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Found 4 results

  1. My tale is a familiar one for many BT customers so I will not go into too much detail other than to say that my home experienced a significant telephone line fault in Dec’13. It took several weeks (and so/too many phone calls; repeating the issue time and time again) for BT to acknowledge that I had waited too long and that an attempted repair, the following month (some 3-4 weeks later), would be a good idea. After a very frustrating telephone trail, I eventually was contacted by an escalations team who appeared helpful at first; arranging for engineer’s to visit. They decided to condem a telegraph pole in my garden; suggesting it would require a heavy engineering job to replace/fix. At this point, I had had enough of this multi-national treating a customer with no regard whatsoever. I decided to switch my telephone/bb provider, told them that I had done so and simply cancelled my direct debit. When I called the same (initially helpful) escalations team, shortly afterwards, to ask when the defective, dead pole would be removed from my garden, they simply said that they couldn’t help me since they had noticed that I was no longer a customer. This attitude reinforced that I had made the right decision to leave. For a few months afterwards, I did receive the occasional e-mail suggesting I had an overdue balance to be paid. From memory, the suggestion was that it was a cancellation fee. Considering my experience with them and their total disregard for me, I ignored these e-mails. I recall feeling that I was prepared to have some reasonable dialogue with them yet these systemic e-mails always had a default statement suggesting there was no point in replying to the BT e-mail address, from which the reminder was sent, since it was not monitored. Instead, customers were to take their chances and enter the BT telephone maze. You can imagine why I had decided that I wouldn’t be giving that particular telephone lottery a go again. For a period of several months (6 or more), no more BT messages were received until recently. In the last 2 months, I started to receive periodic demands again. Like before, I’ve simply ignored them, for the same reason and felt that their computing system was simply randomly sending messages out in a sweep of closed customer accounts. Very recently, one e-mail suggested the debt will be sent to a debt collection agency. Today the debt collector agency called our home and said this had to be sorted before it gets any worse; suggesting that I owe BT £275 because, unbeknown to me, they have continued to charge me for BT sports and anti-virus PC protection. With my new TV/BB/telephone provider, I receive both of these services as part of my bundle so I haven’t taken advantage of these BT services, let alone been aware that they are allegedly still providing them. What should/can I do? Do I have any legal rights? I’m ready to follow any advice to have the debt collectors back off - assuming this is within my rights for them to do so.. ....or will I need to give-in to BT's demands?
  2. Dear all, I am looking for any others that have experienced similar issues with Tesco car insurance, and/or missing communications from them on a wider basis. If anyone has any insight or advice, I would be very glad of that too. I present my nightmarish experience below: Three months ago, I chose Tesco car insurance for renewal due to their good price and well known brand. This was a month ahead of the current policy expiry to ensure a good deal, and to ensure ample time for policy documents to arrive before the new policy began. Approximately one week later, I received the Tesco policy documents by post (with the letter dated the same day that I bought the policy). This was paid for annually in advance, and all was in order aside from a request for a proof of no claims discount (NCD). This was obtained from the current insurer and sent on to them in their own pre-paid addressed envelope, within good time and before the policy commenced. I heard nothing more from Tesco until last Thursday 24th October, when a letter dated 17th October arrived stating that they had cancelled the car insurance policy on the 17th October. This was apparently due to them not receiving proof of the NCD, a fact they had completely failed to tell me. The letter of the 17th October states that one warning letter had been sent 14 days prior to that date, and I have yet to see any sign of it. According to Tesco, they had actually sent between 2 and 4 warning letters (none of which arrived nor has any trace outside of Tesco) between the start of the policy and the final notification of cancellation. I refer to between 2 and 4 letters, as each individual spoken to has stated a different number, about which they are adamant. And yes, that letter of cancellation definitely only mentions one. Now this leaves me with two major issues: 1.) I was unaware that the car was uninsured for seven days after they cancelled the policy. I take this very seriously indeed, as aside from risk of damage/theft I could have been caught unwittingly breaking the law. 2.) I now have to tick the "I have had car insurance cancelled." box in all future insurance forms. And yet I have done absolutely nothing wrong, and I have done everything that I should have done. A quick test on Confused.com suggests an increase in premium of 70%! Tesco has just completed its initial 24 hour investigation, from which they have concluded that x number of letters have definitely be sent out, and that they have no record of receiving the NCD proof from me. This leaves me in an arduous situation, as having used their postage paid envelope for sending the NCD, I have no proof of postage. In addition, I can hardly produce concrete proof that their letters have not arrived (not that they seem interested in this anyway). I also immediately obtained a new proof of NCD from the old insurer by e-mail (a hard copy is following by post), and forwarded this directly to a customer services manager at Tesco. They have accepted this as proof of NCB, but they refuse to reinstate the original policy, nor repeal the cancellation, leaving me firmly stuck with major issue number 2 above. A more formal complaints investigation is now underway, but I clearly need to gather as much advice and support has possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Cumulonimbus
  3. For the full story : - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20746820 I wonder if they will employ a top notch barrister and throw loads of money at this in order to avoid paying out ??
  4. I have two court cases on the go - but figured this would be better as a separate thread, so that it was easy to find for anyone else in the same position. Can anyone provide the legal and factual argument that is required to claim recompense for unjust enrichment. I need this info for court, but don't know where to find it. Is it not enough to state " the enrichment lacks a legal ground to justify the retention of the benefit" I claimed recompense, as in the Dollar Land PLC Vs C.I.N Properties Ltd case
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