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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, thanks for having me here I was wandering if anyone have any dealings with getoutofdebtfree around 2010-2015 and did you have any success. Did you use the three letter system? Many kind thanks.
  2. I have been invaded. This keeps interrupting my business in the Bear Garden. There is this Essex or somewhere in the south east smug little man who is telling me how to make millions in the next few months. A smug little varmit that needs sorting out if you ask me.He and his chums. All sorts of adverts pop up,some asking some rather interesting questions when you are viewing anything. Blocking your computer and seems to sneak in. Any tech minded ones who know or had dealings with these infiltrators before. And of course the easiest way to get rid of them for people with limited technical knowledge such as myself. Free if possible. I cannot see them on my programs.So struggling to wipe them out. Thanks. Tawnyowl.
  3. Hi again everyone, Im getting older and moaning more about things, I visited my local swimming pool with my nephews last week, I took my snorkel and mask my nephew took his mask, we were using them in the pool till we were told masks are not allowed in the pool I pointed out that there was no signs warning this only no diving in the shallow end It was told to me the life guards need to see our faces in case we got in trouble and the mask covers our nose was not allowed, I said nose clips are allowed but was told it made it difficult for the life guards (I presume to carry out cpr) so the manger was called out to talk to me about the mask he repeated the same I asked for contact details for me to talk to someone about it, He said he would provide them when i leave and i left the masks on the side of the pool. We carried on swimming 15 mins later the whistle blew and we were told swimming was over least to say i was miffed that we only got 35mins too and no time tables are up in the reception area and paid £11.00 to swim. I stopped at the reception on the way out and asked the receptionist to call for the manger he came and gave me the contact details I sent a email that evening pointing out no prices are advertised or timetables and about the face masks got a reply next day, He put in his email that ; Normal operating procedure, Section 3.4.4 Genaral pool rules, bullet point six "No face masks/snorkels/beach balls unless in a designated and supervised session" And also he put in the email that it could take time to carry out CPR, there are timetables on their website or on request from the receptionist or in the wetroom and nothing at all about prices, the next day I visited the centre and spoke to the manger who emailed me and asked him for a copy of the General pool rules, the manger went too obtain a copy and came back 15 mins later told me he spoke to head office and couldn't give me a copy because of the data protection act, While I was waiting for him I noticed they are selling swimming masks for children plus ear plugs (I would have thought some one wearing earplugs in a swimming pool wouldn't be able to ear a wistle very well). The bits I need help with. 1) Does data protection act come into this as it is a public swimming pool and i wanted to see the rules as there are no signs giving warnings or restrictions. 2) Do they have to put time tables and prices at the reception for the public to see, As on better org web sites there are different prices and the time tables can be confusing. 3) The masks are on sale to the public and I was using the mask in the public pool and as we know now Vinnie Jones tells us only to kiss the miss's and pump the chest instead.
  4. Hi, I work for a not for profit organization, in the last year we have had our workforce reduced by 2, and 2 members of staff have gone part time. We were told about 6 months ago that these measures were necessary as takings were down. We have just found out that our directors (of which there are 2) awarded themselves over £400,000 in 2 years as back pay as they were not being paid enough. This they have admitted to us when a member of staff requested the details of our company from companies house. We are back up to taking the same amount of money as we were last year, albeit with less and reduced staff hours, this has caused a detrimental effect on the rest of the staff, who are finding the stress of doing more work very difficult, and also feel the running of the company is not right. Could anyone tell us the best way to approach this situation, I am thinking Acas. Also we want to join a union, would this be possible as we are non profit org. We do not have any trustees and the 2 directors have to answer too no one. Thank in advance for any help.
  5. Hi Everyone, Today whilst looking for jobs on UJM I found a job.. Or was it. Apply button took me to an external site, looking round it I find it dubious to say the least. On the bottom of the page is a like to this page. See link below.. What do you think? http://www.jsajobs.org.uk/activity-history-guide/
  6. Hello, Fellow Santander greed sufferers please, please sign the petition on Change.org and send it on to others. Let's at least try for change. http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/santander-stop-charging-an-astronomical-25-every-time-a-direct-debit-is-refused?share_id=aOHDCSQpkh&utm_campaign=petition_creator_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
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