month) taking me outside the 30 day return period. When the car was in being fixed, i rang one on the previous service stamps (also from the same main dealer group) to find some information if the gearbox oil had been changed, they had only seen the car for the first 2 services at 4k, and 16k yet the book was stamped with the same main dealer for 28k, 39K, 48K, 59k. the dealer confirmed that the services had not taken place. and so did Audi UK head office who also confirmed the services had not taken place. So the car does not have full service history and 80% of the services are false, this invalidates the Audi approved warranty on the car. In the month i have owned the car i made a couple of changes £900 on sports suspension & £1000 on some new wheels. i think the dealer has broken the law by selling a car with falsified history and wondering what steps i should take.. the dealer has the car at present still and is saying to me the services he thinks were carried out by an Audi tech but not on the books..ie Saturday job.. and this is acceptable if Audi parts were used! this i feel in unacceptable as i paid a premium buying through a main dealer.. any thoughts or opinions on the above
  2. Please would any member be able to assist with the following issue that I am having with Clydesdale Finance who have changed a default date with Experian Credit Expert which has greatly affected my Credit file. The issue is: I had had a debt that should have expired 04.01.16 after 6 years, I was eagerly awaiting this to enable myself to move forward with my own financial plans. I recently checked with Experian Credit expert to make sure that my score was still at 999 and that the expected bad debts would disappear from my personal report. I was amazed to see that my credit report score had drastically dropped to 734 barely over the poor mark. I duly contacted Experian to find out what has happened. Experian contacted Clydesdale on my behalf to be informed that I personally would have to contact them to discuss the matter. This proved to be impossibility as I could not find any information as to the contact numbers I would need to contact this company nor could Experian provide me with a contact number saying that they will only accept written contact. On the advise of Experian I duly wrote to them on the 22.02.16 asking them for an explanation as to how and why they have changed my personal financial data with Experian. I provided screen shots of the original default dates that were applicable which was 04/01/2010 which should have expired off my personal credit file from this date. To date I have not even had the courtesy of an contact/acknowledgement of my letter which was signed for and duly received. My questions are: 1) Can a Finance company operate this way legally? 2) What should I now do to move this forward 3) Can I take legal proceeding
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