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Found 5 results

  1. Well good old Gordon Brown or was it Laudy Fraudy in the New Labour govt who tried to stop the DWP from issuing these because the DWP always gets things right as they stated in a Parliamentary question response. Uproar followed by a U-Turn occurs rather quickly iirc! Well after the DWP quietly stopped collecting statistics on their food bank referrals.... just like all that other data they claimed they didn't collect but was released after massive fight even ignoring the Information Commissioners Rulings. They've actually gone and done it! Stopped all referrals to food banks... and who did they announce this too? Originally found this via a Reddit post pointing me to here http://www.leweseye.co.uk/social-security-benefits/dwp-bans-local-foodbank-referrals/? Now gaining national news traction and hopefully we can add to the traction as quite frankly I'm beyond appalled!
  2. Hi I'm desperate for some advice. Since 2010 my dad has took the finance out for me due to bad credit history. We've had 3 VW, 2 Toyotas and now a Honda. Toyota have financed the last 2 cars and the Honda we have now. We've always been upfront with the dealer. the 2 Toyotas came from the same dealer and we told them that I couldn't get finance so they asked if someone else could and my dad agreed and when we went for the Honda I to,d them as well and they also suggested I get someone so I did and my dad agreed again. Today I've found out it's illegal. I was talking to Toyota Finance due to a issue with the Honda and mentioned my dad had the finance and I drove the car and it was registered in my hisbands name and kept at our address. She said Toyota don't allow this..I told her the 2 dealers have never said a thing about it not being allowed. I've told my dad and he's shocked and said if it was fraud he'd never have agreed to finance the cars. What is likely to happen. We are looking to sell the car anyway but I'm worried they think my dad has committed fraud. It was the dealer who suggested it. Why would they do this if it was fraud.
  3. hi all, quick question, I got a letter asking me to attend said interview, from what I gathered over the phone its about when I was on jca and doing a part time college course (I think I didn't put my student loan down as income) this was almost 2 years ago and im not stressing about it. Anyway my question - I attend the interview (at my local council building as it was a Saturday) but the place was locked, no lights on 9i took photos) and nobody there so what should I do? as I don't want to get punished for non attendance cheers guys
  4. Please delete this thread, I'm worried about getting in trouble for asking you guys for advice.
  5. Hi, I'm 30 and I have WOEFULLY bad credit. The trouble is now, because nobody will give me credit, I can't redeem myself and I'm in a big catch 22 and i can't get out of it. I was earning a low wage, and pre-credit crunch, racked up £2000 o/d with ltsb. I then split with my partner and went to live alone at 22. This was the thing that set the ball rolling.. I lived from 2 credit cards: egg and C1, and then went to uni at 24. like a fool, in all naivety, i went into LTSB telling them i was a student, expecting them to transfer my o/d to student account. On a technicality, they told me this involved closing my current account, so i had to repay now, and btw, by declaring myself a student i had also declared myself unemployed and therefore insolvent when they recalled the 2k and i said "but I'm a student!". Into collections I went. i paid it back, yet had no access to student facilities, so racked up another £1000 with halifax, and a 300 on vanquis. by the time i graduated, i had hit a wall - 3 ccs and 2 o/d and a catalogue account had culminated in several missed payments and me having to go on a DMP, and i wasn't paying stuff on time due to that old chestnut of 'do i pay capital one or eat?'. I never owed more than 2.3 k though - we're not talking loads. My egg card got sold on then sold on again - last i heard of it was in 2008, i moved a lot and then after 5 years at uni juggling debt, am where I am now... i have AP on that o/d (with a DCA) and one credit card lost in the ether and one being paid off. 4 accounts are settled on my credit file and my current accounts have no o/d and are running fine. I'm now a teacher, my partner is on a good salary too, and i'm starting to think about a mortgage in the next few years. Fat chance. I checked credit. My score is below 300. Equifax, registers missed payments, but only one o/d is listed as D for default. Are missed payments technically defaults? How do they class it? I have had no CCJs, NO IVA, i'm not a discharged bankrupt, i'm in FTE, I have a smartphone contract yet as the title of this thread suggests, nobody will touch me with a barge pole and i'm getting desperate now. Ironically, they threw credit at me when i had no cash, yet now i can't get a £50 o/d extension or open a bank account! I've applied for in 12 months: vanquis, c1, aqua, argos card, and a nationwide account. Nada. I even applied for a secured credit card - they wanted me to pay the full £200 and there are still doubts about that! I want to show people that i got into a lot of trouble in the past, but i'm ok now. But nobody will give me a break. It's as though I AM a bankrupt. I'm starting to panic about a mortgage now. My partner's bank love him, he has great credit and a lot of equity and they do this 'pre approved £40,000 loan' crap with him. He just doesn't get it. He seems to think that as hes a great customer and we've got a deposit and good jobs they'll overlook defaults, but he's never been in the mess that people in debt have been in, and i don't think he gets the reality nowadays that if you have any black mark against your name, it's Goodnight Vienna for you and credit. I thought it wasnt too bad, as I've not been in serious trouble, but being turned down for AQUA was pretty shocking and that pre-pay thing!! My questions are this: Would my partner's standing really help us to get a mortgage or at least offset my defaults? Or is he in cloud cuckoo land? Can anybody think of ANYWHERE that will give me credit so I can show repayment - i'm even considering another phone contract? Catalogues? Loan? Would perhaps upgrading to gold or silver account with my bank soften the blow for an appointment to ask for a small o/d? Any ideas welcome! Many thanks!
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