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Found 8 results

  1. Hello everyone I've received a letter from Moon Beever Solicitors on behalf of 1st Credit (Finance) Limited for an outstanding Halifax debt of £2,254.03 Letter reads as follows "We are instructed on behalf of 1st Credit (Finance) Limited of The Omnibus Building, Lesbourne Road, Reigate, RH2 7JP. This letter is sent in compliance with the Pre-Action Protocol on Debt Claims ("the Protocol"). It is part of the requirements of the Protocol that we refer you to Annex 1 of the same and supply you with an information sheet and reply form. A copy of Annex 1 and those documents are provided with this letter. Our client has a claim for monies owed on your Bank Of Scotland Plc Bank account reference xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, which was opened on or around 3rd July 2006 ("the Agreement"). The account was assigned to our client on 18th November 2013 and a notice of assignment was sent to you on 10th August 2015 confirming our client as the new legal owner. The sums owed to Bank Of Scotland Plc must now be paid to our client" It then goes on to say that I can request a written copy of the agreement (if applicable) which the client will request from the original creditor and send to me upon receipt. As well as providing as reply form and a income/outgoing form I had some bad credit problems in the past and I understood that they were now statute barred. This debt doesn't appear on my credit report, which I check every month after being a victim of identity theft. I'm not sure what to do next, so any advice will be gratefully received. Thanks, Al
  2. Hi I am looking for a bit of advice if someone could help i would be grateful I got a letter from county court northampton saying that moon beever had issued a claim against me i filled in the form saying i could afford £20 per month i never received a reply from the court got a letter saying the offer was acceptable and that i had to pay in full i contacted the court asking why i had to pay in full when i was told £20 per month was acceptable. Today i got a letter saying it was an error and my first payment should reach the claimaint by the 29th October 2015 i rang the court stating i had just received the letter and the payment date had passed. the court advised to contact moon beever and asked to reset the payment plan to the end of november i did this explaining eveything This is the email i got from moon beever Thank you for your email dated 4th November 2015. We have updated our records to expect your first payment of £20.00 on 25th November 2015. Please note that our client has requested for a warrant of control to be enforced as no communication was received from you. The warrant will be suspended on receipt of your first payment. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries. Does this mean i will get a visit from bailiffs and would it be best if i try and borrow the £20 to pay them I am worried sick i have my elderly parents staying with me and i am out a few days a week at work
  3. Hi Guys, I have had a lot of debt problems that you have helped me with but managing with the help of the courts to put payment plans in place. Latest one has gone a bit different but this is where I am at now and paying monthly quite happily with judgements: £1600 debt paying £15/month. £8000 debt paying £40/month. £2000 debt paying £20/month. £10000 debt paying £35/month. £9000 debt paying £35/month. All of those were done with a redetermination with a local judge but only once in person. All those monthly payments are up to date. Latest judgement is for £1600 and the lender refused as normal my request so I requested a redetermination as i did with all of the above with my local court counter offering £20/month in line with other payments. I have received a letter today from my local court ordering me to pay £200/monthly starting tomorrow 1st July! Is there anything I can do, can you ask again so to speak? Thanks.
