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  1. Thanks in anticipation of any one's help. I normally pay parking fines on the rare occasions I get them. However, I am in receipt of the BW Legal 'Letter of Claim' in respect of the Peel centre Stockport parking charges by Excell. I've totally ignored them so far and will continue to do so until a summons arrives, - the reason being, the payment machine was broken, I also tried to help an elderly woman pay without success so I just got back in my car and left, total time from start to finish about 3 minutes. Consider my surprise when I get the fine from Excell alleging over 15 minutes (I think). Round about this time people were exposing Excell in the press for doing this by showing that the shadow from the sun on their cars had not moved. Just wondering if any one has any experience or comments about how to open this practice up in court if necessary. Thanks again
  2. Hello everyone. This is my first thread. Today (17/08/16) I have received a letter from a company called BW Legal, they are very popular name on this forum it seems! In mid 2012 there was a fire at my home and my home insurance paid for my to live at a premier in for about 2 months while the house was repaired / renovated. The hotel carpark was run by excel parking and was a pay and display. It was about £9 ish per 24 hour Period and had to be paid in coins only. One day i over slept a bit and I was about 30 mins outside of my 24 hour period. Fair enough. based on the fact I had been parking there every single day for 30 or 40 days. My vehicle was quite distinctive as it had a huge Angry bird on the dash. I thought based on the fact I had already paid hundreds of pounds and always had a ticket the attendant would give me A bit of time as it was the same guy everyday. But obviously not. I didn't pay the ticket as i think it's completely unfair and excessive to expect someone to pay £100 for 30 minutes without a ticket when I purchased back to back 24 hour tickets And renewed my ticket after coming down and finding the PCN. Low and behold, 4 years later I have received a letter from BW Legal saying I owe them £154. £100 for the initial parking ticket and £54 for their legal costs and if they don't receive this in 16 days they have been asked by their client to start legal proceedings. This is the first letter I have got from anyone and I was quite surprised to get it so many years later. What advice would people give at this stage? Ignor? Send a debt denial letter? Any other advice? Thanks in advance.
  3. HI, I recieved a £120 court fine for speeding and after failing to keep up with payments it got passed onto Excell and they added on charges of £300 for a letter and a visit, I then paid the court fine off online and recieved a letter confirming reciept. I have now received a nice red letter from M3PR who have been instructed by Excel to remove my goods in respect of an outstanding warrant and that they will be adding a minimum of £120 to the total due depending on the time taken to remove goods. i have been given 5 days from the date of the letter (29th may) to contact excel and make payment otherwise they will becoming on the following friday to remove goods (7th june) I live with my father and everything in the house belongs to him except for my clothes which are worthless and i am unemployed and have no money to pay them. I havent got a clue what to do, i read on the citizens advice website that "If you pay off the debt to the creditor but not the bailiffs’ charges that you owe, the bailiffs can’t take goods from you just to recover their own costs. They'll have to take action against you themselves to get the money back." Please help me thanks
  4. Had a letter Stating that 'We are in possession of a warrant of execution issued under authority of the county Court Traffic enforcment centre in respect of an unpaid Penalty Charge Notice. THe warrant empowers us to enter your porperty and sieze goods remover them and sell them at public auction. If you do not pay within 7 days it will be necessary etc etc. Can anyone give me some advice on this the amount they are demanding is £270. What should i do can i do. My detail etc are correct. Worried
  5. Hi all, sorry it's a bit long-winded, am at my wits end with this situation, hope someone can advise.. Last June I was called by a company called Excell Communications who claimed they worked with Orange. They offered me a £15 (total) a month mobile contract with Orange claiming I would receive 1500 minutes. (Even though I never use that amount of minutes, at the time I was having difficulty with the reception with the ‘3’ network so I thought it would improve things for the same cost I was paying 3). Excell said it was a ‘business contract’, but they stated that it didn’t matter that I wasn’t a business. After I had agreed to these terms, and the change-over to Orange had begun, did I realise that the ‘total’ price excluded VAT, and in fact the agreement worked as a cash back system, meaning that I was on an Orange ‘business sense 1500 - 24 month contract’. The invoices came from Orange for £88.13 and, once I had paid this and sent a copy of the invoice to Excell, I would be refunded £60, costing me nearly double what I had originally agreed, especially now with the VAT increase, the bills are now £89.63. However, the bigger problem emerged in December when Excell Communications went into administration, leaving me (amongst approx 8000 others) in expensive mobile contracts with Orange for another 18 months. I have spoken to Orange to ask them if I can leave the contract considering my agreement with Excell has been broken, and they will not allow it. They have only offered to reduce my tier slightly which will still cost me nearly £50 a month which I simply cannot afford. They also stated that if I accept, I will also lose any option of cashbacks in the future, should they happen. They referred me to a company called Midland who they say is dealing with the situation, but they claim they are not, but merely offering a £60 cash back as a ‘goodwill gesture’ for 3 months. However the cashbacks have to be paid into my Orange account, effectively paying Orange twice. Since starting this contract with Excell in July, I have so far paid to Orange £618.75, and only received two £60 cash back payments from Excell. According to Ofcom’s GC23, Mobile service providers are obliged to: - not to engage in dishonest, misleading or deceptive conduct - ensure that any retailers it uses to sell mobile services are made aware of GC23 and to monitor their compliance - use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any incentives offered by mobile services retailers are not unduly restrictive, and that consumers are provided with clear, comprehensible and accurate information on the particulars of the sales incentive. On top of this, I noticed that Orange’s terms and conditions for business contracts is that they require a copy of my business headed paper and company cheque book, neither of which have been requested nor do I own. Also I hear Excell Communications are now trading under Premier Phones with apparantly no comeback to the problems they have caused. At the end of the day Orange are benefitting from unethical trading and should be held accountable. Can anyone help please, I cannot afford this contract at all and am considering canceling my direct debit because it is pushing my overdraft to the limit with its costs.
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