  4. I've just recieved a claim form from MB on behalf of 1st Credit. 21/06/1997 The defendent entered into an arrangement for a Credit Card blah blah. 30/04/2014 the debt was assigned to 1st credit (£2500ish) If I'm correct,the debt they're after isn't a Credit Card debt as stated, as the company I think they are chasing for didn't even do credit cards until 2000 and I've never had one of those. Is the next step a CPR 31.14 request form? Thanks
  5. Hello. I just want to say, I don't dispute my loan with WDA. I know I owe them money, I just disbute how much I owe them. I took out a loan with WDA for £385 (with interest total owed was £518) last year, I was unable to pay it back and was put on a payment plan. In the summer this year I could no longer stick with the payment plan and WDA refused me another payment plan. Since july this year I have not made any payments to them. while I was on a payment plan they froze my interest. My balance was £350 at this point. Last month I got emails from ardent DCA asking me to pay up, they are asking me for £515. I have told them my balance was £350 but they are telling me WDA has added £165 interest for no payment since 31/05/13. They claim to have put a *Daily Interest applied £2.75 charge onto the balance but that doesn't even add up to £165. Also on the statement of account letter that WDA provided me with last month it says "Default Date: 29/06/2012" so how can they default me and then add interest? Or freeze my interest and then re-add interest? Ardent DCA told me they will accept £360 in full and final settlement of this account, if I don't pay and want a payment plan split into 3 months it will be on £515. How is that legal? Anyway, I refused and today I got a letter from moon beevers solicitors, please advise me guys; 14 november 2013 Ref;xxxx Re; wage day advance We act for the above named, having been instructed by its collection agents. Debt & revenue services, whom we understand attempted to contact you regarding the det you owe wage day advance in the sum of £515. You will appreciate that you are contracually bound to make payment and our client cannot continue to tolerate non-payment of that which is due. If you are experiencing genuine financial difficulty, then we urge you to contact debt and revenue services to explain your circumstances and agree to a payment plan which you are able to manage and maintain. In the absence of such contact by you and/or payment in full within 14 days of the date of this letter, then it is our clients current intention to issue county court proceedings against you for the sum of £515 in addition to legal costs and any interest due. Such proceedings will be issued out of northampton county court and served upon you by post. If proceedings are issued and you fail to sere a legitimate defence our client will request the court to enter a judgment against you in its favour. If any judgment so awarded remains unpaid it will be subject of enforcement action without further notice. For the avoidance of doubt and so that you are fully aware of our clients intentions, we feel it only fair to inform you that out clients preferred methid of enforcement in your case is to apply to the court for an attachment of earnings order. This means the court will be requested to order your employer to decuct monies from your wages in payment of your debt and legal costs etc, subject to a protected earning rate. This matter has now reached critical stage, but not to late to resolve the matter. Contact debt and revenue service. Yours faithfully, xx
  6. Hi everyone, fairly new to this site but desperately need help. I have been in dispute with 1st credit for some time now and have managed to stall them until now. Today Moonbeever sent me a court summons for the amount £12XXX.XX which I am very worried about. The debt came about through a credit card and Lloyds. Last time I sent any type of payment was Oct 2007 shown on a statement in Nov 2007, so I guess its not quite statute barred yet. What do I do? Any help much appreciated !!
  7. Hi I hope someone could offer a bit of help. I had an old back credit card debt that is about 12 months from being statue barred. Its for just under 2k. Many years ago I send a CCA request to the OC bank and never received a CCA so placed the account in dispute. This account got passed around several DCA working on the OC behalf, each one I seen off telling them that the account was in dispute. One DCA even confirmed that the original credit agreement never existed. No here is where my trouble starts the account was sold about 3 months ago to 1st Credit, I never responded to any of there requests, this account then got passed onto caughnuts who I think are the same company as 1st credit, I too ignored these. But today I got a letter stating that the account was being passed to Moon Beever, I’m not sure who these people are. All I can find on the web is the deal with insolvency. Does anyone know this company and anyone any ideas how I can deal with this? Many thanks
  8. In 2007 my marriage broke up. My ex husband left leaving up a certain creek without a paddle. I was left with a first mortgage with GE ( was in arrears ) a second with Kensington ( am coming to the end of an arrangement to pay) and several loans and credit cards including a large loan from lloyds for which a CO was obtained ( i Have maintained payments) and CC with lloyds. I have managed to pay most debt off but as lloyds didnt shout about the CC I ignored it. This debt is now well over 5 years old, recently I received a letter from 1st credit asking for appox £1900 which i ignored. I then received a letter from connaught and then an offer letter fom them for a 30% discount which I ignored. Last week I received a letter from moon beever. I am not trying to avoid the debt but am worried as I have really being trying to clear my credit file so that I can remortgage to get my ex off the mortgae ( he agrees to this). I realise this cant happen for a few years but I thought that if I kept my CRA as clean as possible it could possibly happen in the future. My question is what do I do about moon beever? I would happily pay a reduced amount on the proviso they didnt enter anything on my CRA as the lloyds default will fall off next year the origional ccj for the lloyds loan will come off in jan ( i realise I will still be paying CO but would look at increasing payment s to finish asap) What is my best course of action with moon beever? I have not yet sent a cca request, shouls I do this first? My cra file indicates the last payment was made jun2007, the origional agreement was 2005
